Langtang Solo Trek

Langtang Valley trekking celebrates sublime mountain views and impressive scenic landscapes. It is one of the most visited trekking routes of Nepal. With more than 1000 plants, 150 species of birds and an extensive bio-diversity, Langtang Valley trekking is very popular.

Moreover, due to its expansive views, interesting Tamang culture, much gentle pace and accessibility from Kathmandu, it has been a favorite trek for many years now.

But, the 2015 earthquake and successive landslide had an enormous effect on the region. But various aids and rapid reconstruction tasks have helped reopen this trek route. It is quite a beautiful trek and a lot of the locals are self-sufficient because of the booming tourism in this area.

In this trek, nature and the heartwarming hospitality from the local people entices you.

Trip Highlights

  • Views of mountains above 7000m: Langtang Lirung (7,200m), Ganesh Himal (7,600m), and Langtang -II (7,227m).
  • Splendid views of snow-capped Himalayan ranges: Tserko RI (5033m), Kyanjin RI, Ganchhenpo (6388m), Dorje Lakpa (6990m), Laure Binayak pass (4,609m)etc
  • Typical Sherpa and Tamang villages
  • Langtang National Park, the second largest national park of Nepal
  • The national bird of Nepal (Daphne) and much more.

So can you trek solo in Langtang Region?

Are you planning a Solo trekking in the Langtang region? Wondering if you need a guide or not?

Here is what you need to know:

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Hiring a guide and porter

Langtang is not only possible without a guide, it is actually quite simple and much safe. Added, you’re not prone to falling into freezing rivers or breaking your ankle.

Having even a little understanding of Nepali language will serve you a great advantage. Many tourists hardly learn this language. Sometimes there are few tourists who do understand Nepali, it makes communication a lot easier. Also, you don’t have to rely on anyone. But this not possible most of the time.

So, hiring a guide and a porter is advisable. A guide will help you navigate through the mountains and will be there in case of an emergency. And the advantage is, he will know the best places to eat and stop for the night.

When you go to hire a guide, make sure that he or she has a guide license.

A porter will carry your baggage for you. This will allow you to enjoy long walks without feeling too tired. Sometimes, even if you have experience of carrying heavy backpacks, higher altitude can make it difficult. In that case, a porter comes in very handy.

You can learn about it more here.

How Much Will Solo Trekking Langtang Cost?

There are a couple of factors on the price for your Langtang trek.


TIMS card is the system which keeps records of every trekker and helps track them. In general, this is what you will use at all checkpoints to show where you are, and where you’re planning to go further.

This card is not only important, but you actually won’t be able to proceed the trek without it.

It costs 5000 rupees, or about USD 50.

The rest of your costs will vary depending upon what season you hike.


If you choose to trek during the peak season (March-late May and Sept/Oct), then you should count on about USD 5 rupees per room. But if you choose the off-season, then you will often get accommodation for free as long as you eat at their guest house.

Since most of the guest houses dismantled during the earthquake, only a few of them are in good condition. You will be either sleeping in tented camps or tea houses depending upon the availability of the rooms.

Do not expect luxurious homestays. The tea houses are simple, yet comfortable and cozy. In some, you might have to share the restroom which has a squat toilet.


Dal Bhat is the staple that most trekkers eat at the guesthouses.

The nutritional value for the food is incredible. You get Dal (lentils) and Bhat (rice) as well as seasonal vegetables. The best part of the meal is that you can take as many extra helping of rice and vegetables as you want without having to pay extra.

The prices are reasonable at the beginning of the trail (around 2-3 USD). But, may get as high as 4-5 USD by the time you get up to Kyanjin Gompa at 3,800 meters. These prices are negotiable, especially if you trek combined with another trekker.

For mid-day energy snacks, granola bars or some other light snack will come in handy.


The cost that most trekkers neglect about is water and that can get super expensive.

At the beginning of the trek, you may be lucky to find bottled water for USD 1.5 (which is 5 times the normal price ). But by the time you get up to Kyanjin Gompa, you will likely be paying upwards of 3.5 USD.

But, you can choose to carry a personal bottle and get it refilled at your stops for a lesser amount. Or, refill it in water sprouts or springs. But, be sure to use purification tablets.

Apart from the major costs, there will definitely be other costs. Like the costs of guides, porters, transportation costs, tips, souvenirs and so on. Be sure to spend it the way you like it.

ATMs at Langtang

There are no ATMs in the region. Hence, be sure to carry enough cash with you beforehand. So that you don’t have to compromise on your trip or face problems of any kind. Also, consider what currency to carry for your treks to Nepal.

The best time to trek to Langtang

This is dependable to you. Know which season suits you best or when you are a lot comfortable. Other than that, sticking to the peak season is a safe choice.

The best seasons to trek to Langtang are autumn and spring. Autumn is from September to December and Spring stretches from March to May.

The weather is warm and the heat is bearable. There will be very little or no rainfall. The sky will be clear allowing you to get the best view of the mountains.

Health Concerns

Before trekking, it is always advisable to consult a doctor. Check if you are physically fit and that your body is not affected in high altitudes.

But, regardless of how fit you may be, there is no guarantee that you won’t fall victim of altitude sickness. There are many symptoms of altitude sickness. Some of them are as below:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Upset stomach
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you notice any of the above symptoms, do not neglect it. It is advisable to take necessary precautions and treatment measures such as:

  • Do not climb any higher for the next 48 hours
  • Descend to a lower altitude if possible
  • Take complete rest until you feel well
  • Do not exercise
  • Do not smoke
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take external oxygen supply if necessary
  • Take anti-sickness medications

But, there are a couple of local clinics you can consult for minor injuries. And be sure to do some research on how to train your body for high altitude hiking to avoid falling sick.

What to pack?

It is important to carry the right Trekking equipment to make your trek successful. Below are some recommended items you need to carry

  • Hiking shoes /boots
  • Map
  • Thick hiking socks, Hiking shirt & shorts
  • Slip on /off pants
  • Warm change of clothes for the evenings
  • Rain Jacket
  • Water Bottle
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Passport ( to get the Tims card en-route)
  • Snacks
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Seasonal gears
  • Basic first aid kit

Final Thoughts

Langtang trek is one of the best ways to experience the Himalayas. It may not be as famous as the Annapurna Base Camp or the Everest Base Camp.

But it has its own special charm that makes it worth experiencing. Thus, Langtang Trek is popular and among the popular trekking site in Nepal.

And yes, there should not be any problem if you plan the Langtang Solo Trek. But, we always suggest you do this with a trekking guide to enjoy the better fruit of the trek.

For further information, you can contact us. It would be our pleasure to guide and assist you to the best of our ability.

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