Annapurna Base Camp Trek 14 Days

Anyone who has heard of Nepal has heard of its beautiful mountains, hills, trekking routes and the hospitality of the people. Nepal is rich in natural beauty and offers a diverse landscape from the plain regions to the hills and then the magnificent and gigantic mountains. It is also home to the beautiful flora and fauna, the exotic wildlife, and diverse ethnic communities making it one of the unique countries in the world.

A lot of trekkers have a common question regarding trekking in Nepal, “What is the most popular trekking route in Nepal?” The answer is undoubtedly, Everest Base Camp Trek followed by an equally challenging and adventurous route, Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

The growing popularity of the tourist towards the Annapurna Base Camp Trek has resulted in hundreds of thousands of trekkers and travellers alike visiting this place every year. The population and the trekking business up in the Annapurna region have also been growing with this popularity. With it, the facilities available to the trekkers have also been advancing and trekkers are getting more services than ever.

The main objective of the trekkers visiting Annapurna Base Camp is to explore and experience the perfect view of the Annapurna mountain range up-close right below their footsteps. Along with it, the trekkers also get to explore the diverse landscape and settlements of the local ethnic tribes and their culture, tradition and lifestyle. Furthermore, the trekking route also offers beautiful landscapes, lush rhododendron forests, and exotic and rare biodiversities as well.

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Some of the Himalayan peaks you will be observing in this trekking journey are Mt. Bahari Shikhar, Mt. Hiuchuli, Mt. Nilgiri, Mt. Dhaulagiri ranges, Mt. Tukuche peak, Mt. Annapurna I, Mt. Annapurna II, Mt. Annapurna III, Mt. Annapurna IV, Mt. Lamjung Himal, Mt. Manaslu ranges, Mt. Machhapuchhre (Fishtail mountain) and other series of mountain peaks and ranges.

If you are trekking for the first time, be sure to trek in the best season as the weather and climate are just perfect and the sky is clearer to give you the perfect, crystal-clear view of the pristine Mountain range.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Highlight

  • A long scenic drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara and back
  • Vibrant, colorful sunrise view of the magnificent mountain vista from Poon Hill
  • Panoramic views mountains
  • Traditional settlement of Magar Village at Ghorepani
  • Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,700 m)
  • Annapurna Base Camp (4,130 m)
  • Natural hot spring at Jhinu Danda
  • Sightseeing tour around the historical UNESCO world heritage sites in Kathmandu

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Outline Itinerary

Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300 m)

Day 02 : Travel to Pokhara (820 m)

Day 03 : Drive to Nayapul and trek to Hile (1,430 m)

Day 04 :Trek to Ghorepani (2,840 m)

Day 05 :Hike up to Poon Hill for sunrise and trek to Tadapani (2,610 m)

Day 06 : Trek to Sinuwa (2,340 m)

Day 07 : Trek to Himalaya hotel (2,900 m)

Day 08 : Trek to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130 m)

Day 09 : Trek to Bamboo (2,345 m)

Day 10 : Trek to Jhinu Danda (1,760 m)

Day 11 : Trek to Pothana (1,990 m)

Day 12 : Trek down to Phedi (1,100 m) and back to Pokhara

Day 13 : Drive back to Kathmandu

Day 14 : Final departure

Detailed Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu

Altitude: 1,300 m/4,264 ft

The first day of your visit to Nepal’s only international airport in Kathmandu, Tribhuvan International Airport, marks as the first day of this 14-day long trekking journey. One of the representatives of Nepal Eco Adventure will be there to receive you with a warm welcome. You will be transferred to one of the luxurious hotels to stay overnight. If you arrive early, you can visit the surrounding places and enjoy dinner in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Some of the places to explore enlisted as UNESCO sites in Kathmandu are Swayambhunath, Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa and Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Day 02: Travel to Pokhara

Altitude: 820 m/2,700 ft

Travel hour: 6-7 hours

The second day starts by catching an early morning bus and heading towards Pokhara in a scenic drive of around 6 to 7 hours. All your backpack and luggage should be ready for your long journey for your early in the morning walk towards the bus station nearby your hotel. The changing landscape, the amazing view of the rivers, various settlements and sceneries along the Prithivi Highway will make this long bus ride an interesting and exciting one.

You will then reach Pokhara and will be transferred to a hotel near the magnificent Fewa Lake. You can freshen up and stroll around Fewa Lake in the evening or spend quality time in a pub or dance club nearby if you are a party person. If not, you can walk along the lake and stay in a restaurant near the lake and enjoy the peaceful evening view of the lake. Get a good night’s sleep in Pokhara to prepare for the trekking journey the next day.

Day 03: Drive to Nayapul and Trek to Hile

Altitude: 1,430 m

Travel hour: 1.5-2 hours

Walking hour: 3-4 hours

After an early breakfast in Pokhara, you will be taken on a short drive of around 1.5 to 2 hours ride towards Nayapul. After Nayapul, your porter will take your luggage and backpack and your trekking journey on foot starts from this point. You will descend to Modi Khola and after crossing the Modi Khola river, you will head towards Hile. You will notice a glimpse of the Machhapuchhre (Fishtail mountain) up in the horizon from Modi Khola bridge. After a short trek of around 3 to 4 hours uphill, you will finally reach today’s destination, Hile. You will have to stay overnight at local tea houses from this point on.

Day 04: Trek to Ghorepani

Altitude: 2,840 m

After early morning breakfast, your trekking journey on foot starts. You will pass by a small village named Tikhedhunga (1,577 m). After that, you will be passing through a village named Ulleri (2,070 m), which is famous for its 4000+ stone staircase. The inclination of the steep stone staircase gave this village the name Ulleri.

The lower part of the Ulleri village is inhabited by Brahmin and Chhetris while the upper part is inhabited by Magar tribe. After a long 6 to 7 hours of trekking uphill, you will finally reach Ghorepani (2,840 m). Ghorepani is inhabited by Magars. They have a unique culture, tradition, and lifestyle. Even at this altitude, you will find the place super clean. The trekking trail up to Ghorepani is a laborious one. It is also full of natural sceneries like the green lush forest of beautiful oak and rhododendron forests. Sleep in early as your journey the next day starts before dawn.

Day 05: Hike up to Poon Hill for sunrise and trek to Tadapani

Altitude: 2,610 m

Walking hour: 5-6 hours

One of the most memorable days of your trekking journey lies in today’s hike up to Poon Hill (3,210 m). You will have to wake up before dawn breaks up and hike around 45 to 60 minutes up from Ghorepani to reach Poon Hill. The main objective of this hike is to view the vibrant and colorful sunrise from the Poon Hill viewpoint.

When you reach Poon Hill, you will have an amazing view of the near 360 degrees panorama of the Himalayan vista. As the sun rises up in the east, nature starts to color the sky. The changing colors of the sky is one of the most heavenly scenes you will ever see. As the sun rises up, the Himalayas start to come alive with the first golden view and then you get the perfect crystal-clear view of the magnificent Himalayan range. Be sure to visit this place in the best season to enjoy this heavenly experience.

The near 360-panoramic view of the majestic mountains such as Mt. Annapurna South to Mt. Bahari Shikhar, Mt. Hiuchuli, Mt. Nilgiri, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Tukuche peak, Mt. Annapurna I, Mt. Annapurna II, Mt. Annapurna III, Mt. Annapurna IV, Mt. Lamjung Himal, Mt. Manaslu, Mt. Machhapuchhre (Fishtail Mountain) and others mountain range from Poon Hill is one of the most spectacular views you will ever see and is marked as a lifetime event by many who trek here.

After your quality time in Poon Hill, you will return back to Ghorepani for your breakfast and head towards Tadapani (2,610 m) by climbing up to Duerali from Ghorepani. You will then be moving up and down till you reach a hilltop of a beautiful place called Tadapani. You will have your dinner and stay overnight here.

Day 06: Trek to Sinuwa

Altitude: 2,340 m

Walking hour: 6-7 hours

After a refreshing and beautiful morning at Tadapani, have breakfast and you will be descending for about 6 to 7 hours towards Sinuwa (2,340 m). The beautiful rhododendron forests will energize you to walk through the beautiful jungle. You will come across some Gurung villages along the way. Explore the unique lifestyle, culture, tradition, and hospitality of the Gurung people in this region. As you descend more comfortably than any other days in this trekking, you will experience the mountains getting closer and closer till you reach Chhomrong (2,140 m). The lunch at Chhomrong with an amazing up-close view of Annapurna South and the surrounding mountains will make you feel like this trekking journey is really worthy. After lunch, you will be ascending towards Sinuwa where you will rest for the night and get ready for tomorrow’s uphill trekking.

Day 07: Trek to Himalaya Hotel

Altitude: 2,900 m

Walking hour: 5-6 hours

Your early morning journey starts with a quick breakfast towards your next destination at Himalaya Hotel (2,900 m). You will be trekking around 5 to 6 hours of strenuous trekking trail today. You will be descending towards the river called Chhomrong Khola. After crossing the river, you will then ascend through the dense forests for a while then go downhill till you reach a gorge called Dovan. A lot of trekkers stay at Dovan overnight. The best efficient trekking packages sets its stop at Himalaya Hotel. Just a short trek uphill will take you from Dovan to Himalaya Hotel where you rest your body for the night and get prepared for your ultimate destination of this trekking journey next day, the Annapurna Base Camp.

Day 08: Trek from Himalaya Hotel to Annapurna Base Camp

Altitude: 4,130 m/13,546 ft

Walking hour: 5-6 hours

After an early morning breakfast, your journey to the Annapurna Base Camp starts today. You will notice that you are at a higher altitude today and there are no trees around, just some bushes of some alpine scrub and some grasses here and there. The trail ascends through Deurali (3,230 m) and heads over a ridge and climbs up to the Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,700 m). After lunch here, you will be slowly trekking uphill for about 2 hours or so to reach the final destination of your trekking journey, the Annapurna Base Camp (4,130 m).

Your ultimate goal of this trekking journey is finally here. Explore and enjoy the spectacular view of the magnificent view of the mountains and feel the base of the Annapurna right at your footstep. Enjoy your time here by soaking in the magnificence of the mountain and by taking photographs to share you memories with others back home.

The mesmerizing sunset view from the base camp is yours to preserve and treasure for a lifetime. Explore the up-close view of the glacier and the mountains like Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Fishtail and other surrounding mountain peaks. Stay overnight at the Annapurna Base Camp and cherish your moment with a good night’s sleep.

Day 09: Trek to Bamboo

Altitude: 2,345 m

Walking hour: 6-7 hours

Get ready to leave the final destination of your trekking journey to head back home. After your breakfast, get ready to descend down the same way you came up to the beautiful place called Bamboo (2,345 m). Today’s trekking will take anywhere from 6 to 7 hours downhill. The trekking trails go through the bank of the Modi Khola. You will descend from 4,130 m to an altitude of 1,700 m today. Walk with your uniform pace and do not hustle. After reaching Modi Khola, you will be ascending towards Bamboo. You can reach early and explore the beautiful places and culture and lifestyle of people around Bamboo. You will stay overnight at Bamboo after a tiresome descend.

Day 10: Trek to Jhinu Danda

Altitude: 1,760 m

Walking hour: 5-6 hours

The down hill trekking continues from Bamboo to Jhinu Dada today. Right after breakfast, you will be descending towards Khuldi Ghar. Khuldi Ghar is popular for experimental sheep farming. You will be descending through a series of stone steps towards Sinuwa. The enchanting rhododendron and bamboo forests will freshen up your mind while trekking down through the jungle. After some more downhill trekking, you will finally climb up to Chhomrong. The trail again descends from a steep trail and finally ends at Jhinu village. Jhinu is famous for the hot spring bath. You can rest there and get a good, hot spring bath which is a great way to relieve the strains in your muscles. Ease up your body and relax for a while and then head over to Jhinu Danda and stay overnight.

Day 11 : Trek to Pothana

Altitude: 1,990 m

Walking hour: 6-7 hours

After a refreshing day in Jhinu Danda, your trekking journey starts off. After around 6 to 7 hours of trekking, you will reach your next destination.

After breakfast, you will get set and move towards Modi Khola. After crossing the Modi Khola, the trekking route goes through beautiful villages of Landrunk village along with Tolka village. This journey takes you through a refreshing part of the oak forest in the area. After passing through the forest you will finally reach Pothana. This is the last place to view and explore the amazing views of the majestic mountains and hills. You can take time and explore the traditional villages and places around Pothana. Enjoy the beautiful sunset in the mountains and stay overnight in Pothana.

Day 12 : Trek down to Phedi and back to Pokhara

Altitude: 1,100 m (Phedi)

Walking hour: 2-3 hours

Travel hour: 1.5-2 hours

The trek from Pothana to today’s destination down to Phedi is your last day of trekking on foot into the hills and mountains of Annapurna region. After early morning breakfast, you will gradually descend towards Phedi (1,500 m). It is a short walk of around 2 to 3 hours. Enjoy the forest and the view of mountains while walking towards Phedi. Take your time and enjoy your journey memorizing the places you’ve visited while being on this trekking journey.

As soon as you reach Phedi, you will be driven back to Pokhara which will take around 1.5 to 2 hours. Freshen up in your luxurious hotel and once again, you can explore the rest of the beautiful city of Pokhara. There are a lot of spas that you can indulge in. You can also go for a trekking massage to loosen up your sore muscles after a strenuous trekking journey. You will stay overnight in Pokhara.

Day 13 : Drive back to Kathmandu

Altitude: 1,300 m/4,264 ft

Walking hour: 6-7 hours

After a quality time in Pokhara, you will be heading back to Kathmandu today. After breakfast, you will be taken to your bus and the journey back to Kathmandu is the same route you came in to Pokhara. The long drive can be hard to travel back due to your long trekking journey.

Recalling your memories and the experiences you had while trekking into the mountains will certainly help you forget all the tiredness you have. When you reach Kathmandu, you will be transferred to your hotel in Kathmandu.

You can travel around Thamel or the nearby places, go shopping, and collect souvenirs. A farewell dinner party will be arranged at the hotel you stay to celebrate your successful trekking journey. After the party, you will stay overnight at the hotel. Do enjoy your last night in Nepal.

Day 14 : Final Departure

Altitude: 1,300 m/4,264 ft

The trekking journey of Annapurna Base Camp Trek finally has come to an end. It’s time to say goodbye and farewell to Nepal. You will be heading towards the airport to catch your flight. You will need to reach the airport 2 to 3 hours before your scheduled flight.

If your flight is late at night, you can use your time to tour around the city. You can let us know of your flight schedule and we will manage it for you. If you still want to go through another adventurous trekking experience or tour around the country, we can manage that as well.

Your trip to Annapurna Base Camp, one of the best trekking destinations of Nepal will have been a lifetime achievement. Remember, “When the mountain calls, you must answer.” Do visit us for more adventures and trekking journeys.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further queries regarding the trek or any other information regarding the same.

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