5 Days Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek Difficulty

A must visit place for trekkers and travelers, Nepal offers immensely beautiful places. A variety of routes ranging from: easy to difficult and busy to more tranquil. Among that Mardi Himal trek is one.

Mardi Himal trek is a haven for peace and nature loving trekkers.

Situated right beside the Annapurna Base Camp trekking route, this trek offers a completely different experience.

The trek is a new route and hence a less crowded one too. This trek provides an off the beaten path experience for those of us who like a more tranquil time.

The trek provides magnificent views of the Annapurna I, II, III, IV, Mardi Himal, Machhapuchhre (fishtail) as well as Hiunchuli Mountains. The route passes through beautiful rhododendron forests, rivers, and culturally rich villages.

So, How Difficult is This Trek?

The Mardi Himal trek is gaining popularity for its immense beauty. The trek is a shorter trek of 5 to 10 days and is suitable even for novice trekkers.

Most trekkers rate it as a relatively easy route as it is a teahouse trek. People rate it as easy also because it is one of the shorter treks and the path does not take you to difficult places. But, beginner trekkers do rate it as a medium difficult trek. Because of the exhausting long walks and more uphill climbs.

Each day you walk around 5 to 6 hours on the foothills of Mardi Himal. But, the resting spots between walks make it easier. Even though you will be climbing uphill, the altitude may not become much of a problem. That is because there are well adjusted resting periods scheduled.

The trek takes you up to an altitude of 4,500 m. When you make it up to the Mardi Himal viewpoint the cold wind touches your sore muscles. Then, you definitely feel like the climb was more than worth the breathtaking view of the mountains.

So, this is an easy trek compared to other mountain treks in Nepal.

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Duration of the Trek

The journey begins with a half an hour drive from Pokhara to Phedi. From Phedi, the trek starts through lush green vegetation and rhododendron trees. This gives you a feeling that every step is taking you away into tranquility.

The path ascends into the hills and you will reach Pritam Deurali in about 4 to 5 hours. The climb continues from Pritam Deurali to forest camp. You may feel the route as a tiring track, as the path is more of an uphill climb.

mardi himal trek

The forest camp sits at about a 6 to 7-hour trek from Pritam Deurali.

From the forest camp after climbing for about 5 to 6 hours you will reach low camp. And continue to the high camp in 3 to 4 hours. It is at 3700 meters’ altitude. From the high camp, a breathtaking view of the mountains glazes your eyes. The Annapurna, Machhapuchhre (fishtail), as well as Hiunchuli mountains are some of the mountains you will see.

The next day, the journey begins bright and early. The trek continues up to an altitude of 4500 m up to the viewpoint. The view is astonishing and is sure to captivate you.

The journey down is just as beautiful but relatively a more easy path. You will reach Sidhing village from the high camp in about 6 to 7 hours. Then a final trek to Lumre for 2 to 3 hours. The trip ends in Pokhara after a 2-hour drive.

We organize 8 to 11-days of Mardi Himal Trek. But we are always open to arranging the trek as per your plans and schedule.

You can check an outline of the detailed itinerary, that we currently provide, here:

8-Days Mardi Himal Trek

11-Days Mardi Himal Trek

Type of Trekker

The trek is a short one and is not that difficult for experienced trekkers. But, that does not mean it is difficult for the beginner trekkers. Yet, due to the long exhausting walks (approx 5 to 6 hours a day) and uphills, you may find it quite tiring.

It is better if you get some amount of training or preparation before the trek. But, don’t worry as you do not need any type of hard or trek specific training. Some preparation that you could do is work out and get fit like smaller hikes or even train on the treadmill at the gym.

Anyone can complete this trek if he or she prepares for it. A training or preparation of about 3 weeks may be enough to prepare for this journey.

Altitude Sickness

The trek continues to an altitude of 4,500 m. If you continue slow and gradual you will have less threat of altitude sickness. The first sign that you may experience is shortness of breath.

The lack of a resting period between treks will cause problems. Your body will not get enough time to adjust to the lower atmospheric pressure and oxygen levels. So, we advise you to spare enough resting time between treks as much as possible to avoid sickness.

Even physically fit people can become a victim of altitude sickness. Some signs of altitude sickness can begin at 2000m.

If you notice any signs of altitude sickness it is good to report it immediately. And someone will guide you to a lower altitude for further treatment. Some signs of altitude sickness include nausea being the most common one. Diarrhea, weakness, insomnia can also be the symptoms.

Alcohol causes dehydration in the body. It will be better if you avoid it during the trek. Sleeping pills can also be bad for you. It is a respiratory depressant and can cause difficulty in breathing. So, you should avoid them as much as possible.

Proper hydration is one method to avoid altitude sickness. You may want to carry a water bottle and maintain hydration throughout the trek.

Weather and Temperature

Mardi Himal trek being a trek in the Himalayan region, the weather can turn unpredictable. There are some seasons which are best for making this trek a lot less difficult.

September to November, the autumn season and March to May, the spring is the best time to travel in this region. During September to November in the low altitude regions the daytime temperature is around 15 degree celsius. However, during the night time the temperature may drop to zero. But the chilling night is quite bearable.

During March to May the daytime temperature in the lower altitude region is about 10 degree celsius and at night it reaches just freezing temperature. The temperature drops as you reach to higher altitudes.

In these two seasons, the paths are dry and the weather is much stable.

Autumn gives you the opportunity to observe a riot of colors of the leaves and magnificent sunsets. No wonder it makes it the most recommended season for Mardi Himal Trek.

In the spring you will be able to enjoy the blooming rhododendron trees and clear skies. But you may want to carry sun protection and enjoy the dripping beauty of nature under the sun too.

But if you want to have a less crowded experience you can also travel during the winter which is December through February. Since it is a mountain trek the already cold weather becomes even colder. So, you need to be wise as you prepare for this trek.

In the monsoon season, heavy rains may be problematic. A professional guide and proper gear should keep problems at bay. Be sure to carry insect repellents and ointments in case of insects and leeches.

mardi himal trek

Items to Carry

You will be walking for long periods of time and mostly through forests and remote villages. You explore diverse terrains and weather conditions so, it is good to walk well equipped.

Here’s a list of few things you need to carry for this trek. Some are

Clothing and Shoes

You will be walking most of the time outdoors so, comfortable clothes is a most. The weather will definitely be cold in the higher altitude. Thus, make sure to pack warm clothes.

Besides, make sure you carry along the breathable clothes for treks. And it is best to plan your clothing in layers.

You may want to take the following list as a reference while you pack.

  • 2 pairs of Comfortable Trekking shoes
  • 7 pairs of Trekking Socks
  • 2 well insulating jackets
  • 1 pair of rain jacket and pant
  • 3 pairs of gloves
  • 1 sun hat
  • 3 pairs of warm thermal wear
  • A few pairs of clean underwear
  • 2 pairs of trekking pants
  • 1 comfortable sleeping bag


  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sunblock
  • Towel
  • Soap and shampoo
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Talcum powder
  • First aid kit
  • Sanitary napkins/Tampons


These are some documents you should carry with you at all times.

  • Passport
  • Local currency
  • Travel permits


mardi himal trek

The Mardi Himal trek is a perfect getaway for a beginner as well as experienced trekkers alike. It provides an amazing experience and stunning views of mountains, forests, and the rural villages of Nepal.

Furthermore, the trek is a short one and doable for anyone with a little bit of preparation.

The experience is a lifetime kind of experience. The trek is perfect for nature lovers who want to experience nature and love to trek.

The difficulty level of any trek depends on a lot of things, be sure to focus on your strong aspects and go accordingly. This way you will be able to make the best out of the trek.

If you have any queries or need to work your schedule out, please feel free to contact us.

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