Best Time To Climb Mera Peak

Mera Peak (6,476m) is one of the most popular climbing peaks in Nepal. Where the season of autumn and spring marks the best time for this climbing. Yet, this climb is possible throughout the year with proper preparations.

Mera Peak climbing is doable for an amateur as well as an experienced climber. The weather up in these altitudes do tend to become quite unstable. This weather along with freezing temperature adds to the thrill and excitement of the Mera Peak climb.

For any avid trekker, a season is never a hurdle, but a challenge and motivation to make the best of the journey. But if you are a beginner, it is best to choose the best season for Mera Peak climb.

Allow us to tell you more about the different seasons and weather conditions in and around Mera Peak.

Seasons at Mera Peak

Nepal has different ranges of temperature and weather conditions within the country. This is due to the diverse landscape and altitude. Nepal enjoys 4 different seasons.

The temperatures may vary from place to place but the seasons is the same throughout the country. Spring, Summer (monsoon), autumn (fall) and winter are the four seasons of Nepal.

Each of these seasons lasts around 3 months.

Autumn and spring are the best seasons for treks and climbs in Nepal.

Autumn at Mera Peak

Autumn season is the most popular season to trek in Nepal including climbs to Mera Peak. Autumn seasons lasts throughout September, October, and November. October is the best of the three to trek to the higher regions of Nepal.

September marks the beginning of autumn. You can enjoy the remnants of monsoon in early September. All the rivers, waterfalls, lakes in the regions will be in their full glory. You can see many streams and waterfalls that are not seen in the other months.

You can also enjoy the lush green forest and vegetation of the air. The air is also crisp and fresh after the monsoon. The average temperature during the autumn is about 12 degree Celsius during the day. During the nights, the temperature drops around 6-8 degrees Celsius.

The average temperature starts to drop by mid-November. For this, you must carry some extra pair of warm clothing. This includes insulated jackets, waterproof coats, and boots. You can enjoy light snowfall during the end of November.

You can enjoy some of the most stable, dry, and clear weather conditions during autumn. You get the best of everything during this time. From clear skies to perfect sunrises and sunsets, the Mera Peak climb is fabulous during autumn. Thus, the trails are at its busiest during this season.

You need to pre-book everything- tea houses, rooms, flights for Mera Peak Climb this time of the year.

Highlights of Mera Peak Climb in autumn

  • Clear, dry, and stable weather conditions
  • Amazing visibility making for great views of the mountains and surrounding landscapes
  • Great sunrise and sunset views with the mountains as a backdrop

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Spring at Mera Peak

Spring is one of the best seasons to trek in Nepal. March, April, and May are the spring months here. These months are remarkable for climbs to Mera Peak.

For nature lovers, treks and climbs in Nepal during spring is an added bonus.

You can see the flowers in full bloom. The lower regions of Mera Peak have colorful blossoms of rhododendron and other wildflowers. You may encounter some beautiful flora and fauna in alpine vegetation.

The weather is also clear and dry with amazing visibility. You can get great pictures of forests covered with red, pink, and white blossoms.

From March the temperatures start to increase. The snow on the trails will start to melt with this. You can still find snow puddles on the trails during March.

Be sure to pack a pair of rain jacket and trousers. Traction spikes also become an important gear during treks up mountains.

The average daytime temperature is 10 degrees Celsius during Spring. It does drop to -4 degrees Celsius during the nights. Make sure to pack a down jacket. The temperatures in March are still cold. The jacket will also come in handy during the cold nights and early morning.

If you are going through the Everest Base Camp route, you are bound for a surprise. You can actually meet professional and actual climbers to Mt. Everest.

The colorful trails and the clear weather conditions result in crowds. You can meet people with similar goals and keep yourself motivated. Have fun making a lifetime of colorful memories.

Highlights of Mera Peak Climb in Spring

  • Colorful blossoms of rhododendron and subalpine flowers
  • Clear and dry weather with great visibility
  • Opportunity to meet like-minded people

Monsoon/Summer at Mera Peak

Nepal enjoys a wet summer. It lasts for the months of June, July, and August. You will experience torrential rains or snowfall during this season. The trails do get a bit muddy due to the rain.

If you don’t mind the rain, it can be a great climb. You will have some surprise days with clear weather and scenery.

Due to the rain and slippery trails, this season sees a fewer crowd. Having an experienced guide and support staff is a must for this season. The trek and final push to the summit will be more challenging than usual.

The average daytime temperature is around 15 degrees Celsius. It is higher on the lower regions of the trails. The temperature does drop when it rains. Be prepared with proper rain gear and clothing during this season. A good pair of rain jacket, trousers, and boots are a must. Make sure you also have a rain cover for your luggage and backpack as well.

Make sure you pack some extra pair of clothes. The rain and humid weather do not allow time for your clothes to dry. Along with that, you should carry anti-leech lotions. The leeches will emerge in the lower altitudes along with some other pests.

Highlights of Mera Peak Climb in Summer (monsoon)

  • Less crowded trails
  • Surprises of clear weather and great visibility
  • Added thrill and adventure

Winter at Mera Peak

The months for the local winter season are December, January, and February. From December, Mera Peak tends to get very windy. You can expect a cold condition.

Having the right clothes, equipment, and supplies suitable for the extreme cold weather is a must for a successful Mera Climb. The winter months are great for those who enjoy the snowy adventure.

With the right preparation and equipment, Mera Peak climb is absolutely blissful.

After high camp, temperatures can drop to -30 degrees Celsius. During this season you have to consider the wind chill factor as well. There is often a gale blowing. The speed of wind can reach to 80 km/h at times.

Winter allows some weather window of opportunity. You will climb Mera Peak during these windows.

Only professional climbers should opt for the Mera Peak climb during winter.

This is an off-season so, the trails and tea houses will be less crowded. You may get discounts on the cost of your rooms, flights, and on permits as well.

Extra winter preparation and training is a must if you want to climb Mera peak during these months. This trek is quite a challenge in winter. The temperature in the lower parts is tolerable.

Highlights of Mera Peak Climb in Winter

  • An actual snowy Xmas/ New Year in the Himalaya
  • Good deals on flights to Lukla
  • Clear weather with great visibility till Base Camp

Extra tips for Mera Peak Climb

  • Mera Peak is a climb. There are no tea houses after Mera Base Camp. Hence, you must be prepared for camping.
  • You must be ready with the right mountaineering gears and supplies required for cold, hostile environment.
  • The right acclimatization schedule is crucial to a successful Mera Peak climb.
  • Break in your trekking equipment. This way you can update or replace or buy new ones if needed.
  • Train in your trekking and mountaineering boots. This way you will be comfortable walking in them on your actual trek.
  • If possible, get to know your guide and support staff. Your life will be on their hands. Getting comfortable with them and making changes before your actual trek is better.
  • Make sure to dress in layers. You can easily add or remove a layer when the weather changes.
  • This climb requires some basic mountaineering skills. You may need to use crampons, harness, ice axe to climb Mera Peak. If you don’t have the skills for these, indulge in a basic mountaineering training course.
  • Along with the natural beauty of the destination and surrounding landscape, indulge in the diverse culture of the locals as well. This gives you a well-rounded trekking experience to the Himalaya.

Final Say,

The climb to Mera Peak is as amazing and awe-inspiring as the summit itself. The temperatures on the lower region will be higher than in the higher regions. Be prepared with the right equipment and supplies.

The Mera Peak climb is possible throughout the year yet, autumn and spring being the peak season. Make your choice depending on the level of challenge and preferences you have.

You can choose from a variety of itineraries and trekking routes to Mera Peak. Also feel free to contact us on any queries you may have about Mera Peak climb or any other treks or tours in Nepal.

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