Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Cost

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Cost

Ghorepani-Poonhill trek is one of the more renowned short treks of Nepal. This trek is perfect for people of all age groups and is suitable as a family trek as well.

The cost for this trek and every other trek depends on a number of things discussed below:

  • Mode of Transportation
  • Permits
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Durations
  • Guide and porter
  • Other costs

All these costs depends on how comfortable and relaxed you want to be during your Ghorepani-Poonhill trek. It can be modified on your needs and requirements during the trek.

Mode of Transportation

Things to know before going to Nepal

Trekking to any place requires transportation to and from your hotel to the starting point of your actual trek. There are many modes of transportation available such as local buses, tourist buses, flights, jeeps.

The mode of transportation you choose will have an impact on your trekking cost.

For Ghorepani-Poonhill trek, you need to travel to Pokhara from Kathmandu. From Pokhara you need to reach Nayapul where your actual trek on foot begins.

You can use public transportation for both these purposes. The public transportation is more affordable and is an adventure and unique experience in itself. The cost of Public transportation is as follows:

Kathmandu-Pokhara: Nrs. 350-500 (USD 3.5- 5) (depends on the type of public transportation- bus, micro vans, jeeps)

Pokhara- Nayapul: Nrs. 100-120 (USD 1-1.5)

You also have the option of tourist buses. The cost of tourist bus is as follows:

Kathmandu to Pokhara: $8- $30 (depends on the standard of the buses, availability and season you travel in)

Pokhara-Nayapul: $5

If you are short on time, then you can choose a direct flight to Pokhara from Kathmandu. A one-way flight ticket can cost around $120 per person. There are no flights to Nayapul.

Another option is to travel by jeep or car depending on the journey. This will cost slightly more than the public transportation. It fits less people. The jeep costs around

Kathmandu- Pokhara: Nrs. 4000-6000( USD 40-60) (depends on season you travel in)

Pokhara-Nayapul: Nrs. 2000 (USD 20)

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Trekking Permit

For your Ghorepani-Poonhill trek, you need to have two types of trekking permits.

TIMS (Trekkers Information Management System): This permit is important for every trekker wishing to trek in Nepal. This costs Nrs. 2000 per person.

ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Entry Permit): In this trek, you will be entering the Annapurna Conservation Area.

So, you need this permit. This permit costs $28 per person. Some of the money earned from this permits will go in the conservation of the area and surrounding forest.

Note: Anyone below the age of 10 is not liable to purchase ACAP.

If you are also trekking to a restricted region or any other region in Nepal, you will need separate permits.


The accommodation costs vary along the trekking trails and season. There are a range of tea houses available along the trails of Ghorepani-Poonhill trek.

Almost all tea houses offer two beds in one room. Showers might be available in more standard lodges.

The accommodation cost of most of the tea houses in the trails cost around $3-$5 (NRS. 300-500) per night.

There are more range of lodges and hotels to choose from in the lower regions like Kathmandu, Pokhara. If you spend a night in these places, it can range anywhere from $5-$250 (Nrs. 500- 25000) per night.

Food and Drinks

You get a variety of choices in your meals during your Ghorepani-Poonhill trek. Most of the tea houses along this popular trekking trail offer a blend of traditional local, Asian and continental choices in meals.

The meals are all home-cooked, fresh, hygienic, tasty and healthy.

The cost of the food during this trek is around $2-$5 depending on where and what you eat.

Staying hydrated throughout your trek is highly recommended. There is wide range of choices in liquids like green tea, local tea, soft drinks, coffee, bottled water.

The price of bottled water can range from $0.4-$1.

The price of meals and drinks are slightly more on the trails than in the city. This is due to the remoteness of the trails and the difficulty of transportation.

The prices also vary between high and low trekking seasons.

Activities during your trek

There are a variety of things you may or may not want to do during your trek. Once you reach Nepal, options of adventure sports, cultural tours are endless.

You can choose to have a day each for sightseeing in Kathmandu, Pokhara and on the trails. You also have options of indulging in spa or hot springs on your way back from the trek.

You can also choose to do paragliding, helicopter tours, bungee-jumping, zip-flying and so on during your stay. Hence, the cost of your overall trek can change according to these activities you may or may not want to do.


The duration of your trek also determines the cost of your overall trek. Each number of day you spent on your trek includes cost for accommodation, meals, drinks, snacks, guide, porter and so on.

Guide and Porter

The Ghorepani-Poonhill trek is possible with or without guide or/and porter.

It is highly recommended to go with a guide and porter. The trek follows one of the most popular trails in Nepal. However there are some places where the trails are not well-maintained, so it is good to trek with guides.

A porter can help you lighten your load leaving you free to explore the trails at your own convenience and pace.

A guide can provide you with information regarding the local flora, fauna, landmarks, peaks. S\he can also recommend the best tea houses to stay at, the best way to get there, places with the best food and so on.

The standard daily rate of hiring a professional and licensed Nepali guide can range from $30-$40 (Nrs. 3000-4000) per day. The cost of hiring a porter can range from $20-$25 (Nrs. 2000-2500) per day.

You also have the option to hire a porter-guide. They will guide you as well as help lighten your load. They are usually a person who is on the way to becoming a guide and will cost around $25-$30 per day.

A porter-guide will have less experience than a guide and will carry less than a porter.

Other Miscellaneous costs

Along with these costs, there are some other costs you need to consider on your trek as well.

Travel insurance

Most of the trekking companies do not accept trekkers without travel insurance. Make sure you get a travel insurance in your home country. And, make sure it covers travels to foreign countries, emergency evacuation and rescue services.

Trekking anywhere in Nepal requires walking on rough terrains for 4/6 hours on a daily basis. The Ghorepani Poonhill trek is an easy trek. However, there is always a risk of high altitude sickness, injuries, accidents while trekking in high altitude regions.

Having a travel insurance is a safety precaution for any unpredictable situations.


Tipping is common in all areas related to tourism and hospitality. If you are happy with the services of your guide, porter, waiter, cook, you can show your appreciation by giving a little tip.

It is not mandatory. So, you can tip as much as you want.


Almost all the tea houses on the trail route of Ghorepani Poonhill trek have 24hr. electricity. If you need to charge your devices like phone, camera, you can charge with a small amount of money.

Main Highlights of Ghorepani-Poonhill Trek

  • Poon Hill (3210m), is one of the perfect sunrise viewpoints of the trek. It is in the list of 100 places to visit before you die.
  • View of some of the highest mountains in the world like Mt. Dhaulagiri I (8167 m), Mt. Annapurna (8091 m), Mt. Machchhapuchhre (Fishtail), Annapurna South, Himchuli, Nilgiri and Tukuche Peak from different parts of the trails.
  • Terraced farmlands
  • Beautiful villages
  • Easy and convenient trails.
  • Local forest, fauna, animals.
  • First-hand look into the lives of the local regional people of Nepal.
  • Suitable for novice trekkers, every age-groups.
  • Doable throughout the year. The different season offers its own unique flavor to your trekking experience.

Additional Tips for your trek

  • The best seasons to do this trek is the local autumn season (September to November) and Spring season (March-May).
  • Make sure to pack a pair of warm, winter clothes along with a pair of light, summer clothes regardless of the season you travel in. The weather in the upper regions of the trek are slightly less predictable.
  • Do check in with your doctor before going on this trek.
  • A pair of trekking poles is recommended for climbing up and down the infamous steps.
  • Cash is always the best option to pay for all your expenses. Most of the teahouses, cafes and restaurants will not accept credit cards. ATM machines along the trails are not fully reliable.
  • Relax and enjoy your trip, after all you are on a holiday.


The Ghorepani-poonhill trek cost depends on many factors.You can reduce or increase the cost of this trek. It solely depends on your choice of restaurants, tea-houses, trekking agents and other services.

The Ghorepani-Poonhill trek is suitable and adjustable for almost every budget.

This short and adventurous trek includes everything that a trek to Nepal should include- beautiful views, friendly and hospitable people, diverse culture, affordable prices.

If you have any further queries or questions on your trek or travel to Nepal, feel free to contact us.

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