Mustang Trek Cost

Mustang Trek Cost

The Mustang region has two parts, Lower and Upper Mustang. The Mustang trek cost varies depending on which part of Mustang you would like to trek to.

Both regions of Mustang has its own beauty and appeal. Due to the difference in elevation, the landscape, climate varies between the two. You can also choose to trek to both the regions in a single trek.

Like all treks, there are some factors to take into consideration while evaluating your Mustang trek cost. This is the same for the total cost incurred for treks to Mustang.

The Cost of Permits for the Trek

Lower Mustang Trek

For treks to Lower Mustang, you need the following permits:

TIMS (Trekking Information Management System):

  • Blue colored TIMS card- USD 10 per person (if trekking with a guide)
  • Green colored TIMS card- USD 20 per person (if trekking solo and without a guide)
  • Red colored TIMS card- USD 3 per person (for SAARC nationals)

Annapurna Conservation Area Project Permit (ACAP):

  • Local Tourists: Nrs. 100 (USD 1)
  • SAARC Nationals: Nrs. 1000 (USD 10)
  • Nationals from Rest of the world: Nrs. 3000 (USD 27)

Upper Mustang Trek

For Upper Mustang trek, you need the following permits:

Annapurna Conservation Area Project Permit (ACAP):

  • Local Tourists: Nrs. 100 (USD 1)
  • SAARC Nationals: Nrs. 1000 (USD 10)
  • Tourists from the rest of the world: Nrs. 3000 (USD 27)

Upper Mustang Area lies in the restricted region area of Nepal. Hence, you will need to buy a restricted area permit for Upper Mustang.

RAP (Restricted Area Permit) for Upper Mustang:

  • USD 500 per person (for the first 10 days)
  • USD 50 per day person (for every additional day after the first 10 days)

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Cost of Transportation

For all your treks in Nepal, your journey starts in Kathmandu. Restricted Area Permit for treks to Upper Mustang is only issued from Kathmandu.

The cost of transportation also depends on the starting and ending point of your trek.

Lower Mustang:

For treks to Lower Mustang, you will need to travel to Pokhara.


  • Bus: USD 8- USD 30
  • Flights: USD 82- USD 120 one way per person


The range is due to the options available in buses. You can choose from deluxe, tourist buses to local buses.

The local buses are cheaper yet the tourist buses are more comfortable. The tourist buses come with a range of facilities like wifi, air condition, food, beverage.

The range for the cost of flights is due to the difference of air carrier and the time you book your flights.

From Pokhara, you will travel to the place where your actual trek begins. The place to begin your trek can be Nayapul or Jomsom.


  • Private car, jeep: USD 10 (NPR-1000)
  • Local Bus: USD 1.5-3 (NPR- 150-300)


  • Flights: USD 110-120 per person for one way
  • Private Jeep: USD 10 per person for one way

Upper Mustang

For treks to Upper Mustang, you need to travel to Pokhara and then to Kagbeni or Jomsom.

Jomsom to Kagbeni

  • Local Bus: USD 6-10 per person for one way


  • Private Jeep- USD 30-40 per person for one way

Upper Mustang Trek

Cost of Local Trekking Staff

Lower Mustang

Treks to Lower Mustang is possible and doable with or without any trekking staff. The local trekking staff can be a guide, a porter-guide or a porter.

Hiring a local trekking staff is not expensive in Nepal. You can easily hire a professional, licensed guide for USD 25-30 per day. The perks of having a professional guide easily outweighs the cost.

A professional guide has a license approved by the government. They are also well trained to handle an emergency situation and ensure clients safety. They also have the latest updates about the conditions of the trails and weather.

Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang falls in the restricted area for treks in Nepal. Solo trekking is strictly banned by the government of Nepal in such areas like Upper Mustang.

You will have to travel with one or more fellow traveller and a local trekking staff. The cost and perks of hiring a guide are similar to treks to Lower Mustang. You can hire then for USD 35 per day.

If a guide doesn’t seem like the right choice for you, you can hire a porter or a porter-guide for your Upper Mustang Trek. The cost of hiring a porter is USD 30 per day. A porter will help carry your luggage. A porter will carry up to 20kg of your luggage.

Else, you can hire a porter-guide. A porter-guide does both the work of a guide and a porter.

The cost of hiring a porter-guide is USD 35 per day. A porter-guide will carry less than a porter, i.e. up to 15 kg.


All the costs mentioned includes cost of food, accommodation and insurance of the local, trekking staff.

Cost of Meals

Most of the tea houses, cafes, restaurants and lodges in the region will have a very basic menu. This menu usually includes the local staple food- Dal, Bhat, Tarkari. This is a dish of steamed rice, lentil soup and seasonal vegetables.

The menu also includes some kind of noodle dish, fried rice, dumplings. Some of the fancier lodges can include Indian, Tibetan, Continental and Italian cuisines on their menu.

A plate of the basic meals can cost around USD 3- 5. If choosing from the fancier menu, you may have to pay extra.

Cost of Drinks

The choice of drinks is quite basic in both the treks to Lower and Upper Mustang. Some of the choices of drinks along with their cost are as follows:

A cup of tea – USD 1.5- 4

A cup of coffee – USD 2 – 4

A bottle of beer – USD 2 – 5

A bottle of water/soda – USD 0.5 – 4

There is some difference in cost among the various tea houses, cafes and lodges in the region.

Instead of buying bottled water, you can refill your reusable bottles. This cuts the cost and is friendlier on the environment too. Make sure to bring water purifying tabs, gels, steripens for these.

Note: Hard drinks are not encouraged on any high altitude treks.

Restricted Area Trekking

Cost of Accommodation

Treks to both Upper and Lower Mustang are usually teahouse treks. You will be staying overnight at different tea houses along the trails of your trek.

Finding accommodation for your treks to Mustang (both Lower and Upper Mustang) is not an issue. You will have some options to choose from on the trails.

Most of the tea houses have clean, simple rooms. The rooms will have two single beds with pillows and warm blankets. Some of the rooms will also have few hooks on the wall to hang your stuff.

During the Tiji Festival in Mustang, make sure to book your rooms ahead. Locals and trekkers from around the world flock to Mustang during this festival. Hence, to get your choice of rooms, you need to book ahead.

Upper Mustang

On an average, a room on a twin sharing basis will cost around USD 10-15 per night per person. If you would like a single room, it will cost around USD 10-20 per night per person.

Lower Mustang

On an average, a room on a twin sharing basis will cost around USD1-6 per night per person.

For a single room, the cost will be around USD 3-6 per night per person.

Cost of Necessary Equipment, Clothing and Supplies

For treks to Nepal, having the right equipment, clothing and supplies are important for a comfortable and safe trek. The things you need to pack for your Upper and Lower Mustang trek can depend on the season you choose to trek.

Do go through the checklist of packing essentials for high altitude treks in Nepal. It is a guideline meant to assist you in your packing.

The cost spent on equipment, clothing and supplies will depend on what you already have, the quality of the product you choose to buy. You also have the option of renting your equipment and clothing from Kathmandu and Pokhara.

For clothes, the cost to hire is around USD1 a day. For equipment, the cost to hire is around USD6 a day. You can ask for a bulk discount if you hire many things.

Mustang Trek Cost: Total Estimated Cost

An average 12 days Upper Mustang Trek costs roughly around USD 1800-USD 2100.

An average 12 days Lower Mustang Trek costs around USD 800-USD 1100.

The variation can be due to things included in the overall cost.

Other Miscellaneous costs

Upper Mustang Trek

There are some costs that exclusive to any of the above categories. For Upper and Lower Mustang, some of these extra cost includes:

Donations and Entry Fees

At Lower and Upper Mustang trek, you will come across many monasteries, stupas and temples. Some of these have entry fees. Ask your guide or one of the locals for this.

If you do visit and explore them, you might end up wanting to make some donations. This can be small or large.


Although tipping is not a Nepali culture, people working in the hospitality sector do expect tips. This can include your local, trekking staff, tea houses, cafes that you stay and eat at. A good tip is always appreciated for a job well done.

Wifi or Internet Service

Some of the tea houses and lodges on the trails of Mustang provide wifi or internet services. Some of them provide it for free to their guests and some do charge. The cost of using wifi can be around USD 2 for an hour.

Or, you can buy data packs. This you can do by buying a SIM card in Kathmandu and subscribe to a 100MB data pack. This package could cost you around 3 or more. There might be the difference in cost based on the SIM operator you choose.


The region of Mustang is famous for its handmade products like shawls, mufflers, mittens, woollen hats. The region is also known for its local dried fruits like the famous Jomsom apples.

These can be great souvenirs to take for your friends and family back home. These can cost anywhere around USD 2-15 depending on the quality of the product you buy.

Upper Mustang

You may incur these costs once you cross Jomsom or enter Upper Mustang.

Charging electronic gadgets

Unlike Lower Mustang, charging of electronic gadgets is not free in Upper Mustang. You may have to pay USD 1-3 per hour for charging your electronic devices.

These include your electronic gadgets like camera, iPod, mobile phone, laptop. The charge is due to the high investment in the local hydro-power station.

You can choose to bring extra batteries or solar chargers for your electronic devices.

Bucket shower

Not all the tea houses in Upper Mustang will have facilities of a hot shower. Hence, you may have to ask for a bucket of water heated by gas or firewood. This will cost you around USD 2-5.

An option can be using wet wipes or a small towel to freshen yourself every morning and night before you go to bed.

Additional Tips for Mustang Trek Cost

  • Make sure you compare and review what is on offer for the cost mentioned by different tour operators.
  • To save on the cost of flight tickets, book early. This includes your international flight to Nepal and the domestic flights within Nepal.
  • Some of the tea houses offer free accommodation if you eat your meals.
  • If travelling in groups, the chances of getting group discounts on accommodation, meals, tour packages are higher.

Final Say,

Your overall Mustang Trek Cost depends on the total cost of your permits, cost of food and accommodations, cost of transportation, and many others.However, there a difference in the trek cost to Lower and Upper Mustang. This is largely due to the cost of the permit.

If you any further queries or questions for treks to Mustang or anywhere in Nepal, feel free to contact us.

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