Annapurna Circuit Trek Weather and Temperatures

Annapurna Circuit Trek Weather and Temperatures

Planning a trek is impossible without the basic knowledge of the local weather and temperature.

In Nepal, this can be crucial. The weather and temperature can vary drastically due to the different landscapes and altitude.

The landscapes of Annapurna Circuit is quite different. The weather and landscape of Annapurna Circuit trek make it a perfect trekking destination throughout the year.

The trek is notable for its climatic changes. From subtropical meadows to semi-arid lands, the Annapurna Circuit is the second most popular trek in Nepal.

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the finest treks of the world. You are sure to get amazing views and stunning scenery any time of the year.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature – October and November

Annapurna Circuit Trek

These are the most popular trekking months in Nepal. The popular treks of the Annapurna and Everest region will be bustling with the energy and aura of the trekkers. The Annapurna Circuit Trek is no exception. Trekkers and travelers from around the world flock to the region during these months.

September-November is autumn in Nepal. After the monsoon, the dust settles down and the clouds clear. Hence it has clear blue skies and the least haze. All the forest and natural vegetation are fresh and vitalized.

On the lower regions of the Annapurna Circuit trek, the weather is generally warm. The days have an average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. The nights are slightly colder at 7-8 degrees Celsius. The higher altitudes are colder. Areas above 4000m of this trek have negative degrees temperature. You should be ready for freezing weather in these areas.

You will need to add more warm layers of clothing to your Annapurna Circuit Trek packing essentials. The chances of rain or snowfall are very low during these months. You can enjoy sunny and bright warm days during October and November.

The night view is no less. You can see the amazing starlit night sky. The amazing clarity will surprise you.

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Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature – March to May

The months of March, April and May are the local spring months of Nepal. Spring is the 2nd most popular season for trekking in Nepal. After winter, the snow melts clearing the trails. These months see the increase of trekkers and travelers.

March marks the beginning of spring. March and April are a beautiful time for crystal clear views. You can see the colorful blossoms of rhododendron and other wildflowers of the regions.

The average temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius in the lower regions. The nights are colder. It is usually chilly at the beginning of March. At higher altitudes above 4000m, it is usually freezing in the evenings and mornings. You can comfortably watch the beautiful sunrise and sunsets.

The lower regions of the trek are full of bright red, pink, white and yellow blossoms of wildflowers. These are great months for trekkers who love to enjoy the flora and fauna.

During May, at low altitudes, a strange haze often appears over the mountains. This is not the case for high altitudes. By May, the temperature starts to rise. The average daytime temperatures are between 18-22 degrees Celsius at the lower altitudes. The nights are colder than the days.

The higher altitudes have lower temperatures. You can enjoy bright, warm days at altitudes of above 4000m.

Annapurna Circuit Trek Difficulty

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature – June to August

June-August is monsoon months in Nepal. However, the beginning of June and end of August do not get a lot of rain. You can experience torrential downpours during July. You can expect hordes of leeches, mosquitoes and other pests in the lower regions.

Yet, this is not the case for the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Due to the diverse geography, you can trek much of the Annapurna Circuit during this period. This is especially true for the northern sections of the trek. These sections fall in the rain-shadow area of Annapurna. This means rainfall is incredibly low for these areas. Yet, these are the least favorable months to do this trek.

The southern section around Pokhara gets heavy rainfall. The rainfall causes mudslides, landslides, flight cancellations, delays on the trails. These months are for the adventure lovers with flexible times.

The northern area of Annapurna Circuit trek, i.e. the Mustang region is dry. It lies in the rain shadow area and sees minimum to no rainfall throughout the year. These areas are dry and known as the desert area of Nepal. Treks to these regions are perfectly possible and doable.

You can enjoy treks to these sections of the Annapurna Circuit or opt for treks in rain shadow areas of Nepal. Upper Mustang Trek, Dolpo Trek, Tsum Valley trek are treks that are great for these months.

The southern sections of the Annapurna region get an average of 600-800mm of rain per month during this period. However, areas like Jomsom, Lower Mustang, Mapha get as little as 50mm. These areas lie in the rain shadow area of Nepal.

You can also see the water bodies of the area come to life. The streams, rivulets that are dry in the other months are alive in these months. You can enjoy lush green vegetation, flora, and fauna of the area.

These months see very few visitors and trekkers. So, you can enjoy all the highlights of this trek at your own pace and company.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature – December to January

Annapurna Circuit Trek

December-February is winter in Nepal. These are the coldest months in the Annapurna region.

Depending on the altitude you ascend, the temperatures can vary on the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

On an average, the daytime temperatures are 7-12 degrees Celsius on the lower regions.

On the mid regions of 2000-4000m, the temperatures are slightly lower. During the days, the average temperature can range between 2-8 degrees Celsius at these altitudes. The higher altitudes have negative degree temperatures even during the days.

The nights on an average are much colder than the days. High passes like the Thorung La Pass may remain closed due to weather conditions. Check in advance about the condition of the Pass. Trekking to the Annapurna Circuit during early December is best to avoid blocked passes. The winter will not have fully settled in at this time avoiding such situations.

Most of the tea houses remain open throughout the year. You will not have to worry about accommodation and meals on this trek. Try the hot local soups, noodles and butter tea. They are great to warm up your body.

There are chances of cloudy days during these months. During the clear days, you can see gorgeous views of snow-capped mountains and hills. You will need to watch out for avalanches and roadblocks due to heavy snowfall.

With the low number of trekkers, you will have the trails to yourself. You can enjoy the hospitality and beauty of the region.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature- September and February

Annapurna Circuit Trekking

September and February are shoulder months. You will experience two seasons within the single months.


September is a transition month. During early September, you can still enjoy the last traces of monsoon. Unlike the torrential rainfall, you can enjoy short bursts of rain. During the first two weeks of September, the rains are short and usually occurs in the late afternoon.

By mid-September, the monsoon will have ended. You can enjoy the perks of the autumn season during the later half of September. You can enjoy the highlights of October and November without a huge number of crowds.

The high passes like Thorong La see temperatures of -4 degrees Celsius. The rest of the Annapurna Circuit is quite warm in comparison. Below 2500m, the temperature is a warm 18-22 degrees Celsius in the day. From 2500-4000m, the temperature is slightly colder. The average temperature ranges between 8-12 degrees Celsius.


Early February is the last weeks of winter. It is quite cold with negative degrees temperatures. You can expect snowfall as well. By mid-February, spring makes its presence.

There are chances of cloudy days during the early weeks of February. During the clear days, you can see the snow-capped mountains and hills.

By the last week of February, you’ll start to see the dazzling displays of Rhododendrons. They begin to bloom in the lower regions. You can see entire hillsides covered in colorful blossoms of red, white and pink flowers. These make for picturesque landscapes along with the snowy mountains.

The temperatures start to rise by mid-February. You can enjoy the perks of spring without the crowds. You can enjoy the serene and tranquility of the trek during this month.

Extra Tips on Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature

  • Choose a season for your trek based on your own preferences. Do not choose one based on other’s experience.
  • Every season has its cons and pros. Choose one that you are comfortable in.
  • While packing for your Annapurna Circuit Trek, do so with the weather in mind.
  • The weather and temperatures at the passes and small peaks are more extreme than the other regions of the trek.

Final Say,

Annapurna Circuit Trek is possible in all the different seasons of Nepal. With the right preparation, gear, and supplies, this trek can be a comfortable and successful one.

Depending on what you expect from the trek, decide the season you want to do the trek in.

For any queries or questions about Annapurna Circuit trek or any other treks in Nepal, feel free to contact us.

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