Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek

Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp is probably the most famous trekking destinations among the various other trekking destinations in Nepal.

With the keen motive of walking along the trek that leads to the Everest Base Camp, many enthusiastic tourists visit Nepal every year.

Moreover, the route is a thrilling one that lets you overlook the hills, thick forests, mesmerizing glacier cliffs and a spectacular view of the beautiful Himalayan Range.

However, the Everest Base Camp trek is not considered an easy trek to conquer. You will definitely require a certain level of fitness and special attention to fully complete the trek.

Please know that it won’t be easy especially if you don’t have everything you thought you packed. Keep a lot of things in mind.

Below described points are 15 tips you will want to know before you go trekking to the Everest Base Camp.

1. Best Time to go to Everest Region

Autumn and spring are probably two of the most pleasant seasons for trekking purposes.

The average temperatures in autumn and spring are minimum 16 degrees centigrade along with the maximum of 25 degrees centigrade mostly on warm sunny days.

However, the temperature during the night and morning is about -15 degrees centigrade minimally. And it is more or less similar when you go above 4000 meters in the Himalayas.

On the other hand, the months from December to February can be cool and sometimes freeze but the location of where you are staying also determines the temperature.

Therefore, the months March, April, May and September, October, November are considered the best months to explore the Everest region and the infamous Khumbu region.

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2. Get Proper Training Before you go

It is quite important to get yourself involved in the physical training prior the trekking to Everest base camp.

It is a very famous walking trail and you are literally making your way up to the high elevation of 5000 meters. Some trekkers might trek to the base camp without any training but it’s not encouraged.

Physical fitness and training are very much essential if you want the trek to be an enjoyable and a memorable one.

There’s not much benefit on your technical aspect but physical training and mental preparation help you to make your trip convenient and easy.

You are recommended to do some good and tough physical exercises for more or less 1 to 2 months prior to your trekking date.

3. Know the Trekking Route Properly

The fact that you are taking yourself to witness this once in a lifetime opportunity is a wonder in itself.

The Mount Everest base camp is pleasingly wonderful.

However, you will definitely need to know everything from initial phase to the final one. And do try and find more information as to where you can camp, or places to stay, things to do there and trekking route which will lead you.

It is recommended that you have to have a trekking route map, experience guide from reputed trekking agency Nepal.

You will have a guide who will lead you during the trekking period regarding where to go and where not to go.

4. Choose the best gear list for Everest Base Camp

Your selection of the right hiking gear for the trek makes the Everest Base Camp trek more comfortable and healthy.

You are required to maintain the entire required Everest base camp trek packing list that will only help you during your time in the Himalayas.

One of the most important factors is clothes for trekking at the high altitudes. You will need to put on layers and layers because of the temperature fluctuations. Thus, you have to be very careful about the selection of the clothes.

5. Documentation/Visa, TIMS and Permits

It’s no surprise that you need proper documentation while traveling anywhere else in the world.

Moreover, the tourist visas and other essential documents are very crucial, especially for the trekking purpose.

Travelers from all over the world can get arrival visas at the airport easily. And besides that, you will have to collect two trekking permits in order make your trek possible.

Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) and Sagarmatha National Park entry permit are the two essential permits you will need.

Moreover, you won’t have to worry about things like issuing the permits because the trekking agency is likely to do everything for you.

In the case of emergency during this trek, you will need the travel insurance to use the helicopter rescue service. So you got to keep your travel insurance with you the whole time.

6. Acclimatization and Hydration

Reaching the height of 5360m can be the ultimate achievement for the trekkers which is only possible by going uphill slowly.

You are recommended to drink 4 to 5 liters of water every day in order to prevent your body from dehydration.

Ask your everyday guide about the brief information on upcoming day’s program schedule in the evening while you’re resting.

Your guide will help you lead the trekking trip taking you to most used routes. They will help you with the climb in high steep grounds as well.

7. Carry cash not ATM cards

You should not depend on your ATM cards. You will find no ATM booths along the trek because of which you won’t be able to pull out the cash.

That is why before you start your trek to this place; make sure you extract all the cash you need from the city where ATM booths are easily found.

8. Get your health checked up before you go

You need to get your health checked up before you leave for your exciting trekking excursion.

No one except a doctor will be able to confirm if you are fit or not to take part in the hiking to Everest Base Camp.

One of the most common health problems that can arise while going to such altitudes is the intestinal complication.

If you have a personal doctor then he probably knows very well about your health and the problems that can arise. You should carry the prescribed proper medication which is the only best way to control such situations.

You can also hire a trekking guide and also a porter to carry the medical kit with necessary medications in case of emergency. Please stay healthy happy during the Everest trekking because you don’t want to face any complications.

9. Keep yourself away from the sun

As you go at the higher altitudes, your body is getting less and less amount of UV protection.

You should stay away from the sun because it can reduce the chances of appearance of wrinkles.

After you get sunburned badly, you are bound to become dehydrated which means it can create all sorts of problems in the mountains which eventually compromises your trekking abilities and limits your chance of being successful in the trek.

Buy yourself a quite light weighted sun hat to wear on the days when the sun is at its peak. This way you will save yourself from the dreading headaches you will surely want to avoid.

10. Hire a porter or a guide

A guide is someone worthy of your time and money who will not only guide you throughout the trek but also help you during times of emergency.

They’ve traveled a lot and know the place better than anyone else. That’s why they will have a better idea about better places to eat at and spend the tiresome nights in.

You are highly recommended to hire at least one porter.

11. Do pay your respect

When you find yourself trekking in the Khumbu region, you have to be very well aware of the local’s social behavior and adjust yourself accordingly.

During the trekking period, you are sure to cross many Sherpa villages and meet many local people living there.

If you would like to do something special for the people in this area, you can bring candy, toys, pencil, even books for the local kids. You must have heard that Nepali people are very welcoming. Also, when you meet new people don’t forget to start the conversation with Namaste!

12. Bring books, snacks, nuts, water purifier etc

You can bring your favorite books, favorite snacks, water purifiers and other things you think are required for your personal use.

Make sure you make most of your purchases at the lower towns to avoid spending more money on mediocre quality goods.

You are suggested to buy all of your trekking gears in Kathmandu because it is very expensive to buy them on the way to Everest Base Camp.

You can eat chocolates full of calories and other snacks with maximum nutrients which can be useful to boost your energy during the day time.

There are limited foods available to buy on the trekking route. Moreover, the trekking company also provides breakfast lunch, dinner services.

13. Bring treats for the children, if possible

One of the best parts of the trek to Everest Base Camp is the fact that you are walking through the houses in the local villages where people live the entire way.

Be generous and kind especially to the children because they expect you to give them things like candies and toys.

Moreover, the children will always be so grateful for any small gifts you hand them over.

14. Remember this is a vacation and relax

The most important thing to remember is that you are on a vacation, try to relax, have an open mind, and enjoy your time there. This is not something you would want to take for granted.

It’s no surprise that there is always a lot of spare time during the trekking trip like Everest Base Camp.  You normally walk 4 to 6 hours a day. Thus, you have enough time when you arrive in the tea houses to rest, relax, eat and have a quality time with your fellow trekkers.

It is very important to have this type of mindset and maintain a sound time throughout your journey as they help you to be positive and relaxed.

Also, keep in mind that you are entering into a very different environment with unique features than you may be used to when going to a country like Nepal.

15. Schedule extra days at the end of your trip

Lukla lies in the mountain region at an altitude of 2,860 meters above sea level. The weather and climate of this place is pretty unpredictable.

Because of this reason, you are requested to arrange at least 2-3 extra days except for trekking duration.

Sometimes the flights from Kathmandu to Lukla and Lukla to Kathmandu may be delayed due to the bad weather. And if you have only one day in your hands then the chances are you will miss the trip as well as the connecting flight to your country.

When the flights cancel, it can be very frustrating and you will have to either wait or you can have a helicopter fly you to your destination.

But remember that the helicopter flight fare is pretty expensive so when you have travel insurance, you can use the helicopter and later claim in the insurance company too.


Although it may seem very daunting at the first glance, the Everest Base Camp trek is an overwhelming adventure that will satisfy even the most experienced trekkers.

You can also see this trip as a wonderful opportunity to interact with other trekkers and the local Sherpas doing all this while walking through the spectacular Himalayan scenery.

The factors mentioned in this article are very important and should not be taken for granted.

The tips are very similar not only for this trek but almost for every other trek.

Therefore, it is so very important to understand everything before you head to this trip of once in a lifetime.

Good luck!

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