Trekking Season in Nepal

Trekking Season in Nepal

Over the past few years, Nepal has truly made a name for itself as a popular tourist destination. Whether you want a relaxing vacation or the adventure of a lifetime, Nepal is a top contender for your next trip! And if you are one of the fun-loving, adventure-seeking, nature and culture exploring tourists, Nepal is definitely going to be your next destination.

The different terrain and climatic zones of Nepal allow for different types of adventures and tours to be operated throughout the year. Each region and each activity have a favored season when you get the best out of every experience. Here we present to you a breakdown of different seasons to travel to Nepal.

Trekking trips are operated in Nepal throughout the year. Each season has its own pros and cons in terms of the landscape, vegetation and weather conditions. There are five seasons in Nepal: summer, monsoon, autumn, winter, and spring. The best seasons to trek in Nepal and have the best experiences are mainly the spring and autumn seasons. We provide you a detailed description of how trekking in each season feels like.

Trekking in Nepal in Spring Season

Nepal enjoys spring season in the months of March and April which is considered the second best season for trekking trips. Some years, the trails are cold and snowy even until February but in recent years, they are clear by mid- Feb. The temperature ranges from 25 degrees high to as low as 6 degrees. The visibility in the trails can still be hazy but are countered by the blooming rhododendrons and other flora in the lush forests. The trails are fresh, bright and welcoming with the new leaves and buds of the spring season. The days are warm while the mornings and nights can be chilly.

There can be quick showers to start the spring which might require rain jackets and rain covers for the trekking bags. It is better to dress in layers due to the fluctuation in weather between days and nights. Good boots with traction will also help in the slippery trails. Annapurna region, Upper mustang, and Everest region are perfect for longer treks while hikes around Nagarkot and Dhulikhel are also nice during this season.

The restaurants and accommodations are already open during this time. As fewer people travel during this time compared to autumn season, the trails and lodges are less crowded. You get a chance to have peaceful walks and serene nights at the hotels.

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Trekking in Nepal in Summer Season

Summer in Nepal ranges from May to July and the weather can get very hot and humid. Though some people prefer to travel during this time for the lower accommodation and other costs, the obstructed views and hot, sticky treks are disappointments to many. It is also very difficult to stay hydrated during the heat of the afternoon in the trekking trails.

As the temperatures range from min 20 to max 30 and above, the dangers and hassles of snow and cold during the winter can be avoided during this time. Trekking during this season requires rain gear to combat the heavy downpours and slippery slopes. The rain shadow areas like Upper Mustang, Nar Phu, and Dolpo get a lot of tourists during this time. If you do not mind the challenging weather conditions and slippery slopes, you can enjoy your own summer adventure in the many trekking trails available in Nepal.

Trekking in Nepal in Monsoon Season

Monsoon in Nepal lasts from July through September with heavy rainfall accompanied by high humidity. The heat and humidity make the trekking very uncomfortable at lower altitudes. However, as the altitude rises, the temperature drop with moderate weather and clear views of the mountains as the rainy clouds are left below. The temperature hovers around the same range of 20 to 30 + but the humidity is very high.

Trekking in the rain shadow areas like Upper Mustang and Dolpo can be very suitable for this season. These regions lie behind the high mountains that obstruct the rain clouds and hence they receive no or less rainfall. Such plateau areas near the Tibetan border called the mountain deserts are the highlights of monsoon treks.

Trekking in Nepal in Winter Season

The months from December to February are considered typical winter months with the temperatures dropping to as low as below 0 degrees. The days might be warm at higher altitudes but the mornings and nights are very chilly. Even though the views are clear, there are high chances of snowfall, snowstorms and blocked trails. High risks of cold sicknesses, altitude sickness, avalanches and other perils keep most of the tourists away from trekking trails during winter. However, there are those who enjoy the empty trails and the challenges and still opt for winter trekking in the Himalayas.

However, due to the off-season, the pricing for the treks and other facilities are very cheap. So if you are a daredevil who wants to fight the challenges of winter treks at very low cost, winter trekking might just be the thing for you. Short treks like Nagarkot, Dhulikhel, and Dhampus are suitable for this season. It is more sensible to avoid treks that include climbing and high passes as weather can change any time causing different disasters.

Winter treks are the most dangerous and hence require the most preparations and gear. You might need technical knowledge for the more difficult treks that require climbing on snow. Strong, comfortable and dry shoes, many layers of clothing, combined with down jackets, sleeping bags, extra sweaters and many other articles are required for a successful trip in the winter.

Trekking in Nepal in Autumn Season

This is considered to be the best time to travel and explore all the hidden treasures of Nepal. Whether you want to relax in the plains, hike and explore the hills or adventure trek in the mountains, the months through September to November provide the best experiences of Nepal.

The temperature ranges from 25 and above to below 0 degrees. The skies are crystal clear with no dust or humidity. The spell-binding views of the mountains with the green meadows and lush forests provide a truly scenic landscape. The moderate weather means it’s neither too hot nor too cold, so one can finish their trek and still feel fresh and healthy.

Autumn is the month that is advertised in every brochure, website and ad campaign, so it is obvious that people from all over the world visit Nepal during this season. This leads to crowded trails and even more crowded teahouses, lodges and restaurants. While it is a great opportunity to experience the adventure with so many people, it could be annoying to not have the trip according to your plan due to overbooked hotels, hassles during permits and other procedures.

You should start the trek after mid-September to avoid the unpredictable showers and before mid–December to avoid the early onset of winter. Any trek that ranges from October to November will be perfect from every aspect – be it the weather, the tantalizing views or the easy and calm treks.

It is better to avoid the remote and high difficulty treks during early September as there are still chances of rain and flooding and proper trekking facilities might not be available. Once autumn starts properly, even remote and high altitude treks like Annapurna Base camp and Everest base camp trek can be easily completed.

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