What Makes Everest Base Camp Such a Famous Trek

What Makes Everest Base Camp Such a Famous Trek?

Trekking in Nepal attacks thousands of adventurers and aesthetes from all over the world. People visit Nepal to behold the treasures of natural beauty it is blessed with. Among the various trekking destination, the Everest Base camp happens to be one of the most popular one.

Everest Base Camp trekking is one of the most attempted adventure sport of Nepal. One of the obvious reason for its popularity being its destination- the base camp of the highest mountain in the world. It is almost impossible to dramatize in words the serenity of the space untouched by human civilization. And it is twice as much difficult to comprehend the sentiment aroused by the beauty of not only the sight of Mt. Everest, but also many other ranges along with it.

The trek also derives its fame from the ecosystem of the region it is located in. The walk is through beautiful deciduous forests, rhododendron forest, bamboo forests, graceful water bodies and several other diverse landscapes. Nowhere else on earth will you feel as closely connected with nature as in this trek.

The other highlight of the trek is the Sagarmatha National Park which is situated in this route. The national park is also listed under UNESCO world heritage site and requires a special permission to be entered into. The park is a home to several wildlife inhabitants and if luck favors, you might as well catch a glimpse of some of the animals.

The other factor that makes this trek so popular is in itself a popular aspect of the region- the local residents of the Sherpa Community. These people are kwon for their open mindedness and friendly nature. The Sherpa Culture is inherited from the Tibetan culture, hence allowing you to acquaint yourself with some of the most unusual and interesting lifestyle and practices.  Everest Base Camp trekking is a perfect combination of the natural and cultural aspect.

Last but not the least, the food and accommodation of the trek is unlike any other place. To begin with, the entire region has a rural layout and still remains unstained by modernization. The tea houses are simple and comfortable and the food cooked in completely Nepali style.

The other factors of the trek are subjective and ineffable hence can only be experienced. The words used to describe the trek appears as an attempt of the writer to over sell the place. But millions of people have made it to the Base Camp and it has never been a disappointment to anyone.

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