Mustang Trek Cost

Mustang Trek Cost

The Mustang region has two parts, Lower and Upper Mustang. The Mustang trek cost varies depending on which part of Mustang you would like to trek to. Both regions of Mustang has its own beauty and appeal. Due to the difference in elevation, the landscape, …

Tour in Bhutan in May

Tour in Bhutan in May

Touring Bhutan in May is a great decision. Although the tiny Himalayan Kingdom, a tour in Bhutan can be a life-changing experience. Bhutan does everything in a unique and awesome way. It is the only country that measures its success in units of happiness. You …

Bhutan Hiking Tours

Bhutan Hiking Tours

Bhutan is a dream destination for many reasons. It has dramatic scenery, winding mountain passes, snow-capped peaks. You can also enjoy the fluttering of prayer flags during your Bhutan hiking Tours. Along with the vibrant rhododendron forests in Bhutan. It has a colorful culture steeped …