Monthly Archives: August 2015

Introducing the Gluon Partner Program

Gluon is a hive of activity these days – our team is working closely with clients on training and consulting services, developing the next releases of Gluon Mobile and Gluon Cloud, developing our open source libraries, and developing new products that will be released in the coming months. One program […]

The new Gluon Plugin for Eclipse

After having released the Gluon Plugin for both NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA, we can proudly announce support for another major development platform: Eclipse. In this post, we will briefly go through the installation process and explain how to create your first basic Gluon application that can be deployed on desktop, […]

Recent Gluon News Coverage

At Gluon, we are working very hard in order to make JavaFX the best possible client development platform for desktop, mobile and embedded. Our efforts have not been gone unnoticed, as you can tell from the coverage we got recently: Firstly, Voxxed features a nice article on Gluon Bids to […]

JavaFXPorts has a new home

As of today, Gluon is proud to be hosting the JavaFXPorts website. The JavaFXPorts website at was previously hosted and maintained by our friends at LodgON. JavaFXPorts maintainer and LodgON CTO Johan Vos decided to bundle all the LodgON JavaFX activities into Gluon. The JavaFXPorts documentation, available at […]