Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

Poon Hill Trek Difficulty

Nepal is one of the best countries you can visit for a fantastic experience. Several trekking destinations in the country offer raw and thrilling adventures. For those beginners, Poon Hill Trek is the best place to start as a shorter trail.

Poon Hill Trek is among the classic and popular trekking destinations of Nepal. The rich vegetation, beautiful trail, and panoramic mountain views make Poon Hill so unique. It is also a part of the trail to Annapurna Base Camp. Thus, the trekkers who trek to the base camp make sure they visit Poon Hill as well.

Trekkers take it as one of the easy to moderate treks in Nepal. But, the definition of ‘difficulty’ may vary for every individual. Poon Hill Trek’s difficulty depends upon different factors. People who indulge in physical activities find this trek quite easy, while a beginner may find it a bit challenging at times.

So, if you wanna know more about what things you should consider during the Poon Hill trek, read along.

Is Poon Hill Really Difficult?

The simple answer is not really. The trek is short and you can complete this within 3-5 days. Trekkers claim the trail is one of the most accessible trails in Nepal.

Not all people feel the same. There are a few things that you must have in mind before trekking to Poon Hill. The path is easy for experienced trekkers or local people. For people who’ve just begun, there are few things that you should know about.

Factors Influencing Poon Hill Trek Difficulty

1. Trekking Trail and Duration

Poonhill trek

Poon Hill Trek is an easy trekking trail compared to other famous treks. The trek is short and does not have any tough challenges along the way. Many people find some sections within the trail a bit challenging.

But, the trail is not easy everywhere and for everyone, especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle.

The trek has an uphill path. So, trekking uphill continuously for hours is quite difficult for many people. Likewise, there are many steps or stairs that you should step on this trek. Most visitors feel walking on several stairs is tougher than trekking through regular trails.

Some people carry a lot of stuff, considering this trek an easy one. But as they trek along, their bags seem to feel heavier. You need to wear full-sleeves as you may come across leeches and insects on this trail.

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2. Seasons and Weather

Ghorepani poonhill

Poon Hill is one of those treks that is possible throughout the year. The trail provides you different experiences in different seasons with varying weather. Weather is a cause that influences the difficulty of the Poon Hill Trek.

Any trekking trail becomes more challenging and difficult if the weather suddenly becomes terrible. During the rainy season, the path becomes slippery and muddy. It makes trekking difficult. You spend more energy and time. Without proper clothing, it’s easy to soak yourself with the rainwater.

Also, the winter is quite chilly in the Annapurna Region. The temperature reaches below zero degrees (Celsius) in winter nights. So, make sure you plan a trek during the best seasons for trekking to Poon Hill.

3. Basic Accommodation and Facilities


You mostly stay in teahouses or small lodges along this trek. They are very basic and provide standard facilities. And by basic, we mean very little stuff within your room. You’ll find a bed, a pillow, and a blanket. That’s all!

So, those of you who can’t live without high standard facilities, you will find it uncomfortable during your trek. Locals run these teahouses. During peak seasons, this place is quite crowded. Most teahouses are fully booked or reserved. You’re lucky if you find a room without pre-booking in peak seasons of Spring and Autumn.

If you trek here during the winter season, you need to bring extra stuff with you. Just one blanket won’t keep you warm. Chilly breeze can enter through some small window or door cracks, and that won’t be pleasing in winter, will it?

So, it’s a good idea to pack some additional lightweight blankets, or even a sleeping bag if possible.

Also, you won’t find rooms with an attached bathroom. You need to pay extra for additional amenities like hot water baths, WiFi, and other stuff.

4. Altitude Sickness

upper dolpo trek

Poon Hill is not a place to worry about Altitude Sickness. All types of people, from the elderly to kids, can trek up to this place. There is a rare chance of getting an acute level of altitude sickness. But, even if this is not a significant concern, you should not let your guard down.

Altitude Sickness is a problem that anyone can have. It can happen at any place located above 3,000 meters of altitude. As Poon Hill is 3,210 meters from the sea level, you should know what can happen and how to deal with it.

Some people can’t handle the sudden changes in the environment due to changes in altitude. Due to the decreasing level of oxygen in the atmosphere, your body feels uncomfortable. So, it’s a wise decision to trek slowly yet with a steady pace.

5. Flight Delays


Some people might have tight schedules of trekking. So, if your domestic flight gets delayed, you may face some difficulties.

There are a limited number of domestic flights per day. And, the weather, as we mentioned earlier, remains quite unpredictable. So, flight delays or even cancellation are something that you should prepare before your trek.

6. No ATM Machines!

ATM Machines

Yes, you read that right.

Although Poon Hill is quite famous, it is still within a remote village area. So, don’t expect to find ATMs in such a place.

You need to carry the national currency, the Nepalese Rupee (NPR). You can easily exchange your money in Kathmandu or Pokhara before beginning the trek.

7. Guide and Porter


If it’s your first time trekking in Nepal, hiring an experienced guide and a porter is a good idea. There are places where you can confuse yourself. Many people say completing the Poon Hill Trek without the proper guidance of an experienced guide means embracing difficulties.

Tourists face language barriers when communicating with people. Sometimes, you don’t get what the people say and are left completely confused. Trekking without a guide means the possibility of getting ripped off by shop owners.

So, a well-experienced guide helps you complete your trek in the easiest way possible.

Also, trekking uphill with heavy bags is not a great idea. Hiring a porter gives you the freedom to walk easily, click photos and enjoy the serenity.

Useful Tips to Avoid Poon Hill Trek Difficulty

  • Go slow and steady while trekking uphill. Also, take rests in between to minimize stress and tiredness.
  • Book rooms before your trek. Peak season means fewer chances of finding rooms in the last hours.
  • Stay hydrated. It’s a wise decision to carry a reusable water bottle.
  • Worn-in and waterproof trekking boots are highly recommended.
  • Have a flexible itinerary, you never know what’s ahead.
  • Carry warm, full-sleeved clothes.
  • Keep all your important documents safely with you all the time.

Final Thoughts

As a whole, Poon Hill Trek Difficulty depends on a person’s physical and mental capacity. It is among the easier treks in Nepal, as there are more challenging and arduous treks in Nepal.

Yet, the feeling of joy and excitement after completing this trek. You see amazing views of peaks like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and many other peaks. Getting to Poon Hill and witnessing the sunrise is worth every time you spend here.