Mera Peak Difficulty | How Hard is Mera Peak

Mera Peak (6476m) is one of the highest climbing peaks of Nepal. It is a great introduction to high altitude climbs and a practice climb before going for the mountain expeditions.

Climbing Mera Peak is not as difficult as other mountain expeditions. Yet, there are several issues which make the climb difficult at some point.

So, How Hard is the Climb to Mera Peak?

During Mera Peak climbing you walk to the higher altitudes so you have high chances of altitude sickness. And the snowy surrounding may make your climbing a bit difficult. But, with proper peak climbing skills, appropriate gears, and physically fit body you can successfully conquer this peak.

The journey to Mera Peak is somewhere between a trek and a climb. For most parts of the trip, the journey to Mera Peak is like a regular trek. On the last push to the summit, it becomes a climb.

The Mera Peak is a PS (Physically Strenuous) grade in terms of climbing difficulty.

Some of the main factors that determine the difficulty level of your Mera Peak climb area as follows:

  • Duration of your trip
  • The route you chose for the climb
  • The distance you cover in the whole trip
  • Weather Conditions of the place you are climbing to
  • Physical Fitness during the climb
  • Altitude Sickness at the highest points of the peak
  • Basic Mountaineering Training for peak climbing
  • Type of trekking

All of these factors play a role in determining the difficulty level of your journey to Mera Peak. Once you have read through all these factors, you can decide how hard Mera Peak is for yourself.


For a trip to Mera Peak, the longer the duration, the more comfortable and less challenging the journey.

A trip to Mera Peak (6476m) gives you an experience of climbing in the lower realm of the death zone(5500m). In such places, you must continue gradually and spend enough time for rest. At such points, you cannot compromise on your health. Can you?

Your body can adapt to this altitude with the right acclimatization schedule and the right training.

The longer duration usually helps with this. You have enough days to adjust to the high altitudes.

Hence, the difficulty level of Mera Peak depends on your duration. The shorter the duration, the less time your body gets to become familiar with the increasing altitudes. Thus, shorter durations are riskier than the longer ones.

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There are a few different ways to reach Mera Peak. The route you choose determines the difficulty level of your Mera Peak journey.

Route 1: The direct route

The shortest and the most difficult route is the direct route to Mera Peak. Once you land in Lukla, you head straight to Zatr La Pass at (4610m). From there you trek to Tagnag to Base Camp. From there you push on to High Camp and then to the summit.

This route has the least level of success rate (less than 30%). Even the experienced climbers can find this route challenging. With very less time for acclimatization, this route poses many difficulties to the inexperienced trekkers.

Mera Peak Climbing

Route 2:

This is the widely preferred route for the summit.

Fly into Lukla. Once in Lukla, you trek towards the north to Paiya. You trek through the remote and beautiful villages in Solukhumbu. You will have the opportunity to explore the majestic Hinku valley.

Some of the beautiful, quaint little villages that you pass through on this route are Panguam, Nagindingma, Kothe. From there, you can trek from Tagnag to Khare.

After Khare, you will hike to Mera Base Camp. From Mera Base Camp, you will trek to High Camp. From here you will finally climb to the summit of Mera Peak.

The return journey is more rapid but a relaxed one.

The route gives you plenty of time to acclimatize to the high altitude. As you proceed further, you gradually ascend to the changing altitudes.

You will have a few days of trekking at altitudes of 2700-2900m. From there you will slowly trek to altitudes of 3000+ m and slowly towards 4000+m and so on. This helps to reduce unnecessary complications.

Our 19 days Mera Peak climb route is a perfect example of this route.

Route 3:

After flying to Lukla, you will follow the Everest Base Camp trek route. This will take you to Namche Bazaar, the highest trade center of the world.

From there, you trek to Mera Base Camp then to High Camp and finally to the summit. From the summit, you head back the same way.

This route is great for people who have never been to Everest Base Camp. You can explore two Base Camps in one trip on this route.

Both route 2 and 3 are great for you. These routes give your body an opportunity to get used to the changing altitudes. You also get to explore the remote regions of Nepal in a relaxed and comfortable way. The success rates of this routes are higher. These are great options for the inexperienced trekker and climber.


The average Mera Peak trek is 78-mile long. The trails begin with a beautiful and comfortable trek in the rhododendron and pine forests.

After these, you walk past the trails littered with glaciers that rest in the lap of tall mountains. You will be trekking on rough terrains, along glaciers, crevasses, and climbing to the summit.

To help you cope with the distance, try walking similar distances on rough terrains.

Weather conditions

The weather conditions at the high altitudes are unpredictable. A perfectly good day can turn into blizzards. And with the change in the weather conditions, the difficulty level of this trek also varies.

So, you must choose the season and weather of Mera that is ideal for you. This way you can guarantee a great experience in your Mera Peak climb.

Having said that, the best time to climb Mera Peak is during late April, May, late September or October.

Generally, these months have the best weather conditions. The weather is more stable. The days are warm and dry, perfect for treks to Nepal.

If you do decide on other months, you need to prepare for colder conditions, which may include more snow. You will also need to adjust your gear and equipment for this.

Physical Fitness

You must be physically fit to go on any trips or treks. And, Mera Peak climbing is no exception.

Having some level of physical fitness is the key to a comfortable and successful Mera Peak climb.

You can achieve this by improving your core fitness and lung capacity a few months ahead of your actual trek.

If going to the gym is not your cup of tea, try going for a few decent hill climbs if you can. Or, go for week long treks to nearby places. These will give you actual practice of walking for long hours on uneven terrains.

This trek is a physically demanding trek. It is suitable only for people with some level of physical fitness.

Altitude Sickness

At a height of 6461m, altitude sickness is a huge possibility. The effects of altitude are different for everyone.

The most important thing to note is: you can manage the minor symptoms with the right medications. Yet, if symptoms continue and worsen, then you must stop and descent. This sickness is not worth the risk.

The Peak is always there, you can continue this trip some other time. Personal safety is always the main priority.

Basic Mountaineering Training

The Mera Peak climb is not a technically challenging peak. But, having some mountaineering experience is a great bonus.

If you don’t have any, take a basic mountaineering training course. During the final push of Mera Peak climb, you will need to use some technical mountain climbing equipment. You will need to use crampons, harness, ice axe.

The basic course will prepare you with these skills along with altitude training.

This might add the extra experience and confidence you need to go into your Mera Peak adventure. You can contact us for the training.

Some great mountaineering training is available in Khare and Kathmandu.

Phachermo Peak Climbing

Type of trekking

During Mera Peak Climbing trip, you follow two types of trekking.

Teahouse trekking:

In these type of treks, you will be sleeping in tea houses along the trekking routes. When in lower altitudes, you find enough teahouses en route for your easy accommodations.


You will be setting up tents and making your own meals and drinks on these type of treks. On the Mera Peak trip, camping will be compulsory after reaching Mera Base Camp. You will sleep in tents out in the elements during the nights.

You must prepare yourself to sleep at least 5 nights in the beautiful outdoors. If camping is your forte, this will not be difficult. You will be comfortable with sleeping and managing a good level of hygiene and comfort in camping.

The weather condition is unpredictable at this altitude. It can change drastically, with a wide range of conditions: from warm to cold or windy and snowy. If you are not used to camping, then this might become a challenge for you.

Mera Peak Trip Summary

The Mera Peak trek/climb is not a walk in the park.

The journey starts off comfortably. You will trek through lush green valleys, terraced farmland, and gorgeous rhododendron and pine forests.

After 2/3 days of this comfortable walk, you will reach the Hinku Nup Glacier. It looks like a straightforward traverse. You may still have to use harness, crampons, ice axe if the weather demands it.

After this, you will trek towards Mera Glacier. You will cross this glacier while going up the spectacularly-located Mera High Camp. From Mera High Camp you’re going to trek to the summit of Mera Peak. It isn’t technically difficult but you do need some basic technical mountaineering skills. Stamina is also a huge factor in getting past this bit.

You may also need to use a steep fixed rope ascent in the final thirty meters if the weather demands it.

Once on the peak, you will get your reward. You can enjoy the views of some of the highest mountains in the world including Mt. Everest from here. Along with Mt. Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, and Cho Oyu. You will be standing amidst a stunning panorama of the highest mountains on earth.

After a great time on the peak, you descend down. You will pass the legendary and photogenic Zatrwa La Pass on your way down.

Mera Peak climb is a great adventure perfect for the adventure seeker in you.

There is only one way to know for sure about how difficult Mera Peak is going to be for you. That’s right, by going on a trip here.

Tips for climbing Mera Peak

  • Make sure you are carrying all the right clothing, gear, and equipment. The higher altitudes have less predictable weather. You will need the right gear, clothing, and equipment to suit the changing weather conditions of Mera Peak.
  • If you have never been camping or have no outdoor experience, you should try and go on one. Have this experience before your actual climb to Mera Peak. This will give you a hands-on experience in managing yourself in a wilderness camping environment.
  • New boots on long trips are a huge no. It can lead to uncomfortable experiences of blisters, a feeling of discomfort, ache. Make sure you have the right pair of worn-in footwear. You will need to have a pair of trekking boots and mountaineering boots.
  • Check your equipment, gears, and supplies before setting on your actual trek. Update your equipment if needed. Make sure your crampons fit snugly on your mountaineering boots.
  • Check the credentials of your climbing guide. Your life is at their hands. They are the ones who will fix the ropes, manage the training, pace the team, fix the ladders, and lead the way.
  • If possible, get to know your guides before your actual trek. This way if you are not comfortable, you can opt for another one.

Final Say,

A climb to Mera Peak is a great and thrilling adventure. It is a great way to experience the Himalaya climbing experience for a novice trekker or climber.

Mera Peak difficulty depends on a number of factors. The hardness of Mera Peak is a personal experience. However, it is PS or Physically strenuous in the ratings of difficulty level.

To make it easier for you, train yourself, take the necessary steps to prepare yourself. Mental preparedness is as vital as physical training. You need both the strength and endurance to do Mera Peak.

If climbing a high altitude peak and experiencing the Himalaya trekking experience has been a lifelong dream, then go for Mera Peak.

If you have any inquiries about your climb to Mera Peak or any other treks and tours in Nepal, feel free to contact us or visit our website.

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