Chhatra Karki – Nepal Eco Adventure Committed To Be Eco Friendly! Tue, 07 Nov 2023 07:42:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chhatra Karki – Nepal Eco Adventure 32 32 Everest Three Passes Trek Map Mon, 06 Nov 2023 10:12:07 +0000 The Everest Three Passes Trek map is one of the most searched queries on the internet and is a top trekking adventure in the Khumbu region. This trekking route sums up a perfect thrilling and challenging adventure in the Himalayas for trekking enthusiasts who are looking for a bit of challenge and an extensive adventure at the foothills of the highest snow-capped peak in the world, Mt. Everest (8,849 meters).

If you are curious about the route of the Everest Three Passes Trek map and the adventure it packs, you have come to the right place. This iconic Himalayan adventure takes you on a route of the most popular base camp adventure in the world, Everest Base Camp Trek. But going beyond the regular packages, in this extensive quest of the Himalayas, you will also explore the three of the highest Himalayan passes in the country.

Everest Three Passes Trek Map- General Trek Itinerary Outline

Everest Three High Passes Trek map

This is the most general and classical trekking outline of the Everest Three Passes Trek, the itinerary may differ depending on the highlight exploration and length. However, the most this is the most general Everest Three Passes trek map that many trekking agencies follow.

Day 01: Fly from Kathmandu (1,400 meters/ 4,593 feet) to Lukla (2,850 meters/ 9,350 feet) and trekking to Phakding (2,650 meters/ 8,562 feet)

Day 02: Trekking from Phadking to Namche Bazaar (3,440 meters/ 11,285 feet)

Day 03: Acclimatization and exploration day at Namche Bazaar

Day 04: Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3,860 meters/ 12,664 feet) trekking

Day 05: Trekking from Tengboche to Dingboche (4,390 meters/ 14,402 feet)

Day 06: Dingboche to Chhukung (4,730 meters/ 15,518 feet)

Day 07: Chukkung to Lobuche (4,925 meters/ 16,158 feet) trekking via Kongma La Pass (5,535 meters/ 18,159 feet)

Day 08: Lobuche to Gorakshep (5,180 meters/ 16,994 feet), to Everest Base Camp (5,364 meters/ 17,598 feet), and back to Gorakshep

Day 09: Early morning hike to Kalapatthar (5,555 meters/ 18,208 feet) and trek to Dzongla (4,855 meters/ 15,930 feet)

Day 10: Dzongla to Dragnak (4,700 meters/ 15,419 feet) via Cho La Pass (5,420 meters/ 17,783 feet)

Day 11: Dragnak to Gokyo Lake (4,750 meters/ 15,583 feet) and visit to the fifth lake

Day 12: Trekking from Gokyo to Lungden (4,370 meters/ 14,337 feet) via Renjo La Pass (5,446 meters/ 17,867 feet)

Day 13: Lungden to Thame Village (3,750 meters/ 12,303 feet)

Day 14: Trekking down from Thame to Namche (3,440 meters/ 11,285 feet)

Day 15: Namche to Lukla (2,850 meters/ 9,350 feet)

Day 16: Fly back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters/ 4,593 feet) from Lukla

Everest Three Pass Trek Altitude Chart

Daily Activity in your Everest Three Pass Trek

Daily Activity in your Everest Three Pass Trek

While following the classical Everest Three Pass trek map, you will start your adventure from Lukla after a short scenic 45-minute flight from Kathmandu. After landing in Lukla, you will move toward the Phakding. Then from Phakding, you will make your way toward the Sherpa capital Namche Bazaar (3,445 meters) on Day 2, as you gain altitude above 2,500 meters when you reach Namche, the next day will be acclimatization day for you to properly adapt to the rising altitude.

On Day 4, you will continue your adventure from Namche heading toward Tengboche, the spiritual epicenter of the Khumbu region. From here, you will follow the spiritual trail across the monasteries, chorten, praying flags, and mani walls toward Dingboche, the summer valley on Day 5. Proceeding further on your trekking trail, Day 6 is another scenic trek day as head toward Chhukung passing the trekking across the Imja Valley trails. If you want, you can also climb the trekking peak Chhukung Ri (5,550 meters) during this day’s adventure.

You will overcome the first of the popular three passes in this expedition on Day 7, following the classical Everest Three Passes Trek map, you will head toward Lobuche from Chukkung passing over the Kongmala Pass (5,535 meters). Day 8 is a big day in your adventure, making your way to Gorakhsep from Lobuche, you will also conquer the Everest Base Camp (5,360 meters) on this day and return to Gorakshep for a night stay.

As any adventure in the Khumbu region is incomplete without the hike to Kalapatthar for the epic sunrise and panoramic views of the Himalayas, you will do an early morning hike to Kalapatthar on Day 9. After enjoying the views from this vantage point of the Everest region, you will trek toward Dzongla. Day 10 will be another exciting day’s adventure as you overcome the second Himalayan pass of this adventure Chola Pass (5,420 meters) heading toward Dragnak.

Moving toward the pristine glacial lake, Gokyo Lake on Day 11, you will overcome the final Himalayan pass of this adventure Renjola Pass (5,446 meters) on Day 12. Concluding this iconic Himalayan expedition on Day 13, you will begin your return trek, during the first part you will trek down to Thame Village from Lungden. On Day 14 and 15 you will gradually climb down to Namche and head toward Lukla, the starting point of this adventure. Day 16 will be the final day of your Himalayan exploration and you will return to the capital with a short Lukla to Kathmandu flight.

Everest Three Passes Trek Difficulty

Everest Three Passes Trek Difficulty

Although the Everest Three Passes Trek map follows several routes heading toward the base camp or during the return trip, the difficulty level in every trekking route is pretty much consistent. The Everest Base Camp Trek, the highest base camp adventure in the world has been graded as a ‘moderately difficult’ Himalayan expedition. You don’t need any kind of previous high-altitude trekking experience or technical skills to do the regular EBC trek.

However, when overcoming three high Himalayan passes is part of your adventure then it is totally a different story. When following the Everest Three Passes Trek map, the adventure becomes slightly more ‘challenging’, overcoming the three of the highest Himalayan passes, all over 5,400 meters certainly is not an easy task. Although the Everest Base Camp Trek can be done with a few weeks of preparation without any prior experience, for the Everest Three Passes Trek, you need to have at least some trekking experience.

During the overcoming passes part, you will also occasionally need to use mountaineering tools like crampons, rope, ice axe, etc while overcoming the steep segments of the passes. So, it is safe to assume that some level of technical skills is also necessary to make this epic Himalayan expedition successful. Designed especially for hardcore adrenaline junkies, this is the most thrilling trekking adventure in the world that comes close to the mountain expedition.

What Are the Major Difficulty Factors?

What Are the Major Difficulty Factors?

If you are interested in this epic Himalayan quest, then you may want to understand the overall dynamics of the Everest Three Passes Trek map and what kind of difficulties you have to overcome during your adventure.

High Altitude

As we discussed earlier, the Everest Three Passes Trek is not for the light-hearted, it is one of the most iconic and thrilling adventures that suits perfectly for trekking enthusiasts who are looking for a bit of challenge during their Himalayan exploration. This exhilarating Himalayan adventure is only recommended for trekkers who have previous trekking experiences.

For an average human, it is hard to acclimatize properly to an altitude above 2,500 meters, and when the symptoms of altitude sickness start to kick in it can take several forms from mild headaches to life-threatening brain swelling conditions. Including the Everest Base camp, the highest base camp adventure in the world, you will need to overcome the summit of this Himalayan passes that are above 5,400 meters, which is pretty much equivalent to the 5,000-meter class mountain.

Son, unless you have previous experience in high altitude adventure and haven’t prepared your body to acclimatize properly in such a high alpine environment, altitude sickness is the major concern for this adventure.

Trekking Distance

If you have checked out the Everest Three Passes Trek map, then you might have realized that this is the one of the longest trekking adventures in the Himalayas. During your Everest Three Passes Trek, you will cover an approximate distance of 166 km (103 miles) and it will take about 16 to 21 days for you to complete this expedition (the number of days depends on the side exploration and acclimatization period).

Thus, in general, you will be trekking for about 6- 7 hours on average during each day of your expedition. In the normal trekking route, the slow-paced long hours of trekking are actually enjoyable, however, in the Himalayan trekking adventures which take place at higher altitudes, the trekking becomes more difficult with the increase in altitude. So pulling long hours of trek during every day of trek can be really tiring and draining. Plus, the steep climbing part of the Himalayan passes further elevates the trekking difficulty, this trekking adventure is almost impossible without the proper training and the right trekking gear for the demanding route.


You might have heard about the Himalayan region in Nepal being the coldest region in the country, but you will realize the information isn’t far-fetched when you enter the alpine environment of the region. Although the day temperature during the peak seasons are moderate and a tad bit warmer even at an altitude above 4,000 meters, during the nights and early morning you will still have to deal with the freezing cold.

The high Himalayan altitude is also known to be unpredictable, even in the peak seasons when the climate is more stable and calm, it doesn’t take much time for the clear blue sky to be filled with rain and snow cloud. Furthermore, the high winds that are strong and pretty cold are common on the top of the high Himalayan passes, these troublesome chilly power winds start hitting the summit point of the passes by afternoon. So, if you are signing up for this adventure you better prepare for any kind of weather conditions thrown your way.


While following your Everest Three Passes Trek map, you will enter some of the most remote corners of the Khumbu region. Depending on the trekking package you choose, you can go for either a whole camping adventure or teahouse trekking, but regardless of your preference, you will still have to spend a few nights at camping sites as there aren’t any teahouses in the area.

Not only this adventure will take you to explore the completely isolated wilderness of the Himalayas, but you will also be disconnected from modern-day technologies as well as amenities. So, if you are uncomfortable leaving your comfort zone and luxury, this is going to be a really difficult adventure for you. There are no proper bathroom facilities available at the isolated part of the trek neither a luxurious extended eatery menu nor proper modes of telecommunication services. So, prepare yourself for an epic journey back to laps of nature leaving behind the modern-day marvels.

Khumbu Cough

If you have done any Himalayan trekking adventure before, you might have heard about the Khumbu Cough, at least once. This is a dreadful condition that the mostly unprepared trekkers suffer from after they enter the alpine environment of the Khumbu region. The extreme cold, dry air, and low humidity are known as the major causes behind this dry coughing condition.

Usually, the climbers who haven’t prepared enough or rush with the acclimatization procedure. Not staying hydrated, not getting enough rest, missing out on a balanced diet, and failing to pack right for the alpine condition of the region are some of the root causes of these conditions. What makes Khumbu Cough really troublesome is that it is quite hard to shake off, trekkers who catch these dry coughing conditions usually have to suffer from it for weeks, and depending on their immunity it can even last months.

Best Season for Everest Three Pass Trek

Best Season for Everest Three Pass Trek

For the best experience of the Everest Three Pass Trek, you should do this Himalayan expedition during the peak seasons like autumn (September- November) and spring (March-May). These peak seasons are known to have pleasant and stable weather conditions, the views are also extraordinary during the peak seasons under the clear blue skies.

Even while choosing among the peak seasons, you can determine the ideal period for your Himalayan adventure depending on the specialty you want to explore. For instance, if you are a nature level, you should definitely go for the blooming spring season when the whole Himalayan region is brimming with life. The landscape is green and lush, wildflowers cover the entire lower trekking trail and it is also a wonderful period to explore the endangered birdlife and wildlife of the region. The temperature of the Everest region during the springtime hovers around 15°C to 22°C during the daytime and you can expect the temperature to drop up to -5 °C at night and early morning.

As for the autumn season, it is popular for just the right temperature and best suited for outdoor adventures. The morning and evening chilly breeze makes the autumn the best time for trekking adventures, the fresh lush landscapes washed by the monsoon rain, dry trekking trails, stable weather conditions, and the most magnificent views of the Himalayan vistas are perks of doing this trek in the autumn season.

Moreover, the autumn season is also known as the festive season that celebrates some of the major festivals in the country like Dashain, Tihar, Chhath, etc, so you will also have to explore the cultural prospects of this beautiful Himalayan country. The temperature of the Everest region during the autumn season is around 14°C to 18°C during the day and can drop to -10°C at nighttime.

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Is This Trek Right for Me?

Is This Trek Right for Me?

Although the Everest Three Passes Trek is slightly more demanding than the regular Everest Base Camp Trek, it doesn’t mean that it is strenuous like a mountain expedition. Yes, the involvement of the high Himalayan passes above 5,000 meters makes this Himalayan adventure slightly more challenging but with the right amount of preparation, a basic level of fitness, and good health condition, you can easily complete this trekking adventure.

In case you have any kind of medical conditions you should consult your doctor and trekking guide about the expedition. If you want a more comfortable experience you can also switch to a personalised trekking package where the itineraries are decided as per your needs. You can decide the number of rest days and trekking pace, and even highlight exploration as you see fit. The overall success rate of the Everest Three Passes Trek is above 95%, so with adequate preparation and determination, you will be able to easily complete this beautiful Himalayan expedition.

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Annapurna Circuit Trekking Itinerary Tue, 29 Aug 2023 23:34:08 +0000 Nepalese Himalayas, who would not want to visit such a country where such magnificent mountains almost touch the sky at least once? One such popular Trek in Nepal that allows visitors to get up close to the mountains in Nepal is the Annapurna Circuit trek.

The Annapurna Circuit trek is one of Nepal’s most popular multi-day hikes. Thus, embarking on this classic trek is one of the most incredible adventures that any trekker can ever do. In 2022, over 15,900 tourists visited the Annapurna Circuit area, and the number of tourists is likely to increase in 2023. With this in mind, many trekkers are visiting Nepal to complete this trekking adventure.

The Annapurna Circuit trek is considered one of the longest treks in Nepal. It generally combines snow-capped mountains, unique villages, Unique cultures, and forest areas. The standard Annapurna Circuit trek usually lasts for around 15-20 days. However, the good news is that the trek has a shorter version, which can be completed in 6-10 days. Interested trekkers can complete shorter or longer versions of the Annapurna Circuit trek as per their ability to adjust to difficulties and fitness levels. Likewise, the trek mainly suits those trekkers interested in long vacations and ready to spend most of their time in the Himalayan region of Nepal.

The treks take place within the Annapurna region, simply a trekking paradise boasting several other popular treks like the Annapurna base camp trek. Visitors who can separate themselves from the internet world long enough to commit to a long-distance trek are rewarded with remarkable experiences with the routes filled with local teahouses, subtropical lowlands, Tibetan temples, and high mountain ranges.

The classic Annapurna circuit route, shorter and longer versions, is akin to trekking via the Himalayan highlights reel. The trek offers its visitors a lifetime experience with diverse lifestyles, cultures, traditions, and weather during their hike, one of the most beautiful and collaging treks of Nepal. Annapurna district trek rote is around 170-230 km long and enters the Annapurna Massif completely.

The blog aims at helping trekkers visualize, understand, and prepare their Annapurna Circuit treks with all detailed itineraries and information possible.

Different Starting Points for Annapurna Circuit Treks

Different Starting Points for Annapurna Circuit Treks

Annapurna Circuit trekking routes were officially opened for all trekkers in 1977. Since the treks opened, most of the hikes prefer to start their trek from Besisahar, located in Lamjung District. The next preferred starting point is Bhulbhule, which lies just 7km from Besisahar. Trekkers can reach Bhulbhule in a public bus or private jeep. Similarly, interested trekkers also choose Ngadi as their starting point for the Annapurna circuit treks. Before, no road networks were available leading to Manang, but with the construction of roads in recent years, reaching Manang via road is now possible. This means you can now choose Manang as the starting point of your Circuit trek, too. Here is the detailed information about the starting points of your workers.


Manang is the trailhead for Short Annapurna Circuit Trek lasting for upto 7 Days. Trekkers can reach Manang via local buses or private jeep rides. The trip starts with a 10-12 hours drive from Kathmandu. Although many other means of transportation are available to reach Manang, riding via jeep is the  safest option for travelers. The driving routes from Kathmandu to Manang are not in their best condition due to their uneven, narrow, and slippery roads. So it’s best to book jeep services to reach the 7-day Annapurna Circuit trek trailhead, i.e., Manang.


Our Expedition to the 15-day Annapurna Circuit Trek, 12-day Annapurna Circuit Trek with a flight from Jomsom, and 15-day Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake begins with a drive to Nagdi in Lamjung. To Reach Nagdi, we first reach Besisahar from Kathmandu early in the morning. After a two-hour bumpy ride along the countryside with villages and farms, we will reach Besisahara and change the bus to reach Nagdi.


The 10-Day Annapurna Circuit Trek starts from Besisahar. To reach Besisahar from Kathmandu, trekkers can take a microbus, a tourist bus, a private jeep ride, or a public bus from Kathmandu. Opting for a microbus or private jeep is the best option here as it’s the fastest option for trekkers. If you travel via local bus, let us tell you there is no direct bus from Kathmandu to Besisahar. Therefore, you must first reach Dumre and take another bus from Dumre to Besisahar.


To ensure a more exhilarating adventure, we offer the option to tailor your journey starting from Chame. This allows trekkers to select Chame as their starting point during the off-season or dry months.

Chame lies 17 km ahead of Besisahar at a higher altitude. Trekkers on a limited timeframe mainly choose this destination for the Annapurna Circuit trek. Moreover, if you choose Chame as your starting point, you will gain a sudden altitude as you will travel from 700m to 2600m above sea level. Therefore, ensuring you are not developing any AMS symptoms during your trek is advisable.

Ending points of Annapurna Circuit Treks

Like the starting points, there are several ending points for Annapurna Circuit treks. Usually, the Circuit trek can be finished anywhere after crossing the Thorong La Pass.


Muktinath is the first place we reach after crossing the Thorong La Pass. Many trekkers prefer to finish their circuit trek in Muktinath, where they can take a bus or jeep ride to Tatopani, Jomsom, or Pokhara. Similarly, it is the ending point of our 10-day Annapurna Circuit Trek.


Jomsom is the next popular ending point for the Annapurna circuit trek. Our journey of 12 Days Annapurna Circuit Trek with a flight from Jomsom, 7 days short Annapurna tourist trek, and 15 day Annapurna Circuit Trek ends here in Jomsom. After crossing the Thorong La pass, you reach Jomsom via Muktinatha and Kagbeni. From here, you have three options to reach Pokhara – flying, taking a jeep or bus ride.

If you have spare time, we suggest you take a route to Kande or Phedi through Ghorepani (plus Poon Hill) and Ghandruk. Similarly, Kagbeni, which lies between Muktinath and Jomsom, is also an absolute not to miss the place, so we suggest you not end your trek before Jomsom. Marpha lies just south of the Jomsom and is also one of the region’s main attractions. Similarly, Ghandruk is a beautiful village mainly inhabited by the Gurungs. The village is rich in wonderful views and distinct architecture. So, if you have some time, we recommend visiting these places in the Annapurna region.

Popular Itineraries for the Annapurna Circuit

Annapurna Circuit 7 Days

Popular Itineraries for the Annapurna Circuit

This 7-day trek offers the short yet rewarding version of the iconic Annapurna Circuit trail, allowing trekkers to experience all trek highlights in a shorter timeframe. While shorter, the 7-day trek still contains the same breathtaking scenery and cultural encounters as the longer routes, providing a fulfilling adventure in a more efficient timeframe.

Day 01- Drive From Kathmandu to Manang (3519 meters) by Jeep (10-12 hrs drive)

Day 02- Acclimatization or Rest Day at Manang

Day 03- Trek To Ledar (4200 meters) from Manang (6-8 hrs trek)

Day 04- Trekking To High Camp (4880 meters) From Ledar (6 hour trek)

Day 05- Cross Thorong La (5416 meters) and Trek to Muktinath (6-8 hr trek)

Day 06- Trek To Jomsom (2743 meters) From Muktinath (6 hours trek)

Day 07- Fly to Pokhara (822 meters) From Jomsom (25 minutes)

Annapurna Circuit 10 Days

Annapurna Circuit 10 Days

The Annapurna Circuit trek spanning 10 days offers a condensed yet most exhilarating journey via the Annapurna region’s stunning landscapes. With three other comparable Itineraries will almost the same trekking routes, this version of trek stands out among all thanks to its efficient 10-day duration. Trekkers win 10 days of experiencing the diverse terrain, breathtaking mountain views, experience crossing through La Pass, and picturesque villages. These all make this 10-day Annapurna Circuit trek an ideal choice for those trekkers looking for remarkable adventure in a moderate timeframe.

Day 01- Drive Besisahar (1,400 meters) From Kathmandu (6-7 hrs)

Day 02 – Drive to Chame (2,670 meters) from Besisahar (760 meters) (5-6 hrs)

Day 03- Trek to Pisang (3,250 meters) From Chame (4-5 hrs)

Day 04- Trek to Manang (3,540 meters) From Pisang (5-6 hrs)

Day 05- Trek to Yak Kharka from Manang (4,120 meters) (4 hrs)

Day 06 – Trek to Thorung Phedi (4,550 meters) from Yak Kharka (4-5 hrs)

Day 07- Trek to Thorung La(5,416 meters) and Muktinath (3,802 meters) from Thorung Phedi (7-8 hrs)

Day 08 – Drive To Tatopani ( 1,200 meters) from Muktinath (6-7 hrs)

Day 09- Driving to Pokhara (820 mete) from Tatopani (5-6 hrs)

Day 10- Drive back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters) from Pokhara (7 hrs)

Annapurna Circuit 12 Days

Annapurna Circuit 12 Days

The Annapurna tourist trek, a popular long trek in Nepal, spans 12 days due to its cultural experiences and diverse landscapes. Compared to other Annapurna circuit treks, this 12-day circuit trek’s allure lies in the opportunity to encircle the Annapurna Massif while embracing lush valleys, high passes, and traditional villages rich in culture and traditions. This exceptional journey of 12 days offers trekkers a balanced blend of immersion and adventure, making it a preferred choice among other tourist treks.

Day 01- Drive to Nagdi (1100m) From Kathmandu (6-7 hrs)

Day 02- Trek to Chamje (1410m) From Nagdi (6-7 hrs)

Day 03- Trek to Bagarchap (2160m) From Chamje (5-6 hrs)

Day 04- Trek to Chame (2710m) From Bagarchap (6 hrs)

Day 05 – Trek to Pisang (3240m) from Chame (5-6 hrs)

Day 06- Trek to Manang (3540m) from Pisang (5-6 hrs)

Day 07- Acclimatization/ Rest Day at Manang

Day 08 – Trek Yak Kharka (4110 m) From Manang (3-4 hours)

Day 09 – Trek to Thorung Phedi (4,550 meters) from Yak Kharka (4-5 hrs)

Day 10 – Trek to Thorung La(5,416 meters) and Muktinath (3,802 meters) from Thorung Phedi (7-8 hrs)

Day 11 – Trek to Jomsom (2750m) Via Kagbeni from Muktinath (6 hrs)

Day 12- Fly from Jomson to Pokhara (15-20 min) and then to Kathmandu.

Annapurna circuit trek 15 days :

Annapurna circuit trek 15 days

These 15 days, Annapurna Circuit is an awe-inspiring adventure via Nepal’s diverse landscapes. Cross one of the high passes, i.e., Thoorng la pass, visit the famous temple, i.e., Muktinath, and pass via the lush forests and charming villages with this version of the Annapurna Circuit trek. Moreover, choose this 15-day Annapurna circuit trek for its unique inclusion of the Ghorepani-Poonhill visit, offering breathtaking sunrise views. We have three other similar Annapurna Circuit itineraries, but only these combine the cultural immersion, natural beauty, and the iconic Poonhill experience.

Day 01- Drive to Nagdi (1100m) From Kathmandu (6-7 hrs)

Day 02- Trek to Chamje (1410m) From Nagdi (6-7 hrs)

Day 03- Trek to Bagarchap (2160m) From Chamje (5-6 hrs)

Day 04- Trek to Chame (2710m) From Bagarchap (6 hrs)

Day 05 – Trek to Pisang (3240m) from Chame (5-6 hrs)

Day 06- Trek to Manang (3540m) from Pisang (5-6 hrs)

Day 07- Acclimatization/ Rest Day at Manang

Day 08 – Trek Yak Kharka (4110 m) From Manang (3-4 hours)

Day 09 – Trek to Thorung Phedi (4,550 meters) from Yak Kharka (4-5 hrs)

Day 10 – Trek to Thorung La(5,416 meters) and Muktinath (3,802 meters) from Thorung Phedi (7-8 hrs)

Day 11 – Trek to Jomsom (2750m) Via Kagbeni from Muktinath (6 hrs)

Day 12- Drive To Tatopani ( 1,200 meters) from Muktinath (6-7 hrs)

Day 13- Trek to Ghorepani (2750m) From Tatopani (4-5 hrs)

Day 14- Early morning trek up to Poonhill (3,210 m) and Nayapul (1070) drive to Pokhara.

Day 15 – Drive back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters) from Pokhara (7 hrs)

Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake – 15 Days

Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake - 15 Days

Annapurna circuit trek with Tilicho Lake is a Himalayas adventure trek that can be completed in just 15 days. This exhilarating journey combines the allure of the Annapurna circuit and provides the beautiful experience of visiting the enchanting Tilicho Lake. Trek through diverse landscapes, from lush valleys to arid terrains, and experience rich cultures in local villages. With a carefully planned 15-day itinerary, choosing this trek will provide you with the fusion of cultural encounters and natural splendor. Unlike other annapurn Circuit treks, this 15-day Annapurna Circuit and Tilicho Lake trek offers a classic Annapurna experience and a stunning detour to the world’s highest lake, making it an unparalleled 15-day odyssey.

Day 01- Drive to Nagdi (1100m) From Kathmandu (6-7 hrs)

Day 02- Trek to Chamje (1410m) From Nagdi (6-7 hrs)

Day 03- Trek to Bagarchap (2160m) From Chamje (5-6 hrs)

Day 04- Trek to Chame (2710m) From Bagarchap (6 hrs)

Day 05 – Trek to Pisang (3240m) from Chame (5-6 hrs)

Day 06- Trek to Manang (3540m) from Pisang (5-6 hrs)

Day 07- Acclimatization/ Rest Day at Manang

Day 08 – Trek to Khangsar (3735m) from Manang (4 hrs)

Day 09 – Trek to Tilicho Base Camp( 4140m) from Khangsar (5 hrs)

Day 10 – Trek to Tilicho Lake (4920m) and Shree Kharka (4050m) (6-7 hrs)

Day 11 – Trek Yak Kharka (4040m) from Shree Kharka (6-7 hrs)

Day 12- Trek to Thorong Phedi (4050m) From Yak Kharka (6-7 hrs)

Day 13- Trek to Muktinath (3,800m) via Thorong La Pass (5,400m) (8-9 hrs)

Day 14- Trek to Jomsom (2750m) Via Kagbeni from Muktinath (6 hrs)

Day 15 – Fly from Jomson to Pokhara (15-20 min)

Best time for Annapurna Circuit Treks

Best time for Annapurna Circuit Treks

The best time for Annapurna Circuit treks ultimately depends on what experience you are looking for. With the best season comes the best weather with it but the biggest crowds, and with fewer crowds comes unfavorable and freezing conditions, slippery/ muddy routes, and a complete lack of mountain views. With this in mind, the best months (Spring and Autumn) and shoulder season would be best if you want to avoid the crowds and get favorable trekking conditions.

Autumn Trekking:

Autumn starts in September and lasts till November; if you are looking for a trekking condition with dry weather, little chance of snow, and clear mountain views, October is the one for you. The downside of this month is that the Circuit trails are at their busiest, as October is the peak trekking season for Annapurna Circuit and other treks in Nepal. To avoid the crowds, September and November are good alternative months.

Spring Trekking:

Spring (March to May) is the next best season for Annapurna circuit treks. The weather in this season is generally clearer, with a little cold in high-altitude areas. Morning and night are cold, but days are warm, and flowers bloom. Still, rainfall or snow in high-altitude areas is a slight chance. Also, Landslides or avalanche chances increase in the season due to the melting ice.

Winter Trekking

The temperature of the Annapurna circuit area can plunge to -20℃ or colder at night in winter (December to February). Also, winter’s temperature will be the coldest in both mornings and nights. Daytime temperature will be more tolerable as the sun is at its brightest. Thus, in the daytime, trekkers may need crampons, extra UV protection, and extra warm gear for hiking. The trails are quieter as very few trekkers visit the region in winter.

Summer Trekking

Summer or monsoon trekking from May to August should be avoided. The monsoon season that comes with summer is the response to the wet trails with rain clouds, making visibility extremely poor. Similarly, leeches and increased risks of landslides are other big problems that come with the summer/monsoon months.

Short and Long Annapurna Circuit Treks Difficulty

Short and Long Annapurna Circuit Treks Difficulty

Are both short and long versions of the Annapurna Circuit trek difficult, and what is the fitness level required for the trek? We often get used to these questions regarding  Annapurna Circuit trek. These questions are always tricky, and their answers are highly individual.

Annapurna Circuit is generally considered a challenging high-altitude hike in Nepal. This trek is often compared with the itinerary of the Everest base camp trek.

The trek is full of challenges due to its moderate to strenuous nature as the trekkers must have strong determination and fitness level to reach the trek’s highest point, Thorong La Pass (5416m) and Tilicho Lake (4910m)- the world’s High altitude Lake despite the challenges you face the accomplishments during Annapurna Circuit treks.

Here are the main challenges of the Annapurna Annapurna Circuit treks-

Altitude Sickness-

Altitude sickness is quite common in shorter and longer trek versions. In fact, trekkers are more likely to get altitude sickness during the shorter version of the trek as they do not get enough time to acclimatize to the sudden altitude change.

Annapurna Circuit Trek takes trekkers to the Himalayas in higher altitude areas, so the main concerns should be proper acclimation and staying hydrated. As you hike higher from the lower elevation, the altitude, whihc is a major concern here, can cause difficulty during the trek.

Crossing Thorong La Pass

Thorong la Pass is the highest point that will be reached during the Anapurna Circuit treks. This part of the trek cannot be missed as this section is included in both short and long Annapurna Circuit trek hikes.

Crossing Throng La Pass is another difficulty trekkers may face during their Annapurna circuit journey. To cross the hike, trekkers must wake before sunrise and hike over the narrow ridges through the thick snow. They must climb continuously for hours before arriving at the prayer flags on the pass. The trekkers must be well prepared for this day, pushing the fittest and experienced hikers to their limits.

Accommodations Along the Routes of Annapurna Circuit Treks

Accommodations Along the Routes of Annapurna Circuit Treks

Talking about the accommodations, tea houses, and guesthouses can easily be found on the trails. Annapurna circuit treks are generally tea house treks, providing trekkers with the quintessential Nepal experience to embrace. These Tea houses are just basic small mountain lodges that normally operate the bedding and eating facilities during their Annapurna circuit treks. Remember that these tea houses are basic but also somewhat represent how the Nepalese people live here. Simply say, these Tea Houses provide more of an authentic trekker experience.

Tea houses represent the preferred accommodation mode for travelers along the Annapurna Circuit. They are simple local homes that mainly consist of shared areas. These shared are mainly used to socialize and dine in. The rooms in the teahouses are often basic, with shared toilets.

Similarly, the rooms can also be cold and uncomfortable with no heading available besides the natural heat, i.e., coal bucket fire or wood burning in the dining area. Therefore, be prepared for the cold night as you make an ascent higher up in the mountains during the Annapurna Circuit treks. Moreover, the room’s walls are quite thin, so you may want to consider bringing the earplugs with you to avoid the noise.

Most teahouses and lodges enroute the Annapurna Circuit treks provide rooms based on a twin-sharing basis. These types of rooms are enough for trekkers to sit back and relax. Also, you can expect well-equipped guest houses with electricity, hot showers, heaters, and Wi-Fi. However, the well-equipped rooms costs more than the basic tea houses.

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Everest Base Camp Preparation Sat, 19 Aug 2023 22:31:43 +0000 Preparing a training plan is a golden step toward a successful Everest Base Camp Trek. You look already worried about how to train for Everest Base Camp Trek, which is good. Otherwise, some do not know or care about Everest Base Camp Preparation.

In this blog, we will talk about how to prepare or train for Everest Base Camp Trek. It will be a guide for the right preparation.

Before that, some people should know why preparation is necessary.

Well, Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the ultimate treks for trek passionates. It is an exceptionally beautiful journey. However, this takes work. Like for every good thing, we have to put in some hard work.

The Everest Base Camp journey will require long trekking days, steep trails, high-altitude walks, facing extreme weather, and more. The maximum altitude gain of the trek is 5,555m, and the total length is 130km. There are times when you will trek so hard and so long. You will have a long distance to cover.

We should have good physical training to do such a testing trek. Not just that, we also need to be mentally prepared as well.

Only with the right training planning can we achieve our desired goals. If Everest Base Camp is our goal, in this case, we should plan the right physical preparation.

You must build a good fitness level with strength, flexibility, cardiovascular, and endurance training. From hitting hiking trails to hitting gyms, you have to do all to prepare for the walk.

The training will prepare our body and mind for the trek if done strictly. Not just EBC Trek, we can do the hardest of hardest treks too. All the challenges will feel normal if we are physically ready. The steep trails may not feel steep. The long trek may feel short.

That will happen if only we make a good plan A and stick to it. There is no plan B for it. So let’s roll into the blog to make plan A.

Why is Everest Base Camp Preparation compulsory?

Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the greatest treks in the Himalayas. It leads to the base camp of the world’s highest peak. The journey is picturesque and exciting. On this walk, the trekker experiences many beautiful encounters, whether in nature or culture.

However, the trek is not super easy. To experience its happening, a trekker has to make some effort. The trekker has to face steep ups, foreign weather, uneven trails, high altitude, and more.

If you are not used to such extremes or are a beginner trekker, you must do Everest Base Camp Preparation necessarily. Even the experienced must do some physical and mental preparation before this trek.

Preparation is pivotal to preparing you physically and mentally. The game can be challenging if not prepared well. On Everest Base Camp Trek, you will walk on steep, rough, and uneven terrain. The soaring elevation and novel topography will impact your body. If you are not physically or mentally prepared to endure such situations, you might have a tough time there.

How to train for Everest Base Camp Trek?

10 Days Everest Base Camp Trek Itinerary

This question knocks on every Everest Base Camp trekker’s mind. It should knock everyone. Only then can a trekker prepare well for the trek. Otherwise, being not serious about the trek, the trekker has to face challenges.

Simply, Everest Base Camp preparation is a must. Here are the points on how to train for Everest Base Camp Trek.

Conditioning Hikes

As you will be trekking for around nine days on Everest Base Camp Trek, doing some conditioning hikes is fruitful. You have to trek on average for 6 hours every trekking day. The daily distance to be covered every day is also 15km. On top of that, you have to walk on a rough and steep route.

Doing conditioning hikes, around three hikes, before Everest Base Camp Trek can be very useful. Choose the long and steep hikes that are similar to Everest Base Camp. These hikes will condition your body and mind to take on the uneven trail.

Carry 10-15 kgs back, wear hiking shoes, and use trekking poles if possible. It will replicate the same experience of the Everest Base Camp Trek. Later, on the trek, you will have a few hassles.

Go on as many hikes as possible. Go to places that are steep and demanding as the EBC Trek. You can also do altitude hikes as well. If you manage that, you will trek nicely in the main one.


Cardiovascular is one thing we should consider while preparing for Everest Base Camp. Normally, we, who do not exercise regularly, do not have good cardio. With such a body, we tend to have low oxygen levels and exhaust quickly.

Also known as aerobic training, Cardiovascular training enhances the lungs and heart’s capability to supply oxygen to our muscles. It also boosts our muscle’s ability to use the supplied oxygen for physical movement.

If you run out of oxygen and do heavy breathing after a short, fast run, your cardio is not at the top. Thus, we should build good cardio. EBC Trek is all about trekking and more trekking. In those high areas, our body will need a good oxygen supply. In this case, only having good cardio is the solution.

To develop fine cardio, we can routinely exercise like running, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobic dance, snowshoeing, and brisk walking. These activities help to shape a good cardiovascular level required for the trek.

While training, it is best to imitate the activities you’ll do on the trek. Be sure to do around 3-4 sessions of 30 minutes of activity at a fair intensity. Begin by warming up by stretching at ease. Have a break after intense work. Do some muscle stretching to finish the day’s session.

Overall, plan an aerobic training plan that builds strong cardio and leaves you a bit tired after every session. Stay disciplined, and you shall prepare well.

Strength Training

everest base camp trek Strength Training

Like Cardiovascular enhances our body’s oxygen process, strength training toughens our muscles. It is about strengthening our body, mainly the legs, shoulders, and upper back.

We must have firm shoulders, hips, and legs for a trek like Everest Base Camp Trek. There will be tough uphills, rapid downhills, and rough terrain. Our bodies will walk across all terrain for around 6 hours daily. We may also have a heavy backpack. Hence, it is necessary to build strength training.

We can climb all the walk challenges if our shoulders, legs, and upper back are muscular. Our trek becomes much easier. We can easily carry our bodies and even backpack on the trail. Otherwise, we are sure to face difficulties.

You can plan exercises like lunges, squats, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, overhead presses, etc. It is better to hire or consult with a physical trainer. An experienced trainer can make a good strength training plan for you.

You can begin with free and light activities and then slowly progress further. Full body strength training for 30-45 minutes each is good for the first week. The lightweight and low reps, 8-10, can work.

As you gain momentum, you can switch to more intense training, increasing reps to 10-15 and time to one hour. You can also add weight to the training. Add more reps but lower the weight when the trek date is near. Throughout the process, vary the number of sets, weights, and reps as required. Most importantly, always try to avoid any strain or injury.

It is recommended to do the strength training session twice a week. You can change it as per your availability. Also, you must begin doing it around 2-3 months before the trek date. Throughout the process, remain determined and stick to schedule. You will achieve your goals.

Flexibility Conditioning

The next thing you must have is a flexible body. You can have that sort of body if you do flexibility conditioning. Often, it is ignored by people in the face of cardio and strength training. However, it makes the Everest Base Camp Preparation complete.

Flexibility saves your body from any kind of strain and injury. As Everest Base Camp training continues, you will participate in cardio and strength exercises. If your plan has no flexibility exercise, you are prone to injuries.

Forward lunges, backward lunges, crossover, seat stretch, etc., are ways to do flexibility conditioning. These will not only help during the preparation but the whole trek.

Mental Conditioning

Mental conditioning is one of the most undermined things during Everest Base Camp Preparation. It is as vital as the other training. You know Everest Base Camp Trek is a demanding trek.

You will have tough days on the trail dealing with steep, rough, and high altitudes. Your physique will come into the work. However, mental strength will become more handy. Ultimately, your mind decides whether to continue or give up.

If you have a prepared mentality, one that is strong, you might win the battle. Hence, preparing your mind for the conditions is equally important for EBC preparation.

Beginning by conditioning your mind to all kinds of circumstances of the trek, be it cold weather, high altitude, or steep uphills. Try to build mental strength while doing the abovementioned strength, cardio, and hike training.

The mental conditioning will foster the attitude you need to complete Everest Base Camp Trek. With that attitude, you will take on Everest Base Camp Trek effortlessly.

The Weekly Training Plan for Everest Base Camp Preparation

The Weekly Training Plan for Everest Base Camp Preparation

To make things a bit easy for you, here is the weekly training plan suggested by experts. If you still have a query about how to train for Everest Base camp, this example plan should answer you.


Strength Training

  • Full body, 1 hour, 12 to 15 repetitions per set

Cardio Training

  • 30 minutes, no backpack

Flexibility Training

  • 10 minutes after the training


Strength Training

  • Full body, 1 hour, 12-15 repetitions.

Cardio Training

  • Hill, stair climbing, or Inclining treadmill with a 20lbs backpack

Flexibility Training

  • 10 minutes after the training


Cardio Training

  • 75 minutes, no backpack

Flexibility Training

  • 10 minutes after the training


Strength Training

  • Full body, 1 hour, 8-10 repetitions

Cardio Training

  • 45 minutes, no backpack

Flexibility Training

  • 10 minutes post training


Free Day


Conditioning Hike

  • 6-8 miles with 20 lbs backpack, gain 3000 ft.

Flexibility Training

  • As needed


Conditioning Hike or Trek

  • 8-10 miles, with a 15lbs backpack, gain 3,500m+

Flexibility Training

  • As needed

Tips on How to Prepare for Everest Base Camp Trek

Trekking Permits for Everest Base Camp Trek

  • Gain the experience of walking rough, rugged, and high altitude(if possible).
  • Train in circumstances as near to the EBC as possible.
  • Get used to your trekking gear like hiking shoes, poles, and backpacks
  • Plan and start the Everset Base Camp Preparation 9-11 weeks before the trek.
  • While training, look at your nutrition and diet. Eat a protein and nutrient-fueled diet.
  • Do not rush while training. Take it slow and avoid injuries and quick tiredness.
  • Do flexibility exercises before and after the training. It will make your muscle flexible, and you will avoid strain or injury.
  • Stay calm if you have a busy schedule to train. Use weekends for hikes and free time for some cardio exercise. Just do something whenever you find time.
  • Track your training and monitor your improvement.
  • If your body is tired, do not push every time. Take it easy while exhausted.
  • Use all kinds of things like backpacks, shoes, and poles to imitate the trek while preparing.
  • Talk to your gym instructor and follow their instructions
  • Also, talk to an experienced trekker who has been in the mountains.
  • Do one thing at a time, and do not panic.
  • Slow things down as you reach close to the trek date.

Packing List for Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek in October

Preparing a backpack is also a part of Everest Base Camp Preparation. It is something that everyone has to do. Experienced trekkers may not need physical training but need clothing and gear.

So we also mentioned here the packing list for Everest Base Camp Trek:


  • Base Layer shirts
  • Trekking shirts
  • Trekking pants
  • Fleece Jacket
  • Down Jacket
  • Sweatshirts
  • Trekking shorts
  • Water-proof jackets
  • Gloves
  • Winter hat


  • Sun hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Scarfs
  • Beanies
  • Headlamp
  • Woolen Cap
  • Neck Gaiter


  • Inner gloves
  • Outer gloves


  • Hiking boots
  • Hiking socks
  • Warm thermal socks
  • Gaiters(winter)
  • Slippers


  • Sleeping Bag
  • Water Bottle
  • Trekking Pole
  • Crampon(Winter)


  • Day Backpack
  • Duffel Bag
  • Backpack


  • First aid kit
  • Water purification tablet
  • Oximeter
  • Lip Balm


  • Sunscreen
  • Wet wipes
  • Sanitizers
  • Toilet paper
  • Sanitary pads or women’s toiletries
  • Soap & shampoo
  • Toothpaste, Brush, mouthwash


  • Visa
  • Travel Insurance
  • Passport


  • Camera
  • Power banks
  • Pen and journal
  • Cards and books
  • Batteries
  • Playing cards

Now, when readying for EBC, you will not panic while packing your backpack. The above list is the basic one that will guide you.

Frequent Faqs of Everest Base Camp Preparation

Everest Base Camp Trek Packing List for October, November and December

Can a beginner trek to Everest Base Camp?

Yes, a beginner can do it, but only with appropriate preparation. As mentioned above, a trekker has to indulge in cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility training, and conditioning hike. Plus, a beginner must do proper acclimatization during the trek.

How long does it take to prepare for Everest Base Camp Trek?

If you are serious about EBC Trek preparation, you should start the training at least three months before the trek. The three months of cardio, strength, and flexibility training is enough to prepare. However, you can take more time too.

How fit do you need to be to walk Everest Base Camp?

Everest Base Camp Trek is a moderate trek. You have to maintain a good fitness level. There is no necessity for a great physique. Good fitness with sound health is enough for the expedition.

Do you need help to do Everest Base Camp?

It is not the easiest one nor the hardest. With good preparation and acclimatization, a trekker can comfortably complete the walk.

How do I prevent altitude sickness during EBC Trek?

Acclimatization is the first and most important thing. We should give enough time to our bodies to understand a new altitude. Likewise, we should keep our bodies hydrated and avoid dehydration. Similarly, trekking gently without any rush is another way to avoid it. Eat well and eat enough. And you will prevent the sickness.

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Final Remarks on Everest Base Camp Preparation

Everest Base Camp Trekking in Nepal

Every journey is easier if we have preparation. Everest Base Camp Trek is also the same. We can easily complete this if trained for this walk. Or, we might face hurdles if we prepare. Therefore, it is so important to prepare ourselves.

Everest Base Camp Trek is a moderate trek. It has some difficulties and many rewards. We have to be careful with altitude by acclimatizing. Similarly, long and steep trekking days can be hard at times. The weather may also get extremely cold at times.

Challenges are meant to be overcome. Prepare for these, and you will have a wonderful trek. With the proper preparation and training, no adversity is difficult. Not even Everest Base Camp.

Langtang Trek Cost Fri, 18 Aug 2023 23:42:07 +0000 A trek to Langtang is a trek to the beautiful, unspoiled, Himalayan region of Nepal.

Like every trek, the cost of your trek to the Langtang region depends on a number of factors:

  • Permits
  • Accommodation
  • Meals and Drinks
  • Modes of transportation
  • Duration
  • Guide and porter
  • Trekking trail
  • Miscellaneous expenses

The Langtang trek is one of the closest trekking destinations to Kathmandu. It is a beautiful opportunity to trek to climb small peaks. Also, explore the Tamang villages and visit the surrounding glaciers.

Given below are the determining factors for your Langtang trek along with the costs associated with it. Have fun and keep on reading.

Permits cost for Langtang trek

The government of Nepal has instilled two permits for the Langtang trek. Both of these treks are compulsory for your trek to this region.

You need to show them on the various checkpoints along the Langtang trek route. If found without them, you have to purchase them on the spot with extra charges (fines imposed). Or, you may have to bear the punishments as per the law.

TIMS card

TIMS (Trekker’s Information management system) is compulsory for everyone wishing to trek in Nepal.

It costs US $20 (Nrs. 2600) per person.

Langtang National Park Entry Permit

This is a prerequisite for your trek to Langtang. The Langtang trek takes you through the beautiful Langtang National Park. Hence, you need this permit to enter the area.

It costs the US $30 (Nrs. 3000) per person.

You can easily purchase both these permits at Nepal Tourism Board, Kathmandu before you go on your trek.

Or, if you run out of time at Kathmandu, you can purchase these permits on the trail-head. But, at a slightly higher cost.

Locals do not need to obtain these permits. Hence, you will not need to buy permits for your local guide or porter if you choose to have them.

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Accommodation Cost During Langtang Trek

Most of the tea houses provide accommodation for free to little charge if you have meals in the same tea house.

So, the accommodations will cost Nrs.400-800 (the US $4-7) per night. It may cost more if you do not have meals in the same tea houses.

Some tea houses also do not accommodate you if you do not have meals in the same tea house.

During peak seasons, you may not get the desired rooms, or you may have to pay extra for accommodations. So, it’s good to pre-book for accommodations. This way you can save at least a little of your cost

Meals Cost During Langtang Trek

Most of the tea houses, cafes, and restaurants on the trail usually serve healthy, whole meals, snacks as well as drinks.

Dal, Bhat, and Tarkari (a meal of steamed rice, lentils, and stir-fried seasonal vegetables) is a staple choice available in most of the tea houses and restaurants.

The price of meals increases with the increase in the altitude. The mode of transportation, lack of farmland in the upper regions of the trek are the reasons for this.

In the lower regions, a healthy, hot meal will cost around Nrs. 400-400 ( US $4-5) per plate.

In the higher regions, the same meal will cost you around Nrs. 1000-1400 (the US $10-14) per plate.

We recommend you to bring light snacks like granola bars, your favorite chocolate bars for the trek. Most of the popular chocolate bars and energy snacks are easily available in Kathmandu. You can get them on the trails but, at a higher cost. The options will also are also limited to the trails. So, you can buy at Kathmandu or trail-head to limit you excess budget.

Cost of Drinks During Langtang Trek

Staying hydrated is the key to having a comfortable and safe trek anywhere in the world.

Do not forget to keep yourself hydrated throughout the trails. The choice of drinks is also fairly good on the trials. You can easily find bottled water, tea, coffee, soft drinks, ginger tea, and others on the trails.

The cost of these, again, increases as you go higher up on the trails.

In Kathmandu, you can easily get bottled water for Nrs. 25-200 ( US $1-$3). This range is due to the choice of bottled water ranging from local bottled water to branded bottles.)

In the higher regions, the local bottled water will cost Nrs. 350 ( US $3.5).

So, we suggest you bring your own purification-tablets or gels to purify your drinking water. This is a safety precaution and does save costs related to drinking water.

You can easily fill your bottles from the pure, Himalayan, glacier-fed waterfalls, streams, taps on the trails. You can then filter it using your aqua tabs, gels, or water purifying tablets and drink it.

Transportation Cost for Langtang Trek

Once you reach Kathmandu, you can go to the start of your trekking destination by different modes of transportation.

Things to know before going to Nepal

Local buses

Local transportation such as buses is the cheapest. This 10-hour journey from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi will cost Nrs. 1100 (the US $10) per person. It costs you the same amount to get back.

Syabrubesi is the ideal choice for the start of your Langtang trek.

Taxi (cabs)

You can also rent a taxi(cab) to take you to Syabrubesi. These will cost you Nrs.15000-20000 (the US $150- $200) depending on your negotiating skills.

However, most cabs refuse the journey as it is difficult to get passengers on the way back. SO, it is up to you about how you convince the cab driver to hire his cab.

Tourist buses

Tourist buses ( more deluxe, clean with comfortable seats than the local buses) are available to reach Syabrubesi from Kathmandu. These cost you Nrs. 1500-20000 (US $15- $20).

This range is due to the availability of seats and the season you trek in.

Private Jeeps/cars

You will have to pay Nrs. 15000, so 4000-5000(US $40- $50) per person. A private jeep will seat 5/6 person. Hence, you will be sharing the jeep or car with other people.

The road journey from and to Kathmandu-Syabrubesi is a long one. But, is is the best one; filled with beautiful views of the terraced farms, quaint villages, and the stunning Trisuli valley.

The buses are more recommended for this journey. They are less bumpy than the jeeps.

Cost due to Duration

The Langtang trek can take anywhere from 8 to 11 days. There are many trekking destinations within the Langtang trek that you can choose to trek to or skip. These will determine how long or short your Langtang trek will be.

These can include climbs to the smaller peaks like Kyanjin Ri, Tsergo Ri. You can choose to skip these to shorten your treks.

Each additional day will add to your overall trekking expense: meals, accommodations, drinks and so on.

Guide and Porter Cost

The Langtang trek is possible with or without guide and porter.

For the first time trekkers to the region, we recommend you to have both. Since it is your first experience you would definitely do not want to ruin it.

A guide can provide you with information on the beautiful surroundings- landscapes, mountain peaks, flora, fauna, and wildlife on the trails.

While, a guide or porter can also recommend you the best tea houses to stay and eat at, the best rest stops, the best vantage points, and so on.

A porter can help share your load. Treks can be physically demanding and have a lighter load can make a huge difference in your trekking experience.

A guide costs around the US $30-$50 per day. A porter costs around the US $20- $25 per day.

When you hire them, make sure to check their credentials for your safety. Also, get comfortable with them a day or two ahead of the trek. This ensures that you have a comfortable and safe trek.

Best Treks in Nepal

Cost due to Trekking Trails

The adventurous Langtang trek lies close to other popular trekking areas like Ganesh Himal to the west, Gosaikunda and Helambu area to the south.

You can add one or more of these areas to your Langtang trek. These will add to the duration of your trek which adds to the whole cost of your trek.

The Helambu, Gosaikunda trek with the Langtang trek can extend from 12-14 days.

You can also choose the Langtang Circuit trek which takes you around the Langtang region including all the popular trekking areas in the region. This can take around 5-15 days.

Miscellaneous Costs


The locals of the region make beautiful, handmade products like bags, purses, dried fruits, and so on. These make great souvenirs to take back home for your loved ones.


Tipping is common in tourist-related areas like hotels, tea houses, cafes, and restaurants. You can choose to tip your guides and porters as well. They do expect it for a job well done.

Highlights of Langtang trek

  • Explore traditional, well-preserved Tamang and Sherpa villages
  • Langtang area is the first Himalayan National Park with temperate and sub-alpine forests.
  • Opportunity to enjoy and witness wildlife of the area- Tahr, pika, monkeys, wild deer, falcons, red panda.
  • Magnificent views of mountains like Langtang Lirung (7227m), Langsisa Ri (6427m), Naya Kanga peak (5844m).
  • Easily accessible from Kathmandu
  • Climb small mountains like Kyanjin Ri(4773 m) and Tsergo Ri.

Additional Tips for Langtang trek

  • Having small denominations of cash to cover your overall expenses of the trek is strongly recommended. Because ATM’s are not reliable and hard to come by on the trails. Cards are generally not accepted by most tea houses and restaurants on the trails.
  • It is strongly recommended to avoid this trek during the months of December-February and July-August. The harsh weather conditions make the trails difficult and the views are not great during these months.
  • Travel Insurance is a great safety precaution. Some travel agency does not accept trekkers without one. Make sure your travel insurance covers treks to foreign countries including Nepal. It is also recommended to get travel insurance that includes Emergency evacuation and rescue.
  • Get as much knowledge about ailments related to high altitude treks. This trek takes you to altitudes of above 4000 m above sea level.
  • Do not rush your trek. It is not a competition. Relax and enjoy the splendid surrounding landscapes and views.


The Langtang trek is a short, beautiful trek to the Himalayas of Nepal. It is easily accessible for anyone wishing to trek in Nepal.

There is a lot of options including the routes, small peaks and passes to climb in Langtang region. Hence, you can modify your trek and have a unique Langtang adventure.

It is in the moderate level trek which you can tone down to an easy level trek.

The Langtang trek is a trek away from the crowds of the popular trails of Nepal. You can enjoy the views and experience of Himalaya trekking at your own pace in your Langtang trek.

The rates can vary depending on the travel agency you go through. Some of the cost like the permits, transportation cost can vary depending on the season you travel in. The above costs are a guideline to the costs you may encounter during your Langtang trek.

If you have any further queries or questions regarding your Langtang trek or any other treks and tours to Nepal, feel free to contact us.

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Trekking Permits for Everest Base Camp Trek Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:25:57 +0000 Everest Base Camp Trek requires special permission to enter the region and embark on the beautiful journey. It is one of Nepal’s most rewarding trekking experiences, but it is important to notice that trekkers can’t just approach the Everest Region and continue the journey. The base camp lies at the lap of Mount Everest, within a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sagarmatha National Park. So, trekkers are usually not allowed to enter the area without permission.

No matter what, most trekkers are determined to relish the Himalayan experiences filled with the beautiful vistas of Mount Everest, Ama Dablam, Cho Oyu, Lhotse, and Nuptse. The Everest Base Camp Trek takes trekkers to the most diverse destination, offering cultural significance, natural richness, remote experiences, and snow-capped mountains. The gompas, fast-flowing rivers, green forests, and traditional villages are some of the plus add-ons of this trek.

Despite having one of the most mesmerizing scenes, Everest Base Camp Trek requires high preparation and strategic plans. While preparing for this trek, physical, mental, gear, and equipment are some of the core areas that trekkers should concern the most. But there is one important preparation that every trekker must do, and that is none other than Permits for Everest Base Camp Trek. In this blog, we will discuss what permits are essential for this trek and why they are important. Let’s explore them in detail and learn where trekkers can get them and what charges they must pay to acquire them.

Types of Permits Needed For Everest Base Camp Trek

Types of Permits Needed For Everest Base Camp Trek

Currently, two types of permits are required for trekking to Everest Base Camp. Trekkers have to obtain Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit and Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit to embark on this beautiful journey to the Northern Himalayan region of Nepal. Obtaining these licenses will allow trekkers to reach their destinations without legal hassles and inquiries. Let’s explore the information regarding these two permits for Everest Base Camp Trek:

Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit

The first and most important permit required for embarking on the Everest Base Camp Trek is Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit. This is because the base camp is a part of Sagarmatha National Park, a restricted and protected area to conserve endangered plant and animal species. Once you reach Lukla and head towards Phakding and the upcoming destinations, Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit will come to your use.

Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit can be obtained at Nepal Tourism Board in Kamaladi, Kathmandu. If you are already in Lukla, you can hike up to Monjo Village and acquire it from the checkpost available.

Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit costs around NRs. 3000 for foreign trekkers [Outside Nepal and SAARC Nations]. If you are from SAARC Countries, you only have to pay NRs. 1000 per person. Similarly, Nepalese Trekkers have more privileges regarding the price of this license – the cost of Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit for Nepalese Trekkers is only NRs. 100 per person. Trekkers below 10 can obtain this license without any charges or fees.

Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit

Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit is another license trekkers require for Everest Base Camp Trek. It is the newest permit introduced after the decentralized system existed in Nepal. It replaced the TIMS Card and became prominent on October 1, 2018. So, the permit fees of Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality will be collected directly by the local government.

The charge of Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit is NRs. 2000 per person. Similarly, trekkers under the age of ten should not be entertained with paying the license fees. You can obtain this permit from Tourism Board in Kathmandu. If you are already in the field of the Everest Region, you can get it either from Lukla or Monjo Checkpost at the entrance of Monjo Village.

Optional Permit | Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit

Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit is the optional license required to embark on the Everest Base Camp Trek. Usually, trekkers tend to hike from Lukla and follow the standard Base Camp route via Phakding, Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, and Dingboche. But some trekkers opt to hike from Jiri to Everest Base Camp. Here, Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit is mandatory since trekkers have to traverse through another restricted and protected area, Gaurishankar Conservation Area.

Gaurishankar Conservation Area was established in January 2010, and it is a sanctuary of 565 species of plants, 35 species of mammals, 16 species of fishes, 9 species of amphibians, 22 species of reptiles, and 235 species of birds. It is home to many flora and fauna, so the conservation mindset is optimum. So the Government of Nepal brought this permit into action to conserve the wide array of flora and fauna.

Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit costs around NRs. 3000 per person. After submitting the required documents and testimonials, you can get it at Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu.

How to Obtain Everest Base Camp Trek Permit?

Nepal TOurism Board Office

The first step to obtaining permits for the Everest Base Camp trek is arriving in Nepal and approaching the Tourism Board of Nepal. You must visit the office with the required documents, including passport-sized photographs, valid visas, passports, and permit fees. Your guides can also aid you in going through the process of acquiring the permits. You might need to fill out an online application form as well. Be ready for that too.

Here are the steps to obtain Everest Base Camp Trek Permit:

  • Arrive in Kathmandu
  • Visit Nepal Tourism Board
  • Prepare with essential documents [passport-sized & digital photographs, valid visas, passports, and permit fees]
  • In case of online application, make sure you fill an online application form
  • Pay permit fees
  • Acquire permits

If you are already in Lukla, you can get the permits for Everest Base Camp Trek in Lukla or at Monjo Checkpost in Monjo Village. The process is same as you need to go through in Kathmandu.

Why Is Permit Necessary For Everest Base Camp Trek?

Why Is Permit Necessary For Everest Base Camp Trek?

Everest Base Camp Trek can be completed successfully only with the help of required permits. Without permission to enter the Everest Region, trekkers can’t embark on the beautiful trek to Everest Base Camp. While preparing for the journey to this beautiful destination, permits also come along the way. But why is a permit so necessary for this trek? A permit is necessary for the Everest Base Camp trek for several reasons. Here are some reasons:

Safety and Security

Nepal Government and Tourism Board always try to monitor the trekker’s whereabouts throughout the trek. And the only reason for this is to ensure their safety. While Everest Base Camp Trek involves strenuous hikes through challenging terrains, rugged trails, and high-altitude locations, safety is prioritized since they pose significant risks to trekkers. So, if emergencies occur, the authorities can locate trekkers without any hassles and provide aid immediately.

Conservation and Environmental Protection

We all know that Everest Base Camp lies within the Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was established on July 19, 1976, in the Everest Region of Nepal. To those unaware of Sagarmatha National Park, it is home to thousands of diverse flora and fauna, including the most endangered animals like Snow Leopard, Red Panda, Danphe Munal, and Musk Deer. So to help conserve these species and contribute to maintaining the ecological balance, trekkers must acquire permits for Everest Base Camp Trek.

Resource Management

The total number of trekkers hiking to the Everest Region, including Everest Base Camp, is all under the statistics of the Tourism Board in Nepal. The data on obtained permits help in regulating the number of people entering the Everest region at a time. It eventually prevents overcrowding, which helps in minimizing the impact on natural resources.

Revenue Generation

A permit is also a major source of the local economy in tourism in Nepal. While trekkers purchase the required permits for Everest Base Camp Trek, they have to pay a certain amount of money fulfilling the needs of mandatory rules in the Everest region. This will directly impact local people’s growth, lifestyle, infrastructure, and other edges of development.

Do I Need TIMS Card for This Trek?

TIMS (Trekkers Information Management System) Card is an official trekking document required for most of the trekking destinations in Nepal. The main reason for having TIMS cards in the trekking sector is to ensure the safety and security of trekkers. Similarly, it regulates the databases of trekking activities in the country.

Despite its compulsion in many destinations, Everest Base Camp Trek does not require it. But why is that? Let’s learn in detail.

Nepal recently entered the decentralized system after renovating the constitution in 2072 BS. After that, the Constituent Assembly fell apart, and many things changed quickly. In the meantime, many VDCs changed into municipalities, and some came under the supervision of municipalities. Everest Region was one of them, and with the change in the political structures and demographics, the law and policies changed too.

Previously, there was a provision for TIMS cards to enter the Everest Region. But with the change in the laws after the decentralization, TIMS Card was replaced with the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit. Now, the Pasang Lhamu Municipality directly handles the permit, and the fees also go under the treasure department of the area.

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Required Documents To Grab These Permits

Required Documents To Grab These Permits

There are several processes for obtaining permits for Everest Base Camp Trek. But on top of that, submitting the essential documents and testimonials is the most important thing. So what are the required documents to grab these permits? Let’s see in the list below:

  • Passport: Trekkers must have a valid passport with at least six months of validity.
  • Valid Visa: Trekkers must submit copies of valid visas while getting the required permits for Everest Base Camp Trek. They can get visas from the Nepalese Embassy or after arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport. Remember, the validity of your visa should cover the duration of your Everest Base Camp Trek.
  • Copies of Photos: Trekkers must have both physical and digital copies of their passport-sized photographs. They are needed while filling up the permit forms online or physically.
  • Fees: Trekkers must pay the designated fees for each permit they purchase for Everest Base Camp.

Do I Need a Guide For Acquiring Permits for Everest Base Camp?


Yes, you need a guide for purchasing permits for Everest Base Camp. Your trekking agency also can help you purchase the required permits for your trek.

Previously, guides were only mandatory when obtaining climbing permits in Nepal. But after Nepal Government and Tourism Board made a compulsion to hire guides for remote treks in Nepal, it became mandatory for trekking as well. From April 1, 2023, the law for hiring professional and certified guides for trekking in Nepal came into action. This law was passed by both Nepal Government and Tourism Board after intense research on the trekker’s journey in Nepal. Since most of the trekking destinations are remote and feature off-beaten trails and dangerous routes, trekkers’ safety and security were the main priority.

Similarly, the compulsion of this policy impacted the cases of missing, getting injured, lost, and being unable to seek immediate medical attention during emergencies. While most trekkers have applauded this move, some are against it since they will need certified guides to obtain the permits and get to their destinations. It is justifiable since most professionals would not need any guidance and help from the guides after having the permits. But since safety is the priority here, it is recommended to have guides for Everest Base Camp Trek.

Learn More About Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek In September

Everest Base Camp Trek features a remote and off-beaten hike to one of the most beautiful destinations in Nepal. Nestled in the lap of the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest, this trek takes you from the lower altitude of Lukla to the highest altitude base camp, situated at 5,364 m (17,598 ft) above sea level.

Everest Base Camp is a heavenly place in the Solukhumbu District of Nepal. It is home to diverse flora, fauna, people, culture, tradition, and, most importantly, natural resources. The trek offers stunning views of the Himalayas, including peaks like Mount Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Island Peak, Nuptse, Makalu, and many more. Similarly, the diverse lifestyle, Buddhist Culture, Sherpa communities, traditional villages, lush green forest, and remote trails offer additional spice to the trek.

Everest Base Camp begins with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla Airport, also known as Tenzing Norgay Airport. Upon arriving at Lukla Airport, trekkers will hike to Phakding, a local Buddhist village, and make their first stop. From Phakding, the remote trail follows the green forest of Rhododendron and pine that stretches to Namche Bazaar, the Gate of Everest. Namche Bazaar is a vibrant town with mixed culture, logistics, and tradition. If you miss the Western culture, cuisine, and vibes, Namche Bazaar will surely quench your thirst. The trail continues via a remote trail to Tengboche, where trekkers can visit Tengboche Monastery. The mani walls, prayer flags, wheels, chortens, and gompas will add cultural immersion to your trek.

Similarly, the trail continues to Dingboche and Gorakshep, the last Sherpa Settlement in the Everest Region, before heading towards the Everest Base Camp. Trekkers can visit Kalapatthar, one of the highest viewpoints from where they can have 360 views of Mount Everest, Cho Oyu, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, and Nuptse. After the successful completion of the Everest Base Camp Trek, trekkers follow the same trail to descend to Lukla Airport and fly back to Kathmandu.

Manaslu Trek Map Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:12:25 +0000 If you want to slightly veer off from the mainstream trekking routes, that attracts thousands of enthusiast every year, to some scenic-isolated routes that explore the beauty of the Himalayas from different prospects. Following the Manaslu Trek Map to the ultimate off-the-beaten-path might be the best choice you can make, even despite its popularity among other popular trekking routes in Nepal, this exhilarating trail that explores the remote part of the Manaslu region circling the eight-highest peak in the world, Mt. Manalsu (8,163 meters), still is in touch with its roots.

The lesser crowded routes and teahouses moving across the diverse terrain without any domestic flights, traditional-trekking style and affordability makes it a wonderful package that you should definitely include in your Himalayan conquest checklist. Even though the Manaslu Circuit Trek explores the wild and remote areas of the region, you can enjoy the facilities of teahouses at every stage, which makes this expedition an easily accessible and economical experience.

Manaslu Trek Map- Trekking Routes

Nepal Eco Adventures offers two of the best exhilarating Manaslu Circuit Trekking package that explores the remote unprecedented beauty at the foothills of the eight-tallest mountain in the world.

1. Manaslu Circuit Trek- 15 Days

Manaslu Circuit Trek (2)

The 15-Days Manaslu Circuit Trek is a classic trekking package that explored the virgin remote territories of the Manaslu region covering all the major highlights of the expedition. Your journey will start after your arrival at Kathmandu, you will be received at the airport and taken to your respective hotels. After, getting enough rest, you can also use this day to stroll around the bustling city of Kathmandu.

The second day of this package will explore the popular highlights of the Kathmandu Valley including the 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, your real adventure in the Manaslu region will begin only on the third day, this expedition follows the traditional Manaslu Trek Map and you will commence your adventure with a scenic drive to Maccha Khola from Kathmandu. Starting your trekking expedition for Machha Khola you will head towards Jagat following the trails of Machha Khola, Tatopani, and Budhi Gandaki River.

Then your Manaslu Trek Map will follow the scenic routes toward Deng following the religious trails and Gurung civilization along the way. Along the route after exploring the Tibetan village of Namrung also known as the gateway of Upper Nupri, you will head toward Lho. Following the path to the Samagaun, you will enjoy your acclimatization and exploration day at the village known for the large beautiful Buddhist monastery, Ribung Monastery.

In the latter part of this adventure, you will trek from Samdo to Dharmsala, then you will trek down to Bimtang crossing the Larkya Pass (5,106 meters), the highest elevation point of this adventure. Descending further, you will trek down to Dharapani; concluding your adventure of the Manaslu region here you will drive back to Kathmandu via private jeep.

Manaslu Circuit Trek- 15 Days Itineraries

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu(1,400 meters) and hotel transfer

Day 2: Sightseeing day in Kathmandu Valley

Day 3: Drive to Machha Khola (870 meters) from Kathmandu via a private Jeep

Day 4: Trekking from Machha Khola to Jagat (1,340 meters)

Day 5: Jagat to Deng (1,860 meters) trek

Day 6: Trek to Namrung (2,630 meters) from Deng

Day 7: Uphill ascend from Namrung to Lho (3,180 meters)

Day 8: Trekking from Lho to Samagaun (3,500 meters)

Day 9: Acclimatization and exploration day at Samagaon

Day 10: Trekking to Samdo (3,860 meters) from Samagaon

Day 11: Samdo to Dharamsala (4,480 meters) trek

Day 12: Trekking from Dharamsala to Bimthang (3,720 meters)

Day 13: Downhill descend to Dharapani (1,860 meters) from Bintang

Day 14: Drive back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters) from Dharapani

Day 15: Departure day, drop-off at the airport as per the flight schedules

2. Manaslu Circuit Trek- 12 Days

Manaslu Trek 12 Days Itinerary

The 12-Day trekking adventure in the Manaslu region also follows the same traditional Manaslu Trek Map. The only difference you will find comparing this 12-Days Manaslu Circuit Trek with a classical 15-day adventure is that the exploration day of Kathmandu including airport receiving and drop-off are exemptions here. This is an ideal choice for those who are on limited time or for adventurers who want to add another Himalayan trophy to their conquest list.

Like the classical route, this 12-day adventure also follows the route to Machha Khola from Kathmandu and uphill ascend to the Jagat. Similarly, you will follow the route of Deng heading toward Namrung. Then you will follow the uphill ascend of Lho moving towards Samagaun, your acclimation day destination. Your adventure will then head towards Samdo advancing towards Dharamsala, there after concluding your expedition you will follow a downward descent to Bimtang passing Larke Pass. During the last stretch, you will bid farewell to the Himalayas and drive back to Kathmandu in a private Jeep from Kathmandu.

Manaslu Circuit Trek- 12 Days Itineraries

Day 1: Kathmandu to Machha Khola (870 meters) drive via Jeep

Day 2: Trekking to Jagat (1,340 meters)

Day 3: Ascending to Deng (1,860 meters) from Jagat

Day 4: Deng to Namrung trekking (2,630 meters)

Day 5: Trekking to Lho (3,180 meters) from Namrung

Day 6: Trek to Samagaon (3,500 meters) from Lho

Day 7: Acclimatizing day in Samagaon

Day 8: Samagaon to Samdo (3,860 meters) trekking

Day 9: Trekking to Dharamsala (4,480 meters)

Day 10: Trek down to Bimtang (3,720 meters) crossing the Larke Pass (5,106 meters)

Day 11: Trekking from Bimtang to Dharapani (1,860 meters)

Day 12: Private Jeep drive back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters) from Dharapani

3. Manaslu-Tsum Valley Trek- 22 Days

24 days Manaslu-Tsum Valley Trek

Unlike the classic Manalsu adventure, this Manaslu Trek Map follows the route to Tsum Valley also known as the ‘Secret holy valley of Bliss’. Similar to the classical trek map, you will follow the route heading towards Machhakhola via private jeep and ascend up to the Jagat on the expedition day’s expedition away from Kathmandu. Then, instead of along the trails of Deng, in this Manalsu Trek map, you will head toward Lokpa following the route to Dumje, which will also conclude the exploration of the Ganesh Himal base Camp (3,691 meters).

Then you will move along towards the last village leading to Upper Tsum Valley, Nile- Chule. From there you will move along to Mu Gompa, the biggest monastery in the Tsum Valley and finally push for the Rachen Gompa, the highest elevation point of the Tsum Valley at 3,240 meters altitude from the sea level. After concluding your adventure of the Tsum Valley, you will descend down to Chumling and finally reach Deng, the route which mixes with the classical Manaslu trek. From here onwards, you follow the same itineraries as the classical Manaslu Circuit Trek and conclude the expedition to return to Kathmandu by Jeep on Day 21. Then concluding the 22-day Manaslu-Tsum Valley Trek, the next day you will be transferred to the airport as per your flight schedules.

Manaslu-Tsum Valley Trek- 22 Days Itineraries

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu, pick-up from TIA, and hotel transfer

Day 2: Sightseeing day in Kathmandu, permit arrangement, and trek briefing

Day 3: Drive to Machha Khola (870 meters) from Kathmandu

Day 4: Trekking to Jagat (1,340 meters) from Machha Khola

Day 5: Uphill ascend from Jagat to Lokpa (2,240 meters)

Day 6: Lokpa to Dumje (2,460 meters) trekking

Day 7: Trekking to the Nile- Chule (3,361 meters) from Dumje

Day 8: Nickel-Chule to Mu Gompa (3,710 meters)

Day 9: Acclimatization and exploration day around Mu Gompa

Day 10: Trek to Rachen Gompa (3,240 meters) from Mu Gompa

Day 11: Trekking down to Chumling (2,385 meters) from Rachen Gompa

Day 12: Descend to Deng (1,860 meters) from Chumling

Day 13: Uphill ascend to Namrung (2,630 meters) from Deng

Day 14: Namrung to Lho (3,180 meters) trekking

Day 15: Trek from Lho to Samagaon (3,500 meters)

Day 16: Rest and exploration day at Samagaon

Day 17: Trekking to Samdo (3,860 meters) from Samagaon

Day 18:Trek to Dharamsala (4,480 meters) from Samdo

Day 19: Passing the Larke Pass (5,213 meters) and heading down to Bimtang (3,720 meters)

Day 20: Descend to Dharapani (1,860 meters) from Bimtang

Day 21: Driving back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters) from Dharapani via Jeep

Day 22: Expedition conclusion day and drop-off at the airport according to flight schedules

Manaslu Trek Map- Trekking Difficulty

Manaslu Circuit Trek | Nepal Eco Adventure

Following the traditional Manaslu Trek Map, this expedition that explores the remote and wild prospects of the Himalayas has been graded at a ‘moderately difficult’ level. Although the adventure on the virgin landscapes of the Himalayas is certainly an exhilarating experience there are still a few things that the trekkers need to be prepared for. However, it is still possible for even beginners to complete this trekking adventure with the right amount of preparation. So, let’s explore what are the major difficulty factors of this remarkable adventure in the remote part of the Himalayas.

Altitude Sickness

This trekking expedition that circles the eight-tallest mountain in the world, extends to a significant height, the highest elevation jump point being Larke Pass at an altitude of 5,106 meters from sea level. As you can develop Acute Mountain Sickness above 2,500 meters altitude, you need to take the proper precautionary method to avoid this from happening. The best way to avoid altitude sickness is to enjoy slow-paced trekking and stay consistently hydrated throughout the trek. That’s why a trekking package with enough acclimatization days significantly reduces the chances of you suffering from altitude sickness.

In any case, stay on the lookout for the symptoms of altitude sickness like fatigue, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Communicate with your guide ad expedition leader immediately if you start showing any kind of symptoms.

Trek Distance

The trek distance of this expedition is another major factor that contributes to the difficulty of the Manaslu Trek Map. The Manaslu Circuit Trek is approximately 177 km and even the most popular trekking route in Nepal, Everest Base Camp Trek just covers a distance of about 130 km, this remote exploration of the Himalayas can be daunting. Thus, in the general trekking package, you will be walking for about 10- 12 days and will cover the trekking distance of approximately 15- 20 km on average

Continuously trekking for about 6- 7 hours on average every day can be strenuous for those who are not well prepared, especially on the demanding and challenging terrains of the region. So, if you want to be part of this immersive exploration of the isolated section of the Himalayas you need to be prepared for the long nerve-wrecking long treks. Follow a proper training regime and build stamina- endurance, then you will be able to relish this beautiful high-Himalayan adventure without complaining about the difficulty level.

Other Restricted Region Treks:

Weather and Climate

Manaslu Trek

The Manaslu weather can be very unpredictable in the high-altitude region, even the sunny days can be suddenly covered with dark rain clouds in a matter of hours. So, when it comes to trekking in high-altitude adventure, you have to always make sure what season would be best for the adventure. The weather factors can offer great challenges and at times even can be critical if you don’t follow proper precautionary methods.

Primary, the best seasons for trekking in Nepal are spring (March, April, and May) and autumn (September, October, and November). Temperatures are warm and stable during these seasons, and days are clear with stable weather. So, if you align your adventure to these peak seasons, it will certainly eliminate the weather difficulty factor from your expedition.

On the contrary, if you by any chance pick the off-seasons for this exploration like monsoon (June, Jul, and August) and winter(December, January, and February), the difficulty level of this remote exploration certainly elevates. The trails are muddy, slipper, and risky for high-altitude adventures during the monsoon, so you will need to prepare for adventure accordingly with the right set of equipment. The risks of sudden landslides, flight cancellations, and non-stop rainy days can make the expeditionary spirit dull during this season.

As for the winter, although it is extremely cold, the Manaslu circuit trekking is still doable. Inevitably the consistent snowfall, the minus-degree temperature at higher altitudes, and routes covered in snow will increase the difficulty factor making the route more strenuous; with the right gears, clothes, and preparation, this exploration of this isolated region can be still done, when it is at its peak form.

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Everest Base Camp Trek Cost Sun, 16 Jul 2023 00:22:55 +0000 Everest Base Camp Trek is a thrilling journey that keeps you away from your daily routine and hectic work schedules. It is a multi-day trek that needs holistic preparation, from physical fitness and mental preparation to the preparation with gear, guides, permits, and location. But on top of that, the cost is only one aspect that keeps all these plans alive. So how much does Everest Base Camp Trek Cost?

First, trekkers must understand the trekking package cost, which might differ from season to season and from one trekking agency to another. Here, the most important thing to consider is what services are included and excluded from the total cost. Depending on the package cost, the upcoming plans and preparations get executed. Here, we will discuss how much budget it takes to embark on Everest Base Camp Trek. We will also dive into the cost of accommodation, food, drinks, permits, guides, porters, transportation, and other aspects. Let’s explore them in more detail!

Trekking Package Cost

Everest Base camp trek cost

Generally, Everest Base Camp Trek takes more than $1300 per person to immerse into the Himalayan wonders and beauty completely. It includes the cost of your total package with the accommodation, meals, logistics like permits, and other services attached. Here are some quick facts regarding the average cost of Everest Base Camp Trek Cost:

Package Duration Price (USD)
10 Days $1,200
14 Days $1,500
18 Days $1,800
22 Days $2,100
26 Days $2,400

Several factors, such as the time of the year, itinerary, activities, and level of services you choose, can influence the Everest Base Camp Trek’s cost. Similarly, the agency you choose to book the Everest Base Camp Trek also makes a big impact on the total expenses required for the journey.

At Nepal Eco Adventure, we have several packages for Everest Base Camp Trek. The classic Everest Base Camp Trek is $1250 per person. When it comes to pricing, we have 14 Days Everest Base Camp Trek for $1550, Everest Base Camp – Cho-La Pass – Gokyo Trek for $1600, Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter Return for $2850, and Everest Base Camp – Kalapathar Trek for $1400. These costs are all calculated per head, so it might be a big amount when you participate as a group.

Everest Base Camp Treks in Nepal Eco Adventure

trekking permits for everest base camp trek

Package Cost
Everest Base Camp Trek $1650/person
14 Days Everest Base Camp Trek $1550/person
Everest Base Camp – Cho-La Pass – Gokyo Trek $1600/person
Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter Return $2850/person
Everest Base Camp – Kalapathar Trek $1400/person

Cost Includes

  • All domestic transportation facilities and fees
  • Kathmandu-Lukla and Lukla-Kathmandu Flight fees
  • Logistics such as permits (Sagarmatha National Park and Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit)
  • Certified and Professional Guides who are well-trained, friendly, English-speaking, helpful, and knowledgeable.
  • Professional porters to help you carry your loads
  • Charges of guides and porters and his food, accommodation, and logistics
  • Medical Supplies
  • Taxes
  • First aid kits like basic medications, bandages, oxymeters (to check your pulse at high altitude), and other prescriptions
  • Three meals per day, including Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Cost Excludes

  • Accommodation and food services in Kathmandu
  • International flight fees
  • Visa fees
  • Travel and Medical Insurance
  • Personal expenses
  • Extra services like charging, hot showers, and others
  • Backpacks of more than 15kg for Lukla Flight
  • Guides and Porter tips
  • Emergency evacuation service charges

Visa and Permit Costs

Why Is Permit Necessary For Everest Base Camp Trek?

To embark on the Everest Base Camp Trek, trekkers must be eligible to stay in Nepal for the designated time. Without going through the legal procedure, trekkers cannot issue any visa required for staying in Nepal. So, tourist visas are recommended for trekking to the Everest Base Camp. Similarly, they should obtain special permits from the Government of Nepal to enter the Everest Region. Since the base camp is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sagarmatha National Park, no one is allowed to enter the premises without special permission. That’s why we must acquire permits.

Nepal Visa Requirements And Fees

There are several kinds of visas available for foreign guests in Nepal. A tourist visa is one of them. When visiting Nepal to go on the beautiful trek of Everest Base Camp, you have to obtain this visa from Tribhuvan International Airport. It can also be acquired from other cities like Kakarbhitta, Birgunj, Belahiya, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Dhangadi, Mahendranagar, and Kodari. But since our journey starts from Kathmandu, we suggest you purchase the visa at the Airport.

Nepal visa comes with different validity. Trekkers can choose different timeframes, like 15, 30, and 90 days while buying the visa. They come with different fees. The 15 days visa in Nepal costs you around USD 25, while the 30 Days Visa has a price of USD 40. In addition, the 90 Days Visa can be purchased at USD 100.

For 15 Days USD 25
For 30 Days USD 40
For 90 Days USD 100

Trekking Permits Cost

Two permits are required for Everest Base Camp Trek; Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit and Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit. The trekkers must purchase these licenses or cannot continue their journey to the base camp. To get these permits, trekkers can visit Nepal Tourism Board in Kamaladi, Kathmandu, with the required documents, including permit fees, photographs, visa, etc. Similarly, you can also get the permits at Monjo Checkpost in Monjo Village in the Everest Region.

Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permits cost NRs. 3000 for foreign trekkers. Similarly, it costs NRs. 1000 for the trekkers from SAARC Nations and NRs. 100 for the Nepalese Trekkers. If you have any trekkers under the age of 10 years old, then you don’t have to pay any charges for the permits. Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit has the price of NRs. 2000 per person [for foreign trekkers].

There is an optional permit that is required if you embark on a trek to Everest Base Camp from Jiri. It costs you NRs. 3000 per person. It can also be purchased from Nepal Tourism Board.

Hiring A Guide | Their Cost


Hiring guides for Everest Base Camp Trek is mandatory. They provide insightful help throughout the journey and help in navigation, communication, cultural immersion, and more. Though they provide us with sufficient help and support, their services do not come for free. Trekkers must pay certain fees to acquire support to make the journey safe, secure, and enjoyable.

The average cost of hiring a guide for the Everest Base Camp Trek is around $30 to $35 per person daily. The cost can fluctuate depending on the group size of trekkers embarking on this trek. For example, if you are traveling with a group of one or two people, the charge for a guide will be around USD 30 Per Day. Similarly, a group of 3 to 5 people has to pay USD 32 per person. A group of 5 to 10 people must pay USD 35 per person daily. Here is a list of guide fees for Everest Base Camp Trek:

Group of 1 to 2 People USD 30 Per Day
Group of 3 to 5 People USD 32 Per Day
Group of 5 to 10 People USD 35 Per Day

Hiring A Porter | Their Cost

Everest Base Camp Trek Cost Hiring A Porter

Porters are an integral part of Everest Base Camp Trek. Walking for long hours might be challenging since the trek comprises a multi-day itinerary. And carrying heavy loads on top of that might drain the physical energy and mental stability during the trek. So porter must carry all your backpacks and belongings, including gear, equipment, and other necessary items. While they help you carry the loads during the trek, you must respect them by paying a fair fee.

The average cost of Porter’s fee is USD 25 to 35 per person daily. This depends on how much weight they carry. For example, if a porter carries 15 kg of weight in total, he might charge you minimum wage, but if he carries the maximum weight, which is 25 kg, the charge might gradually ascend. During the trek, porters are allowed to carry a maximum weight of 25 kg – if trekkers have fewer items, they can share one porter to carry their things. But the weight cannot exceed more than 25 kg.

These are the average cost comparison of guides and porters. Experienced guides can charge you up to USD 50 per day. It is recommended to have one on one sessions with guides and porters to discuss the fees and other activities. Also, trekkers are suggested to respect their service and offer them a fair price, if possible, tips. Tips are not mandatory, but it is highly expected when you embark on the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal.

Other Cost Breakdown

We have already gone through the logistics services, guides, and porters and the total cost of the packages. Besides those things, several other expenses are required during the Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal. From food to accommodation and from gear to transportation, trekkers are urged to allocate their budget accordingly.

Accommodation expenses

The basic expense of the accommodation facility is around USD 7 to 10 per day. The accommodation cost also fluctuates depending on the level of services the hospitality service providers offer. For example, the cost can be minimal if you live in a hotel with a shared bedroom and bathroom. But the cost can be higher if you accommodate high-end hotels with attached bathrooms, hot showers, and 24/7 electricity and internet services.

Generally, there are three types of accommodation trekkers can opt for during the Everest Base Camp Trek. They are Tea Houses, Hotels, and Camping. Tea houses are usually cheaper accommodation, costing you around $7 per night. They come with shared dormitory bedrooms and bathrooms. Some tea houses are equipped with advanced services like western-styled latrines, 24/7 free electricity, and internet services. Hotels are usually expensive compared to tea houses. They are found only in Namche Bazaar in the whole route to the base camp.

Hotels in Namche Bazaar offers a wide array of amenities like western styled bedroom and attached bathroom, restaurants, bars, and many other services. They can cost you anywhere from $10 to $15 per night. Last but not least, camping is also one way of accommodating during the journey. Though no cost is required for camping, the other services like fooding and catering might require some time and energy. Trekkers must carry their tents and supplies, and safety is highly compromised in camping.

Tea House $7-$10 Per Night Shared Bedroom/Bathroom
Hotels $10-$15 Per Night Attached Bathroom/Internet/Electricity

Food Cost [Solid And Liquid]

The average meal cost during the Everest Base Camp Trek will be $5 to $7. Similarly, the breakfast also costs you around $3 to $5 per session. So while summing up the total cost per day, the average cost of two meals is around $6 to $10 per person. Similarly, the total cost of food will be around $15 to $20 in wholesome.

Besides meals and breakfast, drinking water costs you anywhere from NRs. 100-400 per bottle. In addition, other forms of drinks like tea and cold drinks might cost you even more. During the trek, the average cost of tea and coffee is Rs 150 to 250 per cup and Rs 150 to 300 Per cup. If you opt for soft drinks like Coke and Sprite, you should pay around NRs. 200-500 Rupees per bottle.

Average Meal Cost $5 to $7 Per Person
Average Breakfast Cost $3 to $5 Per Person
Average Food Cost In A Day $15 to $20 Per Person
Average Soft Drink Cost NRs. 200-500 Rupees per bottle
Average Tea and Coffee Cost Rs. 150 to 250 per cup/Rs. 150 to 300 Per cup
Drinking Water Cost NRs. 100-400 per bottle

One of the most important things to consider is that the cost of accommodation and food is highly influenced by the time of year. For example, the cost of these services in peak seasons like Spring and Autumn is higher than the off-season times like Winter and Monsoon.

Trekking gear and equipment

We know the importance of trekking gear and equipment for the Everest Base Camp Trek. So while planning the trek, trekkers must also allocate a certain budget for buying and renting these items. Here is a list of trekking gear and equipment with their prices:

Trekking Boots $70 to $200
Backpack [40-50 liters] $50 to $150
Sleeping Bag $150 to $300
Down Jacket $100 to $250
Waterproof Shell Jacket and Pants $50 to $150
Fleece Jacket/Pullover $30 to $80
Base Layers $20 to $60
Trekking Poles $20 to $100
Warm Hat and Gloves $20 to $100
Water Bottles and Water Purification Tablets $5 to $15
First Aid Kit $100 to $150
Toiletries and Personal Items Around $200

Transportation Cost To and From Lukla

After Reaching Lukla

There are two types of transportation services available to reach Lukla from Kathmandu. One is by air, and another is by vehicle. The cost might differ from one another when comparing since the comfort level also has a vast difference. If you fly directly to Lukla Airport [Tenzing Norgay Airport] from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the price will be higher than traveling by vehicle.

Flight Cost: The average flight cost from Kathmandu to Lukla is around $150 to $250 per person. Factors like the time of the year and weather conditions highly influence it. The Regular Airlines Fare for the flight is around USD 180 per person, while the cost for Indian Travelers is only NRs. 14700 Per Person. Nepalese travelers have even more privileges when it comes to flight costs. The flight from Kathmandu to Lukla for Nepalese is only Nrs. 5500 per person.

Vehicle Cost: If you are looking forward to reaching Lukla by bus, it is possible. But remember, you must compromise comfort and time while opting for this option. Trekkers must traverse either from Tham Danda Buspa or Ramechaap for the starting session. Similarly, they can drive to Phaplu and Salleri or go from Jiri to Sotang route to Lukla. The average cost for transportation by bus or jeep will cost you anywhere from NRs. 8,000 to 12,000.

Tips to Minimize Costs

Everest Base Camp Trek In October

If you are on a tight budget, you might find it hard to spend the high and expensive money for Everest Base Camp Trek. But do not worry; we have got you covered. Here are some tips to save money by minimizing the cost of the journey. Here’s how you can do it:

Traveling during the off-peak season

Traveling during the off-peak season is one of the best ways to minimize the Everest Base Camp Trek cost. While the peak season is overcrowded, the package cost is itself expensive. Similarly, the chances of abundant accommodation, guides, porters, and logistic services are minimal. It eventually increases the cost of those things required for the Everest Base Camp Trek. So if you are looking forward to a budget trek, it will be better to go on an off-peak season trek.

But remember, the off-peak season is harsh and extreme, which can even be life-threatening. So adverse planning and preparation is crucial for this kind of trek.


Not all the aspects can be negotiated, but when it comes to the cost of the package while booking from trekking agencies, trekkers can bargain and negotiate to bring down the expenses. Similarly, the cost of guides and porters also can be negotiated. For that, trekkers are suggested to physically avail themselves in the agency and talk over the cost and try to bring down the expenses.

Packing Light To Avoid Excess Baggage Fees

This is one of the best ways to minimize the Everest Base Camp Trek cost. While packing the essential gear and items for the trek, you must know which ones to include compulsorily and which ones not. It is advised to exclude things that are not necessary during the trek. Make a list of the prioritized things like gear, equipment, safety kits, and others, and pack them well. If your plan does not include any materials for the trek, get rid of them. This will help you have lightweight loads during the trek and help minimize the cost of porters. And if it is more lightweight, you can carry it by yourself.

Renting Gear and Equipment

Buying quality gear and equipment that aligns with the difficulty level of the Everest Base Camp is a must. But the cost of these gears might exceed far from the trekker’s budget capacity. So, to minimize the cost of the Everest Base Camp Trek, trekkers can opt for renting these items, which can be obtained at a minimal price range. Trekkers can rent the required trekking gear from the shops around Thamel. Several shopping stores in Thamel offer the best price for buying and renting these gear and equipment.

See also:

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average cost of Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal?

Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal can be done at around $1300 to $2800 per person. The Standard package costs less, while the customized package with the addons of other destinations near Everest Region will cost you more.

When is the best time to go for the Everest Base Camp Trek?

Everest Base Camp Trek can be done in all seasons; however, looking at the weather and climate, Spring and Autumn Seasons are the best time. The off-peak seasons like monsoon and winter comes with the harsh and extreme weather condition, featuring heavy snowfall, rainfall, strong winds, and avalanches. It poses a high risk and danger to the trekker’s life.

What type of accommodation services are found en route to Everest Base Camp?

Most of the time, trekkers will find tea houses to accommodate themselves during this trek. Also, they can stay at a luxurious hotel in Namche Bazaar full of high-end amenities and services.

Is insurance mandatory?

Having travel and health insurance is highly recommended though they are not mandatory. But having them will compensate you a certain percentage of your money if they are canceled, postponed, or if you go through any kind of medical emergency.

Do I need a guide for this trek?

You need a professional and certified guide to embark on this trek. Nepal Government has made it mandatory to keep an accompanying guide for any treks within Nepal.

How to get to Lukla without flying?

It is possible to reach Lukla without flying. Trekkers must ride a bus from Kathmandu to either Salleri or Buspa, or Phaplu first. From there, it is a few days of trek to Lukla.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty Wed, 12 Jul 2023 08:24:46 +0000 The Manaslu Circuit Trek difficulty is at a ‘moderate’ level, which means that this beautiful trekking experience to the Manaslu region is suitable for both novice as well as experienced trekking enthusiasts. Manaslu Circuit Trek takes place in the Western-central part of the country at the foothills of the eighth-tallest mountain in the world, Mt Manaslu, at an elevation of 8,163 meters (26,781 feet) from sea level.

This trekking expedition to Mt. Manaslu in an of-beaten path offers magnificent views of the 10 white lad mountain peaks that are over 6,000 meters and a few of 7,000-ers and 8,000-ers including the occasional views of the tenth-highest mounts, Mt. Annapurna (8,091 meters)

If you are looking for a magical exploration of the Himalayas on less-crowded routes, the Manaslu Circuit trek expedition is an ideal choice for trekking enthusiasts who love serenity and solitude. Passing through the remote ancient villages and Tibetan monasteries of the Himalayas, Trans-Himalayan pastures, glacial zones, and waterfalls, the Manaslu Circuit trek also lets you explore the Budi Gandaki and Nubri valleys.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty Factors

Applying for Manaslu Trek Permit

Although the Masnalu Circuit Trek has been graded a ‘moderate difficulty,’ there are several factors that contribute to the difficulty level of this remote mesmerizing experience.

Trek Distance

This expedition to the remote and virgin errors of the Manaslu region stretched quite farther than even the popular mainstream trekking adventures; Manaslu Cicuti Trek stretches at a distance of 180 km from Kathmandu. Traversing across remote and rugged landscapes, this trekking adventure demands a high level of physical strength and endurance.

You will have to trek for an average of 5-6 hours, covering around 15 km- 20 km of distance in a span of a day. As the route in this trekking adventure follows the steep segments and rough paths passing along the rocky trail, it will take time to wrap up a day’s expedition. Generally, there are two trekking packages for the adventure in the Manaslu region, 15-day Manaslu Circuit Trek and 12-day Manaslu Circuit Trek; the only difference between these two packages is that the former involves two days’ worth of sightseeing in the Kathmandu Valley.

So, it is a considerably long trekking expedition and certainly a challenging one, so unlike other short-trekking adventures in the country, skipping physical preparation might not have a pleasant outcome.

Altitude Sickness

The altitude sickness on the high-altitude adventures is certainly a major concern during the expedition. Starting the expedition from Machhakhola at an altitude of 850 meters, the highest elevation point of the Manaslu Circuit Trek is Larkya Pass at 5,106 meters from sea level. If your adventure goes beyond the 2,500-meter altitude, there is always a risk of getting Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) as it gets hard for the body to properly acclimatize to the new environment.

If you rush without proper acclimatization, then the risk of you catching altitude sickness is significantly high. Some of the general symptoms of altitude sickness are fatigue, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, and nausea. So, if you ever start showing the symptoms of altitude sickness, consult with your expedition leader immediately and get yourself checked.

But, it’s not that altitude sickness is invincible; the best way to counter the altitude sickness is to stay hydrated consistently throughout the trek, enjoy a slow-paced adventure, acclimatize properly, and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Weather and Climate

Preparing for Manaslu Trek Permit

The weather and climate condition of the Manaslu region is another significant factor that determines the difficulty of the Manaslu Circuit Trek. In this high-altitude trekking adventure, you will pass through six-climatic zones; tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, sub-alpine, alpine, and finally, the arctic zone.

As you imagined, the expedition has warmer in the lower belt but starts freezing with a permanent snow-line on the terrain over 5,000 meters. Plus, the weather is quite unpredictable in the high-altitude environment; you might have to come across wind storms, rainfalls, and even heavy snowfalls.

Although the weather and climate can vary majorly depending on the season of the visit, the best time for trekking in Nepal is considered to be both spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November).

Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty in Autumn

Similar to other mainstream trekking routes, Manaslu Circuit Trek is at its peak during the autumn season. Although trekking comes with its own set of challenges, like the muddy trail, and light rainfall during the start of the season, the weather starts getting stable in mid-September, and you will be able to enjoy warm and stable weather.

Autumn is considered to be the best season for any trekking in Nepal; the cool chilly morning and night, clear, unobstructed views of the Himalayas, suitable temperatures, and the flourishing surrounding nourished by the monsoon rain make it one of the best seasons for an exhilarating experience in the region. The temperature of the Manaslu region during autumn can range from 13°C to 25 °C during the daytime and can drop to its lowest -3°C to -6°C.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty in Spring

Spring, consisting of months like March, April, and May, is another peak season for outdoor adventure in the country. It is also the season when the Himalayan and tropical and low alpine region comes to life, the spring season takes over the route with greenery and pleasant scented, colorful flowers. The moderate temperature, stable and clear weather passing through the immersive natural terrains make this season another popular time for high-altitude exploration.

Days are a little bit shorter during this season, and you may have to often start your trek quite early, as it is another peak season for trekking adventures in Nepal; you might also see a little bit of a crowd enroute. The temperature of the Manaslu region is around 15°C to 2 °C on average during the days and lingers around 6°C to -6°C during nights and early mornings.

Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty Off-Seasons

Off-seasons like monsoon (June to August) and winter (December to February) are the most difficult and challenging times for the exploration of the Manaslu region. Especially during the winter, the weather is freezing cold; temperature hovers around -6°C to -10°C even during the daytime in the high-altitude region. Although trekking is still possible during winter in the Manaslu region, the weather and temperature are pretty harsh, and you will need specific and reliable trekking equipment to complete the expedition.

Usually, the trail is covered in snow during the winter season due to the heavy snowfalls, and people in the temporary settlements near the foothills of Mt. Manaslu migrate to lower regions to evade the cold.

Also, during monsoons, in June, July, and August, the heavy rainfall doesn’t only make the trekking difficult but also adds risk factors to the adventure. The leeches-infested lower tropical regions, muddy and slippery trails, and risk of landslides make adventure, especially in the mountain region, extremely dangerous during this season.

You may also have to see flight delays and cancelations due to consistent rainfall, which can even kill the adventurous spirit. Days are usually warm in this season, and the temperature of the Manaslu region hovers around 10°C to 25°C during the daytime, and night temperature can fluctuate around 8°C to -5°C depending upon the weather conditions after rainfall.

Food and Accommodation

Food and Accommodation in Manaslu circuit trek

You need to understand that the Manasalu Circuit Trek takes place in the remote part of the Himalayas, so expecting a high level of food and accommodation facilities like in your luxurious exotic holiday destination might be a bit of a downer.

Although you might be able to enjoy high-end food and lodging services in the lower region of the trek, you might have to get by with a limited number of menus in this remote Himalayan exploration. But, of course, even though the food menu may not be extensive, you will be able to enjoy the tasty, healthy local delicacies, including Western and Tibetan food menus.

Generally, you will find the local menu ‘Daal, Bhaat and Tarkari’ (lentils soup, steamed rice, and vegetable dishes along with pickles options)’ throughout the teahouses along the trail with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options for the most part. But other food items like Tibetan bread, sandwich, toast, porridge, paratha, soup, pancake, eggs, spring rolls, pasta, macaroni, thukpa, pizza, spaghetti, papad, and potato dishes are pretty common in the Manaslu circuit trek.

And for water, you will find many water taps along the trail; you can use purifying solutions or tablets to make them safe to drink, and you will also be able to purchase mineral water bottles at the teahouses, which can roughly cost around US$ 2 at lower elevation and upto US$ 4 at the higher altitudes.

As for the accommodation facilities, it is also pretty rudimentary; most of the teahouses along the Manaslu Circuit Trek have double, single, or dorm-styled well-furnished rooms with mattresses, blankets, and pillows. So, it is recommended that you carry your own four-season bag and get yourself comfy without worrying about frigid weather in higher altitudes.

Physical and Mental Challenges

Physical and Mental Challenges of Manaslu Circuit trek

Undoubtedly the Manaslu Circuit Trek difficulty revolves around the physical and mental challenges of this expedition. Unless you are both physically and mentally prepared to take on this expedition to the remote virgin territories of the Himalayas on off-beaten rugged trails, there is a pretty slim chance that you will successfully complete this exploration.

Manaslu region is known for its challenging trails with huge boulders, cliffs, steep segments, and rocky trails. So, definitely, trekking on these remote and rugged routes of the Himalayan region is nothing like a walk in the park, especially when they are long-day treks with a minimum of 5 to 6 hours. Similarly, the lower oxygen saturation level at higher altitudes adds up to the physical challenges, and your body has to move along the trail overcoming these factors.

Similarly, the mental challenges during the expedition are also on par with the physical challenges. Although the Manaslu Circuit Trek difficulty is at a ‘moderate’ level and may not be as difficult as ‘strenuous’ or ‘challenging’ routes, a significant amount of will and determination is necessary to complete this adventure successfully. Your ability to handle stress, challenging situation, and discomforts along the route are the vitality points to complete the adventure of the remote- isolated parts of the Manaslu region.

Preparation for Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty

If you want to totally immerse in the untampered and glorious beauty of the Himalayan region from the Manaslu’s side, you better start preparing for this exhilarating experience. Being prepared will not only help you overcome physical challenges but also boost your confidence and will help you actually to focus on adventures rather than minor discomforts.

Strength and Endurance Training: The first part of your training should consist of straight and endurance training, it is recommended that you should start your physical training at least 8-12 weeks prior to the trekking experience. This way, your body will get accustomed to the exercise part, and your body will accept it as a part of your daily routine, and you won’t have much problems covering long distances during your trek.

For your preparation, you could include exercises like bench presses, planks, deadlifts, push-ups, bicep curls, and shoulder presses to improve your core strength. Hiking practices on steep natural terrains with a backpack or rucksack with significant weight, jogging, or using treadmills for at least a few hours will boost your stamina and endurance for the high-Himalayan adventure.

Cardiovascular Exercises: As it is a high-altitude adventure, cardiovascular exercises, which improve your body’s capabilities to deliver oxygen-rich blood to muscles, should be a vital component of your preparation. These exercises significantly improve your body’s flexibility and breathing ability and help you to adapt to the low oxygen saturation level parts of the trekking.

With the right amount of preparation, adapting to the high-altitude environment will not be a big deal. Exercises like jogging, running, cycling, and swimming are some of the best ways to boost your cardiovascular fitness level.

Mental Preparation: As we discussed earlier, the mental factor is a key component for the success or failure of this beautiful trekking expedition. The mountaineering enthusiasts with sheer determination for the conquest, regardless of age and physical fitness, have successfully completed this trekking expedition in the past. So, it all bottles down to the willingness and the passion for the adventure more than the discomforts and challenges.

You don’t have to awaken your psycho power to move the boulder from the path, although it would be convenient if you could. What we mean by mental preparation for this trekking is coming to terms with the discomforts and challenges during the adventure. The comfort level and services during the trekking experience might not be as luxurious as you had expected or as easygoing as they can be because, in any high-altitude adventure, the challenges are inevitable factors.

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Minimizing the Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty

Although the high-altitude Manaslu Circuit Trekking has some major factors that contribute to its difficulty level, it’s not that there isn’t a loophole to overcome those. In fact, with the right amount of preparation and a reliable trekking partner like Nepal Eco Adventure, the success rate for this exhilarating experience in the Manaslu region is 98%.

Here are some essential tips to reduce the Manaslu Circuit Trek Difficulty:

Proper Acclimatization and Staying Hydrated

Undoubtedly, acclimatization at an elevation over 2,500- 3,000 meters is very significant for the body to get used to the high-altitude environment. If you keep pushing for the higher elevation points without enough days of acclimatization, the risk for you suffering from altitude sickness drastically increases, possibly even putting your life in danger.

So, the best way from this situation is to select a slow-paced package that provides enough acclimatization days so you don’t have to exert yourself going overboard in this high-altitude adventure. Check out our Manaslu Circuit Trek (15 Days), Manaslu Circuit Trek (12 Days), and Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek (19 Days) to decide which best suits your palate for the adventure.

Similarly, continuing the trek without properly hydrating yourself will not only put you at risk of altitude sickness but also muscle breakdown and heat stroke. Your body is working harder in the low oxygen saturation level to inhale more oxygen and demands a high level of water intake. So, staying consistently hydrated through the expedition will increase the efficiency of your red blood cells in collecting oxygen at high altitudes.

Choosing the Right Seasons

It might not seem like a big deal, and you might even get tempted to switch your adventure for the off-seasons, which are relatively low-priced. But which season you choose to travel is a contributing factor that determines whether you will complete the adventure or it just withers due to unprecedented challenges.

Even though the trekking expenses in Nepal during the peak seasons like spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) can be slightly higher in comparison to off-seasons, they are worth it. The clear days, warm stable weather, blossoming flora, lush green forest, clear scenic views of the Himalayan ranges, and clear-fresh air during these peak seasons offer some of the most exhilarating experiences of the Himalayan exploration.

On the contrary, the off-seasons, like monsoons (June to August) and winter (November to February), have their own set of challenges. In the winter especially, the chilly winds, extremely cold environment, constant snowfalls, slipper paths, cloudy non-visibility days, and trails covered in the snow make expeditions very difficult during this season. Furthermore, the acclimatization process is harder during the winter, so this season isn’t suitable for beginners.

Similarly, monsoon comes with muddy trails, non-stop rainfalls, foggy & cloudy days, risk of landslides and rock blockage, and leeches along the lower trails, followed by flight cancellation is another tough season to set out on an exploration of the Manaslu region. Although the trek is doable in both of the off-season, you will need a specific set of tools and pack lists to complete the trek successfully.

Hire Professional Team

Although many experienced trekking enthusiasts often prefer to set out on the exploration on their own, the best way to minimize the trekking difficulty would be to hire a professional team. Manaslu Circuit Trek difficulty will certainly reduce significantly with a professional team with knowledgeable guides, porters to carry your baggage and equipment, and an overall experienced team who will handle your day-to-day itinerary from fooding services to comfortable accommodations arrangements along the trail.

Certainly, it is a tough challenge if you have to see all the arrangements along the trek and collect yourself from the physical exhaustion after a long days trek. So, instead of shouldering every part of the experience, just hire a professional team who will oversee everything, and you won’t have to worry about anything. This way, not only your trekking expedition will be a lot safer but also an immersive experience as you can just enjoy the adventure letting your professional expedition team handle all other components to the minor details.

Get a Customizable Itinerary

If you are just a beginner and want to explore the beautiful Manaslu region at your own pace, you could opt out for a custom-designed itinerary package instead of a regular expedition package. This way, you won’t have to stick to a specific set of itineraries that are usually around 12- 14 days; you can enjoy the trekking expedition to the best of your abilities.

In the customizable itinerary package, you can also adjust the number of acclimatization days if you feel like the acclimatization days are not enough. You can request to design the package with more resting days that cover shorter distances each day than the regular trekking itinerary plans.

Nepal Eco Adventure offers the best customizable trekking packages for the Manaslu Circuit Trek. So, if you are a new trekking enthusiast who has discovered his love for high-altitude adventures or you just want to enjoy a slow-paced perspective of the alluring Himalayas, we can custom-tailor specific itineraries that will support your first adventure to the glorious Himalayas.

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Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost Sun, 02 Jul 2023 05:17:50 +0000 The Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost can vary depending on the itinerary plans and number of expedition days the package includes. In general, the Annapurna Circuit Trek cost for the lower number of itineraries is around $1,000, and the higher number of days can cross even the $1,900 threshold (quality of services and teahouses along the trail is a major contributing factor for the Annapurna Circuit Trek cost).

This legendary trekking adventure takes you around the 190 km loop of the Annapurna Massifs, with the expedition lasting from 10- 18 days. Nepal, in general, is a budget-friendly country; you don’t need to break the bank for setting out on adventures or enjoying a vacation in the country. Still, what are the costs involved in the Annapurna Circuit trekking? and what kind of budget do you need to allocate for enjoying this adventure without missing out on anything? We will explore a detailed Annapurna Circuit trek cost and budgeting in this article.

Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost (Budgeting)

Budgeting the Annapurna Circuit Trek cost can be quite tricky, as everyone has a different traveling style. Naturally, it may also vary depending on how many days you are spending on this beautiful exploration of the Himalayas. Thus, the more days you will spend on this trek, the more expenses you will accumulate; food, accommodations, and of course, snack breaks along the trail.

If you are planning the expedition alone, the Annapurna Circuit Trek cost will be a variable factor that will depend upon the adventure you are planning. Unlike hiring professional expedition services that make arrangements for everything along the route to ensure safety, comfort, and an exhilarating experience during your adventure. If you want to explore the Annapurna region without hiring professional service, you will have to take care of all the basic essentials, from food and accommodations, transportation, and permits, to hiring porters and guides.

The Annapurn Circuit trek cost boils down to the factors like:

  • Cost for internal flights
  • Airport and visa expenses
  • Ground transportations
  • Food and accommodation in both cities and teahouses along the route
  • Trekking permits and permits for the restricted areas
  • Guides and porters
  • Trekking equipment
  • Travel insurance
  • Daily essential and personal supplies

Although the price for services in the lower regions and cities is reasonable and on par with the quality of the services. As you ascend to higher altitudes during the trek, the prices for services start to increase gradually, as the teahouses have to spend a significant amount of money on the transportation of food and other raw materials to such high elevation points.

This 10- 22 days adventure of the Annapurna region covers approximately around 160 km to 230 km (100 miles to 145 miles) distance depending on the itinerary and route you follow.

We here at Nepal Eco Adventure run 10- 18 days of service packages for this beautiful adventure in the Annapurna region. Our service package includes all the services charges from pick-up and drop-off from the international airport to food, accommodation, ground transportation, permits & TIMS card, guide, porters, all government expenses, and assistant guide for group sizes with 6+ members.

Also, you can use our sleeping bags, down jackets, and duffel bags, including the trekking poles, during your expedition, which certainly will save a significant amount of money that would have cost renting or buying these essentials. You can book our services, Annapurna Circuit Trek(10 Days), Annapurna Circuit Trek(15 Days), and Annapurna Circuit Trek(18 Days), at a very reasonable cost.

Cost Breakdown

Annapurna Circuit Trek in October

The Annapurna Circuit Trek cost can be broken down into different expedition components, from arrival to stay, food accommodation, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. You can generally distribute the expenses during your adventure on one of the most popular trekking routes in the country to the following heads:

Nepal Visa Fees

Upon your arrival in Nepal, the first expense will go towards the tourist visa. You can get a tourist visa at the immigration terminal at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA). You can apply for the travel visa before your arrival and just simply collect it from the immigration point without the hassle of going through the forms filling process upon arrival.

Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost- Nepali Visa Cost

  • 30 days free Nepali visa (If you are from SAARC country)
  • US$ 30 for 15 days visa
  • US$ 50 for 30 days visa
  • US$ 125 for 90 days visa

Requirements for Nepali Tourist Visa

  • You need to fill application form for the Nepali tourist visa at immigration entry points
  • Valid passport with at least duration of six months
  • Two passport-sized photos
  • Cash payment for the visa fees

Travel and Transportation

The travel and transportation costs are another significant factor of this beautiful trekking expedition that you will need to account for. After your arrival at the TIA, you will need to book a transportation service to get to your designated hotel, which will roughly cost around $5 to $8 in a taxi, depending on the traveling distance.

Rest of the part of the travel and transportation cost will include:

Transportation costs from Kathmandu to Besishar

Although you can choose your own traveling style and decide the starting point for the Annapurna Circuit Trek, the classical route will follow the trail from Kathmandu to Besishar.

  • US$ 10 per person for local bus transport (approx 6- 7 hours)
  • US$ 110 for private transport via jeep/taxi (approx 6 hours drive)

Transportation costs from Jomsom to Pokhara

  • US$ 10 for local bus transport
  • US$ 200 from Muktinath to Pokhara via a private jeep or car

Flight options for the Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • US$ 116 per person for a flight from Jomsom to Pokhara (20 minutes)
  • US$ 110 per person for a flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara (25 minutes)

Food and Accommodation

Food and Accommodation in Manaslu circuit trek

After breaking down visa and transportation costs in the Annapurna Circuit Trek cost breakdown, let’s move on to the food and accommodation part. Generally, in most of the teahouses along the routes of Annapurna trekking, you can book basic accommodation facilities like twin rooms with shared bathrooms. There are also private rooms with attached bathrooms, but it is kind of rare at the higher elevation points.

Including the cost of accommodation services in the trekking route, you will also have to arrange accommodation services in cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara, after your arrival and after conquering your Annapurna trekking expedition.

Accommodation cost for Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • US$ 7 to US$ 15 depending on the season of the visit and altitude
  • US$ 7 to US$ 97, depending on the quality and service of hotels in cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara

Similarly, no adventure is a fun adventure on an empty stomach, it is also equally significant to allocate the food budget after securing comfortable accommodation facilities. Nepal, a beautiful and culturally diversified country, offers various sets of delicacies that you can enjoy during your stay.

If you stick to the local delicacies, you can enjoy an eatery at around US$ 1.75 to US$ 2.58, and for budget lunch and dinner, the price is around US$ 2.17 to US$ 5.17.

Annapurna Circuit Trek cost for food allocation

  • US$ 2.17 to US$ 5.17 per meal in the city areas like Pokhara and Kathmandu
  • US$ 25 to US$ 50 per day during the trekking adventure along the teahouses

(Note: Trekkers generally spend around US$ 25 to US$ 50 during their trekking expedition in Annapurna; food is approximately around US$ 4 to US$ 7, and snacks, eggs, and other dishes are around US$ 2 to US$ 4. Thus, US$ 25 to US$ 50 is just an accumulation of average food costs during the trekking part, which can incline or decline depending on your meal and snack choices).

Guides and Porters

guide profile

Of course, it is an option whether you want to hire guides for the Annapurna Circuit Trek or you are experienced enough to lead the expedition yourself. But, when it comes to hiring porters, you should definitely consider it; not only hiring the porters will make it more convenient for you to carry your luggage and equipment without missing a beat on your adventure. But, also, it is very beneficial considering the safety factors; porters are familiar with the area, and they can give head-ups on do’s, dont’s, and not-to-miss attractions.

Annapurna Circuit Trek cost: Guides and Porters

  • US$ 20 to US$ 30 per day (Government licensed experienced guide)
  • US$ 20 to US$ 25 per day for porters during the trekking

Generally, the trekking companies assign one porter for two of the trekkers with a weight limit of 20 kg- 25 kg. You can have a comfortable and more immersive experience during your adventure if you hire a guide and porters, as they will take care of heavy loads and stress to manage your trek.

If you have decided to hire porters or guides for your Annapurna Circuit Trek, it would be best if you hire them from starting point, i.e., Kathmandu or Pokhara. The cost of hiring porters and guides may be slightly higher en route and at higher altitudes.


Trekking Permits

Getting trekking permits is mandatory for adventure in every region of Nepal; these permits ensure your safety as your entry and exit period is recorded at checkpoints along the trail. The permit costs aren’t much either, and considering the number of days you get during the trekking, it is actually pretty cheap. Plus, the permit cost goes towards conserving the environment, enhancing the safety of trekkers, and of course, maintaining the trails.

Permits Cost for Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • US$ 30 for Annapurna Conservation Area Permit cost
  • USD$ 20 for Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) Card

You can get the TIMS card from Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu and Annapurna Conservation Area Permit from National Trust for Nature Conservation from Patan, Lalitpur. So, in total, you will pay about US$ 50 per person for both of these permits.

Travel Insurance

Like trekking permits, you will also need to meet the criteria of the mandatory insurance requirement before the trekking expedition. Trekking in a high-altitude environment isn’t an easy feat; the weather conditions are harsh, the trails are challenging, and undoubtedly it does carry certain risk factors. So as a trek planner, you also need to consider the probability of mishaps.

Nepal Government has also made it mandatory to have travel insurance for any sports activity above 5,000 meters. As Annapurna Circuit Trek is an adventure above 5,000 meters, with the maximum elevation point at Thorung La Pass (5,416 meters), you will need to get it before the expedition starts.

In fact, you need your travel insurance number to fill out the forms for Annapurna Conservation Area Permit and Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) Card. Travel insurance will cost you around US$ 150 to US$ 175 per person.

Trekking Gear and Equipment

Packing List for Everest Base Camp Trek

The Annapurna Circuit Trek has been graded a difficulty level of ‘moderate to challenging at times’; although the trails don’t demand any technical or mountaineering skills, it is a long expedition, so you better be prepared with the right trekking gear and equipment.

Although your pack list may vary depending on the season of the visit, in general, trekking gear and essentials like:

  • Sleeping bag (four-season sleeping bags
  • Sleeping mattress/pad
  • Heavy down jacket, waterproof/windproof jacket
  • T-shirts, sweaters, fleece, and trousers
  • Sun hats, warm woolen hats
  • Trekking boots, sports shoes, sandals, and different layers of socks
  • Gloves, mufflers
  • Trekking poles
  • UV protection sunglasses
  • Battery backup and solar-powered chargers
  • Water bottle, thermos
  • Daily essentials
  • Personal hygiene
  • First aid kit and personal medications

Considering all the trekking essentials and equipment, it will cost approximately US$ 500 to US$ 700, depending on the quality of the product and the brand value. You can also rent these items, which will cost approximately US$ 1 to US$ 2; although you may feel discomfort renting wearables, renting sleeping pads, sleeping bags, trekking poles, etc., are very common practices in the trekking community.

Other Additional Costs

Even after considering several expenses head, you still have to allocate a budget for the extra services during the Annapurna Circuit Trekking. If you are new to the high-altitude trekking adventure, it may come as a surprise to you as you have to pay for these basic amenities.

But what you need to understand is complete infrastructural development is non-existent as the altitude gradually starts to increase. Although the lower region of this beautiful trek is powered by hydropower, meanwhile the upper region has to rely on solar power. And transportation of goods and raw materials isn’t easy either; teahouses at the higher altitude have to bear a high cost just to hire porters, yak, and mules.

Additional Costs for Annapurna Circuit Trekking

  • US$ 1 to US$ 2 for phone charging and wifi
  • US$ 1 to US$ 3 for hot showers
  • US$ 1 per litter of drinking water
  • Cost of alcohol, soft drink, and snack (depending on the menu price)
  • Tips of porter and guides (it is expected)

Annapurna Circuit Trek 18 Days Itinerary

Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal
Here is a general outline of our 18-Days Annapurna Circuit Trek package:

Day 1: Arrival at Kathmandu (1,400 meters) and hotel transfer

Day 2: Kathmandu sightseeing days

Day 3: Drive from Kathmandu to Besishar (760 meters) and switch to a local bus heading to Nagdi (930 meters)

Day 4: Early morning trek from Nagdi to Chamje (1,410 meters)

Day 5: Chamje to Bagarchhap trek (2,160 meters)

Day 6: Uphill ascent from Bgarchhap to Chame (2,650 meters)

Day 7: Trekking from Chame to Pisang (3,240 meters)

Day 8: Pisang to Manang (3,540 meters)

Day 9: Acclimatization and exploration day at Manang

Day 10: Manang to Yak Kharka (4,120 meters) trekking

Day 11: Trekking from Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4,560 meters)

Day 12: Thorong Phedi to Muktinath (3,802 meters), crossing Thorong La Pass (5,416 meters)

Day 13: Muktinath to Jomsom (2,750 meters) trek

Day 14: Jomsom to Tatopani (1,341 meters) drive

Day 15: Trekking day to Ghorepani (2,874 meters)

Day 16: Early morning hike to Poonhill (3,210 meters) and descend to Nayapul (1,100 meters), then drive to Pokhara (822 meters)

Day 17: Driving back to Kathmandu (1,400 meters)

Day 18: Departure day, drop-off to TIA according to flight schedules

Highlights of Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost

  • A magnificent adventure that goes around the Annapurna massifs
  • Natural hot spring at Tatopani
  • Exploration of high-Himalayan ethnic Gurung, Magar, and other Tibetan-influenced communities
  • Muktinath Temple, which has great significance in the Hindu religion, with an eternal flame and 108 stone taps
  • Thorong La Pass, the highest elevation point of this trek at 5,416 meters (17,769 feet) from the sea level
  • Unprecedented up-close view of the glorious peaks in the Himalayas like Mt. Annapurna, Annapurna II, Annapurna IV, Thorung Peak, Chulu West- Chulu East, Nilgiri, Tukuche Peak, Lamjung Himal, and Manaslu.
  • Barge Monastery, the largest monastery in the entire Manag district
  • Diverse landscapes, from lush green valleys to Himalayan region with wide vistas and glacial moraines
  • Poonhill sunrise viewpoint
  • World’s deepest gorge, Kali-Gandaki Gorge

Final Say

Annapurna Circuit Trek is certainly one of the most iconic and exhilarating trekking experiences that quench the thirst of any trekking enthusiast hungry for adventure in the Himlayas. So, if you are set on heading out on an expedition to explore this fascinating region, you can customize the above-mentioned Annapurna Circuit Trek cost breakdown according to your needs, group size, and number of days.

In general, you have allocated around US$ 1,800 to US$ 2,800, excluding the airport fares. If you require any further assistance regarding your Annapurna Circuit Trek planning, feel free to contact us.

Everest Base Camp Trek in October Wed, 28 Jun 2023 00:22:37 +0000 Everest Base Camp Trek brings a mesmerizing experience to the trekkers. Fueled by abundant natural resources, cultural landmarks, and hospitable people, Everest Base Camp offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience. While undertaking this trek, trekkers must be acknowledged of the time of the year, budget, physical/mental preparations, and essential gear.

While discussing the best time to go to EBC Trek, Spring and Autumn seasons come first. October, the month of festivals, falls in Autumn Season, making it a peak time to embark on this beautiful journey. Everest Base Camp Trek in October comes with many opportunities. The weather and climate align best with your physical and mental expectations during this time. It offers pleasant and stable weather with viable navigating routes, making your journey more interesting and accessible.

In October, the Everest Base Camp Trek also features the best opportunity to delve into Nepalese culture through festivals like Dashain and Tihar. On top of that, the spectacular views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Cho Oyu, and Nuptse add icing on the cake, supported by the clear skies and surroundings. The Buddhist culture and its practice around the trails of Everest Base Camp are very harmonious and praiseworthy, as they come with the most hospitable environments. These are some of the highlights of Everest Base Camp. You should look forward to several aspects before embarking on this journey. We have prepared some of the insights on the Everest Base Camp Trek in October in this blog. Let’s explore them in detail!

Planning Your Everest Base Camp Trek In October

Trekkers must undergo certain preparation sessions before embarking on Everest Base Camp Trek in October. This lets them know better about the routes, weather conditions, physical and technical demands, and cost details. Here are certain aspects trekkers must peek through for this beautiful trek:

Understanding the Route

Everest Base Camp Trek in October can be possible if you have a better view of the trekking route. The trail to Everest Base Camp stretches from Lukla Airport, also known as Tenzing Norgay Airport, to the base camp. In between the trail, there are several popular places and landmarks, such as Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Pangboche, Pheriche, Gorakshep, and others. You should know the step-by-step location and should prepare accordingly.

Here is the list of your day-to-day destinations in the Everest Base Camp Trek:

  • Lukla to Phakding
  • Phakding to Namche Bazaar
  • Namche Bazaar to Tengboche
  • Tengboche to Dingboche
  • Dingboche to Pangboche/Pheriche
  • Pangboche/Pheriche to Gorakshep
  • Gorakshep to Everest Base Camp

Lukla lies 2860 meters above sea level, and as trekkers hike uphill in the elevation, the altitude gradually changes. Namche sits at 3440 meters, while Tengboche and Dingboche are 3860 meters and 4,360 meters above sea level. Here acclimatization is very important. First, trekkers will go through the acclimatization process in Namche Bazaar. Second, it continues at Dingboche and allows you to adjust to the existing altitude.

Physical Preparation

Everest Base Camp is a moderately challenging trek. It means that trekkers need robust physical fitness to tackle the rugged and remote landscapes of the trail. Another important thing to consider is the long hike that needs to be operated daily. An average hike is around 6 to 7 hours, which requires a high fitness level. So trekkers must have physical strength, stamina, endurance, and energy for all these. They are recommended to have prior trekking experiences, exposure to altitude, altitude training, and many other physical exercises.

Booking and Permits

This is one of the most important parts while preparing for the Everest Base Camp Trek in October. Trekkers must choose a reputable trekking agency for booking the package. At Nepal Eco Adventure, we offer standard and customizable packages that meet the expectations of each trekker. Moreover, booking flights and logistic services should be done prior, or you might find getting them difficult. Since October falls under the peak trekking season, Autumn trekkers might be out of accommodation services as the crowd increases.

Besides, trekkers must obtain two trekking permits to embark on this journey. Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit and Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit are crucial. Everest Base Camp lies in the protected land area of Sagarmatha National Park. It is a protected and restricted area designed to conserve wildlife species and plants. So to get through the region, trekkers must purchase this license. It costs NRs. 3000 per person. If you are a trekker from SAARC Nations, you can get it at NRs. 1000 per person, while Nepalese trekkers have the privilege of a price tag with only NRs. 100 per person.

Similarly, to obtain Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit, you must pay NRs. 2000 per person. Like Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit, trekkers from SAARC Nations and Nepal have the cost of NRs. 1000 and NRs. 100 per person, respectively.

If you opt for trekking from Jiri to reach Lukla, then you must obtain Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit. It costs NRs. 2000 per person. You must submit credentials like passport-sized photos, copies of valid visas and passports, an online application form, and fees to obtain these permits. You can get these permits at Nepal Tourism Board in Kamaladi, Kathmandu. Monjo Checkpost at Everest Base Camp Trail is also an option to buy the Sagarmatha National Park Permit.

See more: Trekking Permits for Everest Base Camp Trek

Weather and Climate in October

Everest Base Camp Trek In October

If you are going out for Everest Base Camp Trek in October, you must acknowledge the facts about the weather and climate conditions of the month. As October is a peak time for trekking in Nepal, you can find a favorable environment aligned with your journey. It makes your trek more fruitful, giving you the time to enjoy the scenery and beauty of the base camp. But this does not mean that the weather is fully on your side. It is still unpredictable in the Everest Region, and the weather can change quickly. That’s why you must go through the weather forecast before you begin your trek.

If you see from the surface, the weather is pleasant with clear and blue skies. The rain and wind precipitation is relatively lower than in other seasons. This is because September marks the end of the monsoon season, and October follows it with minimal chance of rainfall in the Everest Region. The humidity is low, and fog and cloud accumulation are less likely. It allows trekkers to have a clear view of major landmarks like Khumbu Glacier, Mount Everest, Ama Dablam, Lhotse, Nuptse, and many others.

Temperature in October at Everest Base Camp

October in Everest Base Camp Trek comes with a moderate temperature. The day times are relatively hotter than the nighttime. During noon, the average temperature is around 12°C, while the temperature significantly lowers to around -6°C at night. Besides, the wind velocity will be around 8-11 km/hr (roughly 5-7 mph). So it is recommended to trek during the day and rest at night. You also need proper preparation with your clothes and gear to tackle any upcoming obstacles during the trek.

Pros of Trekking in October

Favorable Weather: As discussed earlier, October brings one of Everest Base Camp Trek’s most favorable weather conditions. The monsoon ends one month before October, and the surroundings clear out, giving you the best shots of natural scenery. Clear skies, reduced rainfall, mild temperatures, and others are some positive aspects of the Everest Base Camp Trek in September.

Stunning Autumn Scenery: Autumn season has its taste and color in Nepalese soil, and when you embark on the Everest Base Camp Trek in October, you can have experiences with all these. The vibrant sceneries of the green forests in the trail with the stunning views of the snow-capped mountains in the north are breathtaking and are the best opportunity for photography geeks.

High Visibility: The rainfall rate is very minimal during October month. So it leads to low humidity in the Everest Region, making no way out for the creation of massive fog or clouds. This will allow trekkers to have the perfect scenery as the clear blue skies offer high visibility to the surroundings. The mystic mountains of the Mahalangur Mountain Range, Khumbu Glacier, and the lush green forest in the deep-down gorge and valleys are some of the awe-inspiring views of this trek.

Moderate Temperatures: As listed earlier, the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold in Everest Base Camp during October. The daytime also features a cool environment with not much sharp sun rays. However, it is still recommended to prepare for sunblock. Moreover, nighttime can be harsh, with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius. So prepare well with your sleeping bag, pads, and warm clothes.

Festive Atmosphere: October in Nepal is a month of festivals. The major Hindu festivals like Dashain, Tihar, and Chhat fall under this timeframe. Dashain, the celebration of the victory of Good over Evil, is the main festival in Nepal. Similarly, Tihar is the festival of lights, and animals and birds such as cows, dogs, and crows are worshipped during this occasion. It gives the trekking experience a vibrant opportunity to involve in Nepalese culture and tradition. Trekkers can participate in festivals, rituals, and other religious activities during their journey.

Cons of Trekking in October

High Altitude Crowds: October is a peak time to trek to Everest Base Camp, and you will find a relatively higher rate of trekkers during this time frame. If you analyze the trail’s history in October, you might find it one of the busiest months in the year after the Spring seasons (March to May). The trail is busy, making trekkers hard to navigate easily as they encounter trail congestion at the viewpoints. Locations like Kala Patthar are considerably busier than other destinations.

Limited Tea House Availability: Since October features a high crowd on the trail, it also brings back a drawback of limited availability of logistics. Trekkers may find very minimal access to the tea houses for accommodation or need to share their bedroom, bathroom, and other amenities with the group. So these aspects might be challenging for trekkers to cope with easily.

What to Pack for the Everest Base Camp Trek in October?


Without proper gear and equipment, you might find it challenging to embark on the Everest Base Camp Trek in October. Proper planning and packing of the essential items for this trek must be properly planned and packed. Trekkers should consider the trail condition, weather and climate, and altitude before they pack these items. Here are the lists of some important gear and items for the Everest Base Camp Trek.

Clothing and Gear

  • Lightweight and breathable trekking shirts
  • Long-sleeved shirts for sun and cold protection
  • Fleece or insulated jacket for warmth
  • Down jacket or heavily insulated jacket for colder temperatures at higher altitudes
  • Waterproof and windproof outer shell jacket
  • Trekking pants (convertible to shorts if possible)
  • Thermal base layers for cold mornings and nights
  • Warm hat and gloves for cold temperatures
  • Pair of sturdy hiking boots
  • Comfortable/breathable hiking socks

Personal Items

  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Sun hat and sunscreen for sun protection
  • Headlamp or flashlight with spare batteries
  • Lightweight, quick-drying towel
  • Personal toiletries and medications

Gear And Equipment

  • Trekking poles for stability and reducing strain on knees
  • Warm sleeping bag suitable for freezing temperatures (rated for -10°C to -15°C)
  • Daypack for carrying essentials during the trek
  • Durable, waterproof backpack or duffel bag for porters to carry your gear
  • Dry bags or plastic bags for organizing and protecting your belongings
  • Trekking maps and guidebooks
  • First Aid Kit and Safety measures


  • A valid passport and necessary permits
  • Cash (Nepalese rupees) for expenses along the trek (tea houses, meals, etc.)
  • Camera or smartphone for capturing memories
  • Extra batteries or portable power banks for electronic devices
  • Sagarmatha National Park Permit and Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Municipality Entry Permit

Hiring Porters and Guides

Hiring Porters and Guides for Everest Base Camp Trek in October

Hiring porters and guides is one of the essential aspects of the Everest Base Camp Trek in October. And for your prior notice, guides are mandatory for trekking in any region within Nepal, so you should prepare well with your budgeting and other expenses.

Nepal Government and Nepal Tourism Board have made it compulsory to hire professional guides for assistance with trekking in Nepal. It mainly focuses on the safety of trekkers during their trek to remote destinations in Nepal. Hiring a guide can help you in several ways. First, they are hired to help you with navigation, so there is no chance of getting lost in the unknown trails of Everest Base Camp. Second, they support trekkers.

Everest Base Camp Trek is moderately challenging, so we cannot decide what happens next. So if anything emergency occurs, guides can help trekkers with basic medication and seek medical help as well. Third, guides can help trekkers communicate with the local people easily. It allows them to immerse culturally in the Sherpa Community and helps them learn more about their cultural significance and social structure. Hiring guides can cost you anywhere from $25 to $35. The experienced guides with extensive backgrounds can charge you up to $50 daily for the service.

Similarly, the role of porters during the Everest Base Camp Trek is to help you carry backpacks and other heavy loads. This will make you feel physically free and indulge in the beauty of the Everest Region. Most carry a significant weight of 25 to 35 kg, so you don’t have to worry about carrying backpacks and other belongings alone. You can hire porters for around $20 to $30, depending on their experience and the level of service they offer.

Challenges of Everest Base Camp Trek in October

Challenges of Everest Base Camp Trek in October

Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is the major concern during Everest Base Camp Trek in October. Since EBC sits at 17,598 feet (5,364m) above sea level, it poses great threats related to altitude, such as AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness), HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema), and HACE (High Altitude Celebral Edema). As we all know, high altitude features thin air, low oxygen levels, and less humidity, making the human body hard to cope making it difficult to breathe. So most of the time, trekkers suffer from altitude sickness due to these reasons.

To tackle altitude sickness, trekkers follow a special technique called Acclimatization. Generally, it is a process of gradually ascending to a higher altitude and then descending to a lower altitude for rest. It follows up with enough rest, hydration, and nutrition intake during the trek. Most of the trekkers also go through medication to stay out of its danger. They intake the prescribed volume of a medicine called ‘Diamox,’ which helps them to fight against altitude sickness and related illnesses.

Nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, and difficulty breathing are major symptoms of altitude sickness. So better prepare with all you have before going to the Everest Base Camp Trek.

Physical Challenge

Everest Base Camp Trek is not a single-day hiking campaign. It comprises a multi-day hike, around 2 weeks on average. On top of that, trekkers should embark on more than 6 hours of hiking every day, which is physically challenging. It drains the energy for sure. So, trekkers must have physical fitness and maintenance to tackle any kind of physical challenge during the trek.

Remote Trails

Everest Base Camp lies in the Solukhumbu District of Nepal, and it features some of the most remote trails in Nepal. Most trails are remote and rugged, featuring landslides, geographical fluctuations of ups and downs, and rocky terrain. This is likelier to exhaust the human body, and after more than 6 hours of hiking, it is for sure that the real meaning of physical challenge comes in front of our eyes. Similarly, most of the trails are uphill, and the high altitude makes walking difficult.

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A Guide to Everest Base Camp Trek Accommodation

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best time to trek to Everest Base Camp for you
Everest Base Camp Trek

Is October a good month to trek to Everest Base Camp?

October is a good month to trek to Everest Base Camp for sure. It falls under the peak trekking season in Nepal, Autumn (September to November).

What is the average temperature during October at Everest Base Camp?

The average temperature during October at Everest Base Camp Trek is around 12°C-16°C (53.6°F-60.8°F). The night times are cooler than the daytime, so the average temperature during the night times is around 2°C to -5°C (35.6°F-23°F).

Are there any festivals or special events in October that coincide with the trek?

October brings festive vibes to Nepal. Major festivals like Dashain and Tihar fall under this month, bringing a wide array of joy and happiness nationwide. During this month, Trekkers can delve into the Hindu religion and its significance in Nepalese society.

Is booking in advance for the Everest Base Camp Trek in October necessary?

October is a peak month for trekking to Everest Base Camp, so crowds are relatively higher in rate. It might bring issues in getting the proper logistics services, so it’s wise to book this trekking package.

Are there any altitude-related challenges during the Everest Base Camp Trek in October?

Altitude sickness is always a problem during Everest Base Camp Trek in October. Since this trek takes you to over 5000 meters above sea level, you might find it difficult to cope. So acclimatization is crucial. Thin air, depleted oxygen, cold temperatures, and exhaustion can lead to altitude sickness. So be prepared well.

Are tea houses and lodges open during October along the trekking route?

Tea houses and lodges around the EBC Trail are always open, so you don’t have to worry about logistics. Whether peak season or off-season, these accommodation facilities serve you best at any time.

What clothing and gear should I pack for the Everest Base Camp Trek in October?

Your clothing and gear should be weather and landscape friendly. When it comes to clothing, you must thermal warm and comfortable layers. Similarly, trekking poles, hiking boots, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, sunblocking creams, hats, gloves, and warm socks are essential for gear.

Can I trek to Everest Base Camp in October without a guide?

Solo trekking to Everest Base Camp was possible before. Still, since April 2023, Nepal Government and Nepal Tourism Board have made it mandatory to hire a professional guide for the trekking packages within the country. The main reason is to ensure trekkers’ safety during travel to remote destinations.
