Gosaikunda Trek Best Season

Gosaikunda Trek Best Season

Autumn and Spring are the popular Gosaikunda trek best seasons. These months offer the stable weather and moderate temperatures for the comfortable treks.

However, a trek to the sacred lake of Gosaikunda is possible and doable throughout the year. Depending on what you expect from the Gosaikunda trek, you can decide the best season for you.

Gosaikunda lies in the diverse and nature-rich Langtang National Park. Accessible from the capital city itself, this trek also provides you with grand views of the majestic Himalaya Peaks.

Gosaikunda Trek Highlights

  • Walk to the Gosaikunda Lake at an altitude of 4315m.
  • Explore Langtang National Park and the rich flora and fauna it has to offer.
  • Views of high peaks like Langtang Lirung (7,246 m), Ganesh Himal (7422m), Dorje Lakpa (6966m) and others.
  • Look into the culture and lifestyle of the local Tamang people.
  • 108 small to medium, alpine freshwater lake. Popular ones among these are Bhairav Kunds.
  • Forest of Pine, Maple, and Rhododendron.
  • Beautiful sunset and sunrise views over the Himalayas.

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Gosainkunda Trek Best Season

Like most places of Nepal, the region in and around Gosaikunda has four distinct seasons- Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter. Of these, spring and autumn are the favorite months for treks and tours to Nepal.

Spring (March, April, May)

Spring is the 2nd favorite month for treks in Nepal. For nature lovers, this can be the season to do treks here or anywhere else in Nepal.

You can enjoy the blooms of the local flora in the Langtang National Park in the spring season. You get views of entire sections of forest covered in pink, red and yellow blooms of rhododendron.

You can enjoy your walk along the park with the scents of pine and maple. The wildlife of the region also come alive after the winter slumber. If lucky, you can spot the endangered red panda on the trek.

The weather conditions in spring are also quite stable. You can enjoy walks in cool, warm and dry weather. The average max. temperatures lie between 18-30 degrees Celsius. The average min. temperature remains around lie 6-18 degrees Celsius. Hence, it is not too hot for walks in the region.

Things to remember for your Gosaikunda Spring Trek

  • Herders bring their Yaks and Chauri herds to the higher elevations during mid-spring. Look out for them.
  • Dress in layers (the mornings and early evening are still cold compared to the warm days).
  • Spring is peak season for treks to the region. Book ahead to get your preferred rooms and tea houses.
  • The last weeks of May can see some rain. So, bring raingear if trekking during these weeks.

Summer (June, July, August)

Summer is also monsoon season in Nepal.

During the non-rainy days, the average max. temperature remains between 22-30 degrees Celsius. And, the average min. temperature lies between 17-21 degrees Celsius.

During the rainy days, it can get colder. It gets an average of around 400-500mm of rainfall per month during these 3 months. Yet, from Dhuche onwards, the trek becomes drier. If you don’t like the rain, try early June for your trek during summer. The local summer season sets in after mid-June.

If you are looking for a comfortable trekking experience or a novice trekker, this season can be difficult. But, if you are looking for some adventure and thrill and enjoy the rain, then this can be the perfect season for you.

Nature comes alive during summer. The vegetation in and around the region is lush and green. The water sources come alive. You can see many streams, waterfalls being born during this season. The lakes appear more full than normal.

Hence, summer trekking in Gosaikunda can be a unique experience. You also get nice surprises of clear, warm days with spectacular views of the landscape and the mountains.

Tips to consider for trekking Gosaikunda during the summer months:

  • Make sure to trek wearing comfortable, ankle support hiking boots. Make sure it has proper grips to avoid tripping on the slippery and muddy trails.
  • Raingear (coat, pants, cover for bags) to stay dry in the rain.
  • Insect repellents, ointments, and salt. (To repel insects, leeches on the trails)

Autumn (September, October, November)

Autumn is the most popular season for treks in Nepal including Gosaikunda Trek.

During autumn, the average max. temperature lies between 20-28 degrees Celsius in Gosaikunda. And the average min. temperature lies between 6-10 degrees Celsius.

The moderate temperatures with the more stable weather conditions make autumn the ideal season for treks here. During this season, you can also enjoy your walks in the Langtang region in warm, dry weather. The trails are also in their best condition.

They are no longer muddy and slippery. You will also find fewer infestations of mosquitoes and leeches during this season.

The clear blue skies during this season also offer breathtaking views of the mountain peaks. Some of the famous ones to look out for are Langtang Lirung, Ganesh, Himalchuli, and Dorje Lakpa.

You can also enjoy the clear views of the surrounding valleys, ridges, and highlands. You can also enjoy a spectacular display of wildflowers.

Things to remember for your Gosaikunda Autumn Trek:

  • There are chances of unseasonal rain during these months. Prepare with the necessary gear.
  • Do have some comfortable, warm clothes. Early mornings and nights can still be quite cold.

Winter (December, January, February)

Till mid-December, you can enjoy the perks of treks in the autumn season in Gosaikunda. Winter settles in only after mid-December.

After this, the high altitude regions of Gosaikunda get snowfall. The trails can get slippery from the snow as well. Yet, you can still enjoy and do Gosaikunda Trek.

During this season, the average max. temperature lies between 18- 22 degree in the Winter. The average min. temperature lies between 2 to -6 degrees Celsius. Hence, it is not as cold as in some other high altitude treks of Nepal.

With proper clothing, equipment, and supplies, you can have a great time in Gosaikunda.

You can witness the frozen lakes, frozen waterfalls. You can also enjoy snowfall in the region with fun-filled games. During winter, you also get some of the best views of snow-capped mountain peaks.

With fewer trekkers on the trails, you can enjoy the tranquillity of the region. You can witness nature in its undisturbed form during these winter months.

Things to remember for your Winter Gosaikunda Trek

  • Pack you snowproof jackets, pants.
  • Sleeping bags suitable for -20°C (-4°F).
  • Be aware of changing weather conditions. During winter, you may notice episodes of heavy snowfalls, blizzards or avalanche.
  • Come mentally and physically prepared for the changing weather conditions.
  • Microspikes or crampons (Great for walking on thick layers of snow).
  • Trekking Poles (can help you with balance on your descent).

Festival to Observe in the Gosaikunda Area

Festivals in Nepal are a grand celebration. Most festivals in Nepal have an association with religion and tradition of Nepal. Hence, they are a great way to enjoy and understand some aspects of the rich culture of Nepal.

Gosaikunda Lake is the center point of one of the most important festivals of the Hindus and Buddhists of Nepal- Janai Purnima. This festival usually takes place during the full moon day of August.

Hindu and Buddhist devotees from all over Nepal and other parts of the world visit Gosaikunda during this day.

Most make pilgrimages to this place. If you visit Gosaikunda during this time for the festival, you will see thousands of devotees on the trails. You will also see them taking a dip in the ice-cold water of Gosaikunda Lake.

The devotees believe that taking a dip in the holy waters of Gosaikunda washes away all their sins. The devotees also enjoy the festival with picnics, parties, and prayers. You are free to witness this annual celebration.

Things to remember for Gosaikunda treks during the festival:

  • Thousands of people flock to Gosaikunda on the day and the week leading to the festival. This leads to overbooking of most lodges, tea houses in the area. Arrive early to get your room and tea house.
  • Pack your trekking gears (tent, sleeping bag). This can come in handy if you don’t get rooms or accommodations along the way.
  • Pack your raingear. (Autumn is still a summer/monsoon month).
  • Pack comfortable trekking, ankle support boots.
  • Few phrases of Nepali words. (helps break the ice if you want to make conversation with the locals).

Things to Remember for Gosaikunda Trek

  • Always stay hydrated. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids while enjoying the marvelous trek. This ensures a safe and comfortable trek.
  • Slow and steady is the pace to strive for. Remember you are on a holiday and relax.
  • Altitude sickness can and do happen on this trek. If you notice any symptoms, stop and descend to the last stop where you didn’t get sick.
  • Consult a doctor before doing this trek. This way you are aware of any sickness or injuries that can or may happen on the trek.
  • This season is possible throughout the year. Yet, the winter and summer trek is more challenging than the spring and autumn trek. Prepare accordingly.
  • Choose a season that you are comfortable with. Do not choose based on popular blogs or recommendations.
  • The date of the festival (Janai Purnima) does change every year. So, inquire ahead if planning to do the trek during festival time.

Final Say,

The four seasons of the year provide you with a different trekking experience to Gosaikunda. You will not only face different conditions on the trails but also get to see different sides to the surrounding flora and fauna.

Regardless of the time you choose, you are bound to have a fabulous experience and memories to take with you.

For any further queries you have of Gosaikunda trek, feel free to contact us. You can also do the same for any other treks and tours in Nepal.


What is the Accommodation like in Gosaikunda Trail?

Gosaikunda is a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists. Hence, you will have a wide range of choices for accommodation and meals during this trek.

In Kathmandu, the choices include everything from basic hostels to 4-5 star hotels. On the trails, you will have choices of basic rooms to standard rooms with attached bathrooms.

For meals, you will have choices of some popular western food (continental, Italian) as well as Nepali and Indian cuisine.

What Other Trails Can You Add to the Gosaikunda Trek?

Gosaikunda lies close to other popular trek destinations like Helambu, Chisapani, Tatopani, Shivapuri. You can add any of these to your itinerary for Gosaikunda Trek.

You can check out the Helambu Gosaikunda Trek Itinerary.

How Fit do I Need to Be to Do the Gosaikunda Trek?

Anyone with a reasonable fitness level can do the Gosaikunda Trek. It is an easy to moderate level trek. You do not need any prior trekking experience to do this trek.

You will walk on rough, uneven and rocky trails. You will also gain altitude during this trek. Hence, having reasonable fitness can lead to a safe and comfortable trek.

If you are novice trekker or a beginner to fitness routines, you can prepare by training ahead. Your training can include running, skipping and other exercises.

What Permits do You Need to do The Gosaikunda Trek?

All foreign trekkers need to get two different permits to do the Gosaikunda Trek. These are:

Langtang Area Regional Permit and Langtang National Park Entry Permit

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