Mera Peak Weather

Nepal is the perfect place for adventure seekers. There are lots of challenging as well as easy climbing routes. Mera Peak is among the challenging yet beautiful routes.

The tallest trekking peak in Nepal, Mera Peak stands at an altitude of 6,476 m. And with the ever changing and unpredictable weather patterns in the Mera Peak, you should be well-prepared to get the best out of it.

Mera peak situates in the Solukhumbu district of Sagarmatha zone of Nepal. The place is most popular among trekkers for the Everest trekking routes.

The weather in this region is cold even in the monsoon season as it is a mountain climb.

But, different people have different preferences. It is up to you to choose the season in which you would like to travel. If you are well prepared and choose a season that suits you the best, Mera Peak is a breath-taking adventure.

The views are spectacular year around.

Mera peak climbing is an adventure in itself. It is a must visit trek for the people who live off the adventures. It is necessary for the adventurers to be physically fit as it is a challenging trek.

It will provide you the opportunity to see magnificent views of various mountains. Lhotse, Choyu, Ama Dablam, Kanchanjunga, and Makalu are some of them. It also offers the best view of the Everest among others.

Mera Peak Weather in Different Season

Spring at Mera Peak

Spring is one of the best seasons to go trekking in Nepal. It is the same case at the Mera peak. The months of March, April and May is the spring season in Nepal.

As it is with spring season everywhere, the flowers start to bloom.

Spring is popular among trekkers as the views seen during the climb are truly magnificent. This is because the skies are clear most of the time and the sun is bright.

The temperature during the daytime on average is 10 degree Celsius. While during night time it may drop to an average of – 4 degree Celsius.

In the spring you may find many snow puddles because of the warm weather. Be sure you pack a pair of rain jacket and trousers. Traction spikes also become an important gear during any mountain trek.

A well insulated jacket should also be in your packing list during this season. Also, it is best to wear clothing in layers so that the uphill climb and the heat during the day doesn’t make you uncomfortable.

The trees are full of leaves and the beautiful sounds of birds chirping from dawn through dusk. In addition, you will be able to see Rhododendron flowers covering lots of forests in the lower altitudes.

Along with rhododendron, you will be able to experience various other species of flowers, birds, and animals.

However, as it is the most beautiful and as a result popular time for trekkers you may see a little bit of a crowd. But it does mean that you will get to meet several interesting people from different parts of the world. Each with amazing travel stories of their own to share.

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Monsoon at Mera Peak

The months of June, July and August are the monsoon season in Nepal.

During this season you may have to experience certain unexpected rains or snowfall. Due to the rains, the paths may get slippery and this may be a lot challenging.

Not everyone likes to trek in the rain, which is why the route is less crowded.

Be sure to get yourself a good guide and proper preparation before heading out on this trek. As the trek gets a little more difficult than usual because of rain and slippery trails.

The average daytime temperature during this season is around 15 degree Celsius. But it may drop if it starts to rain.

The monsoon is sure to bring a lot of rainfall so, a rain jacket and trousers are a must. Be sure you pack waterproof shoes/boots as well.

Pack enough fresh underwear to last you throughout the trek. The weather is quite humid so your clothes may not dry on time.

Autumn at Mera Peak

Autumn season is the other most popular season to trek in this region. The months of September, October and November are autumn seasons in Nepal.

October marks the best month to travel the mountains.

This season is popular for a reason. The monsoon creates lots of waterfalls and during this season you will find the air even fresher. And, you will witness the vegetation and landscapes washed by the monsoon rain.

The average temperature during the autumn is about 12 degree celsius during the day. But will fall during the night for sure.

The beautiful sunsets seen during the autumn months is also the cherry on top. You can end your day’s tiresome yet astonishing walk sitting in a tea house, sipping hot tea and watching the breathtaking sunset.

But, as it is Autumn the temperature does start to go down and will reach below freezing which is quite cold. For this reason, you may want to carry extra warm clothes. Along with that, you should carry anti-leech lotions to avoid the leeches that may emerge in lower altitudes.

You should pack a few pairs of fleece lined clothing. You should also pack insulating jackets and waterproof boots for this season trek.

Despite those difficulties, you may find autumn to be the best season to trek Mera peak. Be sure to pre-book your trip as it does get crowded soon.

Winter at Mera peak

The months of December, January, and February are winters in Nepal. During these months the temperature drops drastically, especially in the mountain region.

The temperature can fall down up to -20 degrees on average during this season. This season is great for the souls who enjoy the snowy adventure.

Despite the cold temperature, you can opt for this trek with the right guides and preparation. The weather is quite stable and dry so the route isn’t as slippery. Although there’s freezing cold in the high altitudes, the temperature in the lower parts is tolerable.

The winter months will call for heavy snowfall. You should pack your snow boots, insulating jackets, and mittens. A thick insulating jacket is a must for this chilling cold weather.

Along with those be sure you pack fleece lined, full sleeve thermal wear. You should also pack easily drying underwear or pack enough fresh underwears for the whole trek. You may not be able to dry your underwear due to the humid and cold weather.

As this is an off-season, the trails will be quite empty. It’s a bonus for solitude lover like you. Due to the less number of people, the tea houses will be less crowded and you may get discounts as well.

But, extra preparation and training is a must if you want to visit Mera peak during the winter. Because it is a hard trek and becomes a bit harder during the winter months.

How to go to Mera Peak?

The journey to reach Mera peak is just as amazing as the destination. You will get to indulge in the beauty of the landscapes as well as several villages in Nepal.

The temperature will be warmer but can get a bit chilly as you enter the mountain region.

Your journey begins with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. While in Kathmandu the weather is quite warm. The average temperature is about 20 degree Celsius. However, in Lukla it is 10 degree Celsius. The weather gets colder as you go higher.

The flight will provide you the opportunity to see breathtaking views of the mountains. You are sure to feel overwhelmed in this electrifying flight.

After landing at the Lukla Airport, you start walking to the summit of the peak. After a 3 to 4 hour easy hike you will reach Paiya. From Paiya, after a 6-hour trek, you will reach Panguam. From there to Nagindingma in about 4 to 5 hours.

The hike becomes hard as you pass Cholem Kharka and until you reach Kothe. After having a early breakfast and a 3 hour trek you will reach Khare. You will have to rest and acclimatize in Khare. After the journey, you will reach Mera Base Camp. It is the coldest and the most challenging from the base camp to the peak.

Finally, you head towards a warmer place on your journey back to Kathmandu.

For a detailed itinerary of the trek, you can check the link below,

16 days Mera Peak Climbing

19 days Mera Peak Climbing

or contact us for further details and adjustments on the package.

Interesting Facts about Mera peak

  • Mera peak is the highest trekking peak and stands at an altitude of 6476 m.
  • The best season for the trek like most other treks in Nepal is the monsoon/Spring season(March- August). And, the Autumn season (September- November).
  • On a clear day, you will be able to see many mountains. Mt. Everest (8848 m) being the most popular one. The others being Cho Oyu (8201m), Lhotse(8516 m), Kanchanjunga(8586 m), and Makalu(8463m)

Some Tips To Remember Before Your Trek

  • The Mera Peak Climb is quite strenuous and difficult.
  • Be sure that you prepare yourself for the climb. You may want to train for at least a month before you go on the climb. The physical fitness of the trekker is a necessity for this climb.
  • The best seasons (spring and autumn)are more crowded than others. If you are going during those seasons be sure that you book your trip well in advance.
  • The health and hygiene of the trekker should be intact. There are very few hospitals in the area. So, be sure that you are in proper health and contact your guide immediately if any signs of health issues come up.
  • Be sure to carry important hygiene items. Items such as hand sanitizers and sanitary napkins/tampons as well as other important items as they will not be easily available.
  • Do not take alcohol and/or sleeping pills. They may have adverse effects and can be a major contributor to causing altitude sickness.
  • It will be better if you hire porters if you want the trek to be easier. It will also help you to enjoy your trek even fuller and better.
  • The weather in the region can be quite unpredictable. So, do pack your clothes accordingly.
  • At this high altitude, altitude sickness does become a major problem. Nausea, Insomnia, Weakness, Diarrhea are some common symptoms. Taking rests between climbs is also a good way to combat altitude sickness.
  • Be sure that you keep hydrated but don’t overdo it. Overhydration can also become a problem.

Final Say,

The Mera peak climb is one of the most adventurous and amazing treks. Even though some seasons are more preferred over others the trek is beautiful all year round.

If you do choose the colder seasons be sure to pack extra layers of warm clothing and gadgets. Because the temperature drops to – 20-degree Celsius on average during night time.

The trek is one of the more challenging treks. So, the most important thing is that you must be physically fit and have proper training. You should prepare for the trek early.

You should keep in mind the weather variations and its fluctuations. So, plan, prepare, and pack accordingly.

If you have any questions regarding the Mera Peak climb and/or want to book a trip you can contact us .

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