Everest Base Camp Trek Packing List for The Female Trekker

Everest Base Camp Trek Packing List for The Female Trekker

All over the world, women have been continuously breaking boundaries in every aspect of life. One of such adventures that have seen strong and pioneer women going shoulder-to-shoulder with their male counterparts is trekking and mountain climbing. As Junko Tabei summitted the highest peak, Mount Everest in 1985, she opened the trekking doors to women all over the world inspiring them to take a chance, build up their courage and conquer even the highest point on Earth.

If you are an adventure seeker who likes to hustle and climb the highest challenges known to mankind, you are going to love your Everest base camp trek. Even though the destination of the trek is the base camp at 5360m and not the summit itself, the trek is equally challenging, thrilling and rewarding. All you need is courage, proper training and preparation and last but not the least, proper packing for the trip.

EBC trek is a naturally gifted, challenging trek as you pass through varied trails with the majestic mountains and lush greens. As you travel across rural villages and remote mountains, the right clothes, gear, and other accessories can make your trip fairly easy, comfortable, and fun. Your clothing and gear mostly depend on the month of your travel and the weather conditions during that time. The days can be hot, sunny, and sweaty and the nights can be unexpectedly cold with the temperature dropping below 0 degree Celsius

The packing list needs to consider these conditions as well as the obstacles along the trek that include altitude sickness, cold, diarrhea, and other sicknesses due to elevation, food, and temperatures. We provide you a detailed packing list that covers all the situations, your personal preferences as well as needs as a female trekker.

Clothing for Everest Base Camp Trek

As the temperature fluctuates from day to night, you have to carry enough clothes for layering. The days can be sweaty with the sun and the trekking while the mornings and nights can be chilly. You should be able to layer up or down accordingly.  Also, you need warm sweaters and jackets for the unbearable cold in the winter season.

Trousers: You need a pair of trousers. If you carry a convertible trouser, you have the option to wear both pants and shorts according to the weather and trekking conditions.

T-shirts: You might need to wear the same clothes for days as washing facilities are not easily available. People usually take 2 t-shirts but you should take more if you want to change regularly. You should buy breathable t-shirts so you don’t smell after the exhausting trek.

Long-sleeved shirts: You will want to protect yourself from the sun, wind, and the cold. They help to layer and maintain the body temperature.

Socks: If you want to be clean and not smell after every day’s trek, you need to carry 2 pairs of each kind so you can wash one and let it dry during the day as you trek. Trekkers usually carry 2 pairs of lining socks, 2 pairs trekking socks and 2 pair padded trekking socks. Wool-lined socks keep you warm and also prevent blisters.

Vest top: For very hot, sunny days.

Underpants: There will be too much trekking and unavoidable sweating. You should carry 6 pairs of underpants so you can start your day fresh and clean every day.

Bras: You can carry regular bras for resting days but it is essential to carry sports bras for trekking days as you will be sweating. Sports bras are comfortable and help you with the walking as well.

Thermal Innerwear: You should carry a pair of thermals for trekking above 5000m as it gets very cold. It keeps you warm and avoids the cold at higher elevations.

Fleece Jacket: You have to carry a lightweight fleece for daytime trekking to protect from the sun, wind, and cold. Warm fleece jackets can come in handy during nights when temperature falls below 0.

Down Jacket: If you are traveling during the cold months (November- December), you will experience extremely cold weather at high elevations. You have to carry down jackets for such situations.


For moderate weather, you can carry light-weight, quick-drying gloves but for the colder months, it would be sensible to carry warm, waterproof and heavy gloves to protect from the extreme cold.


If you are traveling during the monsoon (June- September), there are chances of frequent and unexpected rain. You need to carry umbrellas, raincoats, rainproof trousers and/or ponchos to keep yourself and your backpacks dry.


The head and neck fall prey to the harmful rays of the sun during the day. You should carry lightweight hats to keep cool and to protect yourself from sunburns or tans.


A buff or a headband can be used multiple ways to make your trips easier. It can be used to keep your hair in place, protect your head from the sun, wind or cold or as a sweatband too. It can also act as a mask when you are traveling on dusty roads.

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Shoes for Everest Base Camp Trek


Boots are the one piece of article that could make or break your trip, especially if you are traveling during the monsoon or cold months. You need comfortable boots with good traction to make the walking easy and ones that keep you warm and dry for the cold. You have to make sure that they are well broken-in to prevent any blisters, bruises, or discomfort during the entire trek. Any durable, good–quality trekking shoe with good traction is a perfect choice for the trek. 


You can carry sandals for everyday trips to the bathroom while in the lodges or tea-houses. You can also wear them during your leisure days or in the city areas before and after the trek.

Down shoes

You will need them only if you are travelling during the coldest months and need to keep your feet warm at night.

Medication for Everest Base Camp Trek

EBC is a high elevation trek that is difficult in some parts of the trail. People may suffer from regular colds and diarrhea to serious problems such as Altitude sickness. It is a good idea to be prepared for all these and carry all the possible medication.

Diamox: It is a preventive drug for altitude sickness. It helps to delay the onset of the symptoms or effects of Altitude sickness and make everyday ascent easier. However, it is not a substitute for descent which is the only cure for Altitude Sickness.

Blister plasters: You might get blisters from ill-fitting shoes and socks or bruises on the trails. Blisters plasters are useful for such small wounds.

Painkillers: Carry painkillers for any headaches due to cold or high elevations. Also for your periods if you suffer from cramps.

Water purification tablet: Unless you buy bottled mineral water, drinking water in the trails will not be pure and healthy. Carrying your own purification tablets ensures that you do not get waterborne diseases and stay fit throughout the trek.

Isotonic Powders: They provide taste as well as energy throughout the day

Other medicines include paracetamol, Imodium for diarrhea, Neosporin for wounds, muscle rubs, antacids, strepsils, and other medicines for your health conditions.

Snacks for Everest Base Camp Trek

Due to the high elevation and change in taste of food, the appetite usually suffers. You should bring snacks of your liking (chocolates, trail mix, and protein bars) from home as they might not be available in Nepal. The snacks will cheer you up after a hard day’s trek and give you energy when your stomach isn’t right.

Carry Muesli mix, instant tea or coffee so you can buy hot water and have a cheap, easy meal on the trail.

Gear for Everest Base Camp Trek

Trekking poles

They make steep ascents easier and also lower the pressure on knees during descents. They can be very helpful when you are tired, weak or suffering from altitude sickness. You want lightweight and adjustable poles that are easier to carry.


You should carry headlamps for late night runs to the outdoor toilets and for dark morning or evenings. You can also use them for reading.


You need to pick UV protection glasses to protect from high UV radiation and snow glare in the higher elevations.

Water Bottle

Dehydration is one of the major problems faced by trekkers. Carrying a water bottle will ensure you have easy access to drinkable water throughout the day. Drinking 5 liters of water every day is highly recommended.

Trekking Towel

They are useful for easy and quick cleaning and drying when water is not easily available for baths. You are likely to avoid water in the below freezing temperatures.


Carry lightweight cameras that are easy to carry. Also, bring enough batteries and chargers to make sure you capture every exciting moment and beautiful sceneries.


You have some days with enough leisure time. Take books or kindle (for lighter weight) to keep yourself occupied during those long hours.


People usually keep a journal (the old fashioned way) as a reminder of the exciting moments and rejoice in the future.

Batteries/ Chargers

You should carry enough chargeable batteries for all your electronics. It is also sensible to carry your chargers for tea-houses with electricity. For other times, solar powered chargers and USB portable battery chargers might be needed.

Small flag or badge of your country

You will feel proud to represent your country in the base camp of the highest mountain in the world.

Personal Items for Everest Base Camp Trek


To keep you feeling fresh and smelling good throughout the day.


You need frequent applications to protect from the harmful radiations of the sun.

Lip Balms

It is also very important to protect the lips from getting chapped by the wind, cold and sun during the trek.


You do not get hand washes or water to keep clean all the time. Hand-sanitizers help you stay clean and maintain your hygiene.

Wet wipes

For quick clean-ups to leave you feeling fresh.

Toilet papers

You might not find good quality toilet papers on the trail.

First aid kit

In case of wounds, blisters, and other regular hazards, they can help you and others for quick cures.


They help you keep track of how your body is adapting to the higher elevations and help prevent altitude sickness.


They give you detailed information about people, places and cultures and certain sights and sites you should not miss during your trip.


They are important during high elevation treks for safety. Keep one attached to your backpack at all times.

Duct tape

It can be used to mend some broken items or electronics temporarily.


You can use them to relax on your leisure days.

Solar Chargers

All tea-houses might not have electricity, so carrying solar chargers during the day can help to power your electronics.

Baby powder

It leaves you feeling fresh and smelling nice.

Tampons/ Sanitary Pads

You should carry tampons or sanitary pads if you are going to have your period during the trek. They might not be easily available on the trails.


Travel-size Shampoo /Soap

Small comb

Moisturizer for face and body

Pocket Knives


Nail clippers

Bags for Everest Base Camp Trek

Trekking bags

Frequent trekkers usually recommend bags that are lightweight but can carry everything you might need during the trek. You might want to pick a bag with comfortable straps, sturdy zippers and made up of durable and waterproof material.

If you hire a porter to carry your duffel bag, you should carry a backpack with essentials that you might need throughout the day. You should also carry a rain cover if you are traveling during the cold or rainy season.

Sleeping Bags

In the higher elevations, sleeping bags can provide the comfort and warmth for a good night’s sleep. You can add sleeping bag liners for cleanliness and pillows for more comfort.  You can buy your own or rent from Thamel at cheap rates.

You can also buy small bag locks for your duffel bag or rucksack for security.

Waterproof zip lock bags are essential to hold your valuables like passport, cash, camera, and electronic items among many others.

Things You Cannot Miss While Going for EBC Trek


Keep your passport securely at all times as it is your identity and helps you travel without any hassle through countries.


There are few or no ATMs as you ascend to higher elevations. You need to have enough cash (converted into Nepali rupees) to pay for everyday expenses.


Some trekking regions in Nepal require permits for foreign tourists. Once you obtain them in Kathmandu or at the entrance, keep them with you all the time.

Travel Insurance

Everest Base camp trek is a difficult, high elevation trek that requires extra precaution to prevent altitude sickness and other possible hazards. Pick an insurance that covers medical costs along with high elevation evacuations to be safe and make sure your wallet doesn’t have to bear all the expenses.

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