Trekking in Nepal in October

Trekking in Nepal is a dream comes true for any trekker or travelling enthusiast. Nepal is one of the best places in the world for trekking. It is not only affordable but nature has gifted Nepal and made it the perfect place for trekking with its range of high mountains, hills, slopes.

To add to the beauty, Nepal is rich in culture, tradition and all of these have been preserved for generations and can still be explored by anyone visiting the country.

Trekking in Nepal is possible and doable throughout the year. However, the most strongly recommended and preferred month to do so is in October. The month of October falls in autumn season of Nepal which is the perfect season to do your trekking and travelling here.

October is best for spectacular views and perfect weather conditions. It is also the month of the biggest festivals in Nepal, so you just may get to experience the local festivities to its fullest.

Weather condition in October in Nepal

The weather conditions and temperatures do vary on the type of trek you undertake. Basically, the higher altitudes have lower temperature and vice versa.

The average temperature ranges from 14 degree to 26 degree Celsius in Kathmandu and it decreases slightly in the upper regions. After 4000m, the temperature drops by 5 degrees with every 100m ascend.

The nights are slightly colder with temperatures dropping to 8 degree Celsius in Kathmandu.

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Trekking trails to undertake in October

Being the best season to do trekking in Nepal, all of the trekking trails are available and open during the month of October. So, you can choose from a range of easy to difficult, short to long trails.

Some of the recommended trekking trails in Nepal in October are Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Manaslu Trek, Langtang Region, and many other restricted regions.

Solo or Group treks in October

Both solo and group treks can be undertaken in Nepal in October. Autumn is the best season to trek in Nepal; hence most of the trekking trails will be packed with trekkers and explorers from all over the world.

You will always have someone to talk to in the hotels, tea houses and the trails.

You also have all the different trails at your service. It is always recommended to travel with at least a porter or a guide.

Solo treks in many of the trekking trails in Nepal is possible, however, be sure to enquire, because there are still a lot of trekking trails that do not allow solo trekkers.

It is recommended that you let someone you trust know about your daily whereabouts. Group treks in October or any other season is possible, cheaper and safer.

Types of Trekking

Many of the trekking agencies offer two types of treks.

Tea house trekking:

As the name suggests, you trek towards your destination (the next tea house), along your trekking trails. The tea houses not only provide food but also lodging with all the basic amenities.

Camp trekking:

In this type of trek, you will be making camps on your destinations along the trail of your trek. All of the cooking, cleaning equipment will be carried. These types of treks are suitable for remote areas where there are no tea houses available.

Comparatively, the camp trekking is more expensive and offers more adventure and wilderness exploration than the tea house trekking. And the latter is a bit more comfortable one.

Short/ Long Duration Treks

In October in Nepal, all of the trekking trails present in the country are open. You can choose any trails according to your convenience. The short trekking covers duration from 3 to 10 days and the long ones covers anywhere from 10 days to a month of trekking.

Some treks that are possible are:

14 days Upper Mustang Trekking, Tamang Heritage Trekking, Helambu Trekking, 8 days Langtang Valley Trek, 8 days Mardi Himal Trekking, 9 days Everest Panorama, 7 days Ghorepani Poon Hill Ghandruk Trek and a lot more.

Some long treks that you can take are:

Tilicho Lake Mesokanta Pass Trekking, 17 days Everest Base Camp / Island Peak, Upper Dolpo Trekking- Jomsom to Juphal, Upper Dolpo Trekking and a lot more. Please check your website for further packages that we offer.

These short and long durations trek are also suitable for all levels of trekkers from a beginner to an experienced trekker. There are some more suitable and recommended for experienced trekkers alone.

With/ without a guide and porter

You can choose to do treks in Nepal in October with or without a guide and porter. Trekking with a guide and porter is safer and can almost guarantee you will not get lost on the trails. They will also provide you with in-depth information about the trails, its physical infrastructure, weather, flowers and fauna.

They can also recommend you the best trails to take, tea houses to stay at and the amount of time to take rest. They can also be great to increase your interaction with the locals of the region so you get better knowledge and improve your overall experience of the trek.

However, you can do a solo trek to Annapurna Base Camp without any one of them and still get to experience the trek to its fullest. October being the best month to trek in Nepal, you will not be alone on the trails. You can definitely meet fellow trekkers along the way and there are plenty of locals who have basic understanding of English.

If you do decide to go with a guide and porter, do hire them from a licensed agency and do check their credentials for your safety. We also do provide guide and porter for hire.


October is one of the best months for trekking in Nepal. It is guaranteed that all the tea houses, hotels, restaurants on the trekking trails will be open during this month.

However, it is recommended that you pre-book a hotel or tea house as the trails will be at their busiest. Many trekkers and climbers will be staying around the famous trekking trail, it could be overcrowded. It is always wise that you pre-book your trip so that you get proper accommodation.

Water and Food

Like mentioned previously, October is the best month for trekking, so all the restaurants and tea houses on the trails will be open for business. You may have to queue for food because of the increased number of trekkers.

As for water, it is recommended that you bring your own water purifiers to remain on the safe side. Water is available throughout the trails through taps, bottled water, and hot water and so on.

Trekking Permits

Trekkers from all over the world need to get certain permits to trek in Nepal. The first one is the TIMS (Trekkers Information Management System) which is required for almost all treks. The other one will belong to the conservation area or national park that you may cross while you are trekking.

These permits can be easily obtained from Kathmandu or Pokhara. You also can obtain them in the beginning of the trails; however, they will be slightly more expensive.

Some trekking trails require special permits or restricted area permits if you do trek on a restricted area.

There are many check points on the trekking trails where you will need to disclose these permits. You may be charged with fines if found without the right permits.

Fitness or Experience

Nepal has a wide range of trekking trails that can accommodate anyone from beginners to an experienced trekker.

As for fitness, if you can comfortably walk uphill a few hours each day, you can definitely find a suitable trekking trail here in Nepal. Not just that, after you book your trip, you can prepare yourself mentally and physically too.

The longer duration treks and the higher altitude treks do require more endurance and some alpine trekking experience.

Supplies and Equipment

Trekking equipment necessary for trekking in Nepal is readily available at affordable prices in Kathmandu and Pokhara. It is possible to get these supplies and equipment for both rent and purchase in Kathmandu and Pokhara.

Some of the more popular trekking trails do have shops that sell the basic supplies along the trails as well. However, due to the difficulty of transportation, these basic supplies will be more expensive than their counterparts on the lower regions.

Trekking Clothing

Trekking in Nepal in October is synonymous to comfortable trekking. No doubt, it is the best time. So, usual trekking pants, shirts, boots, shorts are a must. It is still recommended to bring one thick jacket and a pair of fleece pants and shirts for the colder nights.

A sleeping bag with liner is also a great addition for the cold nights or any unexpected weather changes.


It is strongly recommended to get insurance before travelling or trekking to any parts of the world. Accidents can and do happen even on the safest of trails and while taking every precautions.

Some trekking companies do not accommodate you if you don’t have the right insurance necessary for the trek. If you already have insurance, make sure it covers all trekking activities and conditions that you plan to undertake.

This should be done from your home country.

Altitude Sickness

Please read extensively about Altitude Sickness and be familiar with the symptoms. If you notice any of the symptoms, stop everything you are doing and rest and then descend.

Do consult your physician before embarking on a high altitude trek and take the necessary medicines as precautions. Some trekking agencies have doctors who go along the treks with you, so consult with them immediately if any symptoms occur.

Do not ever ignore any of the symptoms of High altitude sickness during the trek.


Detailed itineraries for any of the trekking trails are available on the internet and on our website. These itineraries include everything from the time of your arrival to the time of your departure.


October is the best and perfect month for trekking in Nepal. The calm weather and reasonably predictable weather conditions on the mountains make for a comfortable trek along with crystal clear views of the mountains, hills, towns, forest, gorges, lakes, rivers.

Every trekking trail within the country will be open for your convenience and you get to choose from all that Nepal has to offer without any limitations or restrictions.

You will also get to meet fellow travelers and trekkers along the way who may share similar interests making way for lifelong friendships and companions along the trails.

The high number of trekkers present during this month also means you may need to pre-book almost everything from your flight tickets to your hotel rooms. Let us do that for you, contact us.

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