Jatapokhari and Panch Pokhari

Jatapokhari and Panch Pokhari

Jatapokhari and Panch pokhari

Jatapokhari is located at the Chuchure V.D.C. of Ramechhap district, north east of the Katmandu valley. And panch pokhari is located about 1.5 hour walk distant north to the jatapokhari.

Turning to the page of history, it is believed that in the satya yug when the Lord Siva was poisoned with the halahal poison (kalkut), to minimize the excessive pain he had dip in the lake Jatapokhari. He used to have a bath to feel peace so that it is now also called as the peace land. Similarly the holy lake Panch pokhari can be taken as the proof of the pandavs visit to the Ramechhap.

This holy Lake Jatapokhari and panch pokhari is in the lap of Mt. Numburchuli. This holy lake is decorated with the unsurpassed natural beauty, biological diversity and thecultural heritage. It lies in the arms of very beautiful Himalayan range and pristine nature. It is very popular for pilgrimage destination for Hindus.
This place has historical and religious significance. Over 3000 pilgrims make their way to there to celebrate Janaipurnima every year. It is believed that taking dip in the holy water of jatapokhari will fulfill one´s wishes and clears the past sins. After then in a short walk there is 5 holy lakes called panch pokhari where pilgrims take bath in the lake and worship the god.

Since this lake lies above the 4000 m high, no trees are found but we can see few bushes on the valleys and passes. But we can smell the pleasant smell of medical herbs. There we can find sunpati, jatamasi (spikenard), kudaki, padamchal, panchaaule, dhupi, panmar, bhutkesar etc.Other herbs like homochar, nirmasi, bisnara, satyabanko, banmakai, chiraito, akasbeli etc are also used in the local level for medical purpose. These plants have high medical significance.

Chhetries, sharpa and tamang are main inhabitants of village way to the holy lake. Many sheds of yak can be seen in the forest on the way to the holy lake. They produce ghee, cheese, butter and other diary products. This area is also famous for arts like wood carving, stone carving etc.

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